
  • 网络Asset;asset quality
  1. 第二部分为本课题研究对象Z县农村信用社信贷资产质量状况及评价。

    Part 2 is the status and evaluation of the credit asset quality of the research object & " Z county Rural Credit Union " .

  2. 郭树清淡化了外界对中国房地产泡沫及其可能损害银行资产质量的忧虑,表示抵押贷款的价值仅相当于GDP的15%,远低于欧洲和美国的水平。

    Mr Guo played down concerns about China 's property bubble and the damage that could do the banks ' asset quality , saying the value of mortgages is only about 15 per cent of GDP , much lower than in Europe and the US .

  3. 通常来说,ABS融资额越大,基础资产质量就会越高,这样能降低ABS的融资成本。

    Generally speaking , the greater the money ABS gather , the higher quality of fundamental asset , it can reduce the ABS financing costs .

  4. 目前我国金融业面临WTO的挑战,2001年新的巴塞尔协议出台,也对银行的资产质量和自有资本,内部风险控制提出了更高的要求。

    At present the finance industrial in china faces great challenges , and the proclamation of Basel Agreements makes a higher requirement on the capital quality 、 free capital and internal risk controlling .

  5. 标普因此将HSBCFinance的AA信用前景评级从此前的“正面”下调到了“稳定”,以此反映该行信贷资产质量出现下降的状况。

    S & P revised the outlook on HSBC Holdings'double-A credit rating to stable from positive , to reflect the lower quality of the unit 's lending portfolio .

  6. 特别是我国加入WTO后,以资金雄厚、经营管理先进、资产质量优良为优势的外资银行对我国内资银行业的生存和发展构成了一定冲击。

    Especially after joining in WTO , for its rich fund , advanced management and fine assets quality , the foreign bank forms certain impact to the existence and development of the domestic bank .

  7. 落实全面风险管理,提高资产质量,是城市商业银行面临的重大课题。X城市商业银行的发展里程在同行业中具有一定的代表性。

    Therefore , implements of comprehensive risk management and improving the quality of assets of the city commercial banks will be a major issue which city commercial banks have to face . X city commercial bank is a certain representation in business .

  8. 在中国所有银行中,农行历来是资产质量最差、不良贷款比率最高的一家,这也是它在IPO方面落后竞争对手这么远的原因之一&大部分竞争对手都已在2005年和2006年上市。

    ABC Bank has traditionally had the worst asset quality and the highest bad loan ratio of all the banks ; a reason it has lagged so far behind its competitors , most of which carried out IPOs in 2005 and 2006 .

  9. 通过分析,JT集团面临的主要财务风险分为:债务风险;资金风险;投资风险;资产质量风险;成本竞争力风险;内部控制风险。

    By analyzing , JT Group facing major financial risks are divided into : debt risk ; financial risk ; investment risk ; asset quality risk ; cost-competitive risks ; internal control risk .

  10. 同时运用了CAMEL的分析框架对兴业银行的财务状况进行了分析,发现兴业银行资本金充足,资产质量良好,管理精良,利润增长快速,中长期流动性充裕。

    Further analysis was taken through CAMEL framework , and we found the Industrial Bank has sufficient capital , good quality of assets , excellent management , rapidly growth of net income and good liquidity in medium and long tenor .

  11. 在第二章中,本文运用CAMEL框架,分别从资本充足性、资产质量、收益状况、流动性以及现金流量五个方面对工商银行的财务指标进行横向和纵向的分析。

    And then , in Chapter two , this thesis analyses the financial ratios of ICBC from horizontal and vertical trend using CAMEL model , in terms of capital adequacy , asset quality , earnings , liquidity and cash flow respectively .

  12. 花旗集团(citigroup)首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)表示,应当强制银行公开其衡量风险的方法,以便投资者能够“惩罚”那些对自身资产质量过于乐观的机构。

    The chief executive of Citigroup has said banks should be forced to publicise how they measure risk so that investors can " punish " institutions that are too optimistic about the quality of their assets .

  13. 美林亚太金融机构研究部主管史思达(alistairscarff)表示:“未知因素在于,我们是否会看到资产质量下降。进一步储备资金需要到哪种程度?”

    Alistair Scarff , Merrill Lynch head of Asia Pacific financial institutions research , said : " the wild card is whether we will see asset quality decline . And how deep will further provisioning need to be ? "

  14. 加强贷款管理,提高信贷资产质量;

    Strengthen the credit management and improve the credit capital quality ;

  15. 对不良贷款、资产质量的影响。

    The impact on non-performing loans and the quality of assets .

  16. 管理素质、资产质量与商业银行发展

    Management Quality , Asset Quality and the Development of Commercial Banks

  17. 资产质量低下,坏账较多;

    Assets of inferior quality and high ratio of bad debts ;

  18. 我国农村信贷资产质量状况的实证研究

    Studies on the Credit Asset Quality of Rural Credit Union

  19. 第三章分析了利润质量的主要影响因素,包括收益确认和计量模式、会计政策的选择和运用、利润结构和资产质量等。

    The third chapter discuss the main factors that influence profit quality .

  20. 提高国有商业银行资产质量初探

    A Probe into Enhancing State-owned Commercial Banks ' Assets Quality

  21. 银行业2005年二季度行业分析&定期存款回升票据融资增长资产质量稳中有降

    An Industrial Analysis on Banking Sector in the Second Quarter of 2005

  22. 但分析师们表示,资产质量下降仍然可控。

    Analysts said the fall in asset quality was manageable .

  23. 完善信贷管理,优化信贷资产质量。

    Perfect loan management , improve loan assets quality .

  24. 试论强化信贷资产质量监督防范金融风险

    On Strengthening Supervision over thd Quality of Credit Assets and Avoiding Financial Risk

  25. 提高信贷资产质量;

    To heighten the quality of the credit assets ;

  26. 贷前审查是提高信贷资产质量的重要环节。分析加强贷前审查的重要性,说明只有对企业进行了客观的分析,才能保证贷款的合理投放,才能提高银行的信贷资产质量。

    Investigation is a important step to improve the quality of loan assets ;

  27. 农村信用社资产质量差;

    The Rural Credit Cooperatives ' assets are poor ;

  28. 信贷资产质量是商业银行的生命线。

    The quality of loan assets is the lifeline of a commercial bank .

  29. 试论企业资产质量优化与评价

    On Optimization and Valuation of Quality of Enterprise Assets

  30. 从抵(质)押物指标分析贷款资产质量

    To Analyze Asset Quality of Loans from Mortgage Indicator