
  • 网络asset transfer;transfer of Assets;assignment;asset deal
  1. 第二章对我国SPV运行中涉及的第一个法律问题即资产转让的法律问题进行分析。

    Chapter ⅱ a legal issue involved in our country the SPV run in the legal transfer of assets .

  2. 国有产权所有者在确定资产转让价格时存在矛盾。

    State-owned property rights owners have contradictions in determining the transfer of assets at the time of Pricing .

  3. 去年6月,他主动关闭了自己的公司并签字将资产转让给了其他人。

    Last June , he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else .

  4. 除了OECD原来规定的传统方法以外,又陆续出现了很多无形资产转让定价调整的新方法,各有利弊和适用的条件。

    Besides the traditional methods that fixed by OECD originally , new methods are put forward successively .

  5. TOT项目融资中国有资产转让定价的博弈分析

    How to Fix the Price of the National Assets , the Game Theory in the TOT Project Finance

  6. 市政公用设施TOT项目,是一种兼具国有资产转让、特许经营管理、项目融资等多重法律关系的项目类型。

    TOT for public utilities is a kind of project covering several legal relations like state-owned assets transfer , concession and project financing .

  7. 引入OECD和美国关于无形资产转让定价的部分立法,以供后文为我国提出立法建议参考。

    Then it introduces the tax law concerning on intangible assets transfer pricing in the USA and regions ruled by OECD partly in order to be used for references .

  8. 周二,澳大利亚矿商AtlasIron曾要求将其股票停牌,以便在铁矿石近期出现暴跌之后,审核其运营和资本,以及拟议中的资产转让。

    On Tuesday , Australian miner Atlas Iron requested a suspension of trading in its shares while it reviews its operations and capital , as well as proposing asset sales in light of the recent rapid fall in the iron ore price .

  9. 从证券化机构(SPV)的设立及运作、资产转让、证券发行、交易等阶段来考察,我国证券化的法律环境基本具备,但相关的细节仍需通过修改或解释予以完善。

    After researching into SPV 's establishment and operation , asset transference , security issue and deal , the legal conditions in our country are basically eligible for securitization , but some law details on securitization must be modified and interpreted .

  10. 信贷资产转让业务异化及其对金融监管的启示

    Credit Assets Transferring Transaction Alienation & Enlightenments for Financial Regulation

  11. 那些资产转让到了他妻子的名下。

    The assets were transferred into his wife 's name .

  12. 企业固定资产转让中的风险及防范措施

    The Risks in Enterprise 's Fixed Asset Transfer and Countermeasures

  13. 转轨时期国有企业资产转让价格过低的形成机制分析

    The forming mechanism of the transfer price of state-owned enterprise assets in transition

  14. 我看信贷资产转让回购业务

    My View on Credit Asset Transfer Repurchase Operation

  15. 最终的归属的资产转让,或不得转让。

    The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred , or may not transfer .

  16. 第四章是对经营性国有资产转让价格的估计。

    Chapter Four is to estimate the transfer price of the state-owned running assets .

  17. 应该按照金融合成分析法将资产转让确认为销售处理;

    The second is transfer assets should be treated as true sale with financial component approach .

  18. 第六章:我国管理层收购国有资产转让定价问题及制度完善。

    Chapter six : the problem on pricing of shares transfer of MBO in state-owned enterprise .

  19. 更一般地,在国有产权进行转让时,必须对涉及的国有资产转让价格进行估计。

    More normally , the transfer price of state-owned assets must be estimated when transferring state-owned property .

  20. 近年来,国有企业资产转让中国有资产流失犯罪问题日趋严重。

    In recent years , asset loss crime has become more and more serious for national enterprises .

  21. 相关法律法规并未对企业因资产转让引起用人单位主体变化做出规定。

    Relevant laws and regulations have not defined the change of employing unit subject arising from asset transfer .

  22. 要达到风险隔离的效果,则需要通过发起人将资产转让给特定目的机构的操作方式来实现。

    Risk-remote is achieved when the originator transfers the assets to the Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) .

  23. 证券类资产转让方案应当报国务院证券监督管理机构批准。

    Securities assets transferring proposal should be submitted to securities regulatory authority under the State Council for approval .

  24. 鲜见从法律角度针对无形资产转让定价进行研究的成熟成果。

    It is rare to see mature researchs on intangible assets transfer pricing from a legal point of view .

  25. 资产转让中的法律问题主要是基础资产和转让方式的法律问题。

    Legal issues in the transfer of assets are the basis of assets and transfer of the legal issues .

  26. 诺基亚将塞班系统研发和服务部门转移到埃森哲,属于企业资产转让。

    Nokia transferring its Symbian System R & D and Service departments to Accenture belongs to enterprise asset transfer .

  27. 第二,证券化基础资产转让过程中涉及的法律问题:笔者对基础资产转让的通行方式分析比较,并着重分析了从属参与、信托、债权转让三个方面,提出我国的可行性作法;

    The second issue is mainly concerned with legal issues arising out of transfer process of basic assets under securities .

  28. 双方在资产转让时,约定由埃森哲接收该部分资产转让所涉及的员工。

    During this process , both parties have agreed on that Accenture will receive employees involved in such asset transfer .

  29. 通过论述其法律内涵得出资产转让的本质和可能产生的法律后果。

    The nature of assets transfer and its legal outcome has been figured out through the research on its legal relations .

  30. 米克尔和贾丁承认,作为资产转让的一部分,他们接收了他们事后认为宁可不要的员工。

    Mr Meikle and Mr Jardine admit that as part of the assets transfer they inherited people that , with hindsight , they would rather have avoided .