
  • 网络soichiro honda
  1. 政府当局原本只想让丰田(Toyota)等少数几家全国性龙头汽车企业得到发展,本田宗一郎不得不同时应对当局和竞争对手。

    Mr Son loves to recall how Honda defied Japan 's state planners , who wanted to restrict carmakers to a few national champions such as Toyota . Honda had to take on the establishment as well as his competitors .

  2. 孙正义崇拜本田宗一郎(SoichiroHonda),视他为榜样。本田宗一郎从制造自行车的马达起家,最终打造起了一家全球领先的汽车制造商。孙正义喜欢回顾本田宗一郎是如何对抗日本的国家规划者的。

    He casts himself in the mould of his hero , Soichiro Honda , an outsider who began making motors for bicycles and ended up building one of the world 's leading car manufacturers .

  3. 与本田宗一郎一样,孙正义是一个搅局者。

    Like Honda , Mr Son is a disrupter .