
ɡuǎnɡ yì xiānɡ duì lùn
  • General relativity;general theory of relativity
  1. 科学家本周宣称,爱因斯坦广义相对论的两个预言被美国国家航空航天局的“引力探测器B”计划证实。

    Two key predictions of Albert Einstein 's general theory of relativity have been confirmed by NASA 's Gravity Probe B mission , scientists announced this week .

  2. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)的广义相对论是有关引力的权威理论,其中预测了黑洞的存在。黑洞十分致密,以致于光线都无法从中逃脱。

    Black holes , predicted by Albert Einstein 's general theory of relativity , the prevailing theory of gravity , are objects so dense that not even light can escape from them .

  3. 相反,它比爱因斯坦的广义相对论所预期得更平滑,广义相对论帮助确定了物质在大爆炸后应如何分布。奈尔·杰弗里博士�巴黎高等师范学院

    Instead , it 's smoother than predicted by Einstein 's theory of general relativity , which helps determine how the matter should have spread out after the Big Bang .

  4. 调和映射理论中Euler方程的解和它在广义相对论中的应用

    Solution of the euler 's equation of harmonic maps and its application to general relativity

  5. 1916年,Einstein将张量应用到其广义相对论的研究中。

    It was Einstein who applied tensor analysis in his study of general relativity in 1916 .

  6. 详细讨论了XNAV(X射线源自主导航)中的广义相对论效应之一:脉冲星发射与观测者接收到X射线的引力频移和Doppler频移。

    It is discussed that one of the general relativistic effects in XNAV & gravitational and doppler shift in basis equation .

  7. 结果表明,torsion理论中的微观自旋参与的相互作用与无挠广义相对论中的宏观旋转参与的相互作用具有类似的形式。

    It is shown that the spin-dependent interactions in torsion theory are similar to that for macroscopic rotating body in the general relativity without torsion .

  8. 爱因斯坦1915年向普鲁士科学院(PrussianAcademyofSciences)提交了广义相对论的论文,不过正式发表是在第二年。

    Einstein presented his theory of general relativity to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1915 , though it wasn 't officially published until the following year .

  9. 奥地利-瑞士物理学家沃尔夫冈·泡利(WolfgangPauli)称广义相对论可能是现有理论中最美的。

    The Austrian-Swiss physicist Wolfgang Pauli called it probably the most beautiful of all existing theories .

  10. 在所有工程学问题中,GPS计时是极其精确的,这也是唯一一个迫使工程师同时考虑狭义和广义相对论效应的地方。

    GPS timing is incredibly precise ; of all the problems in engineering , it 's one of the only ones in which engineers have been forced to include both special and general relativity in their calculations .

  11. 广义相对论框架中的IAU时间尺度和参考系

    The IAU Time Scales and Reference Systems in the Framework of General Relativity

  12. 给出了广义相对论的Feynman规则,计算了二点顶角函数,并用W-T恒等式对二点正规顶角进行了直至单圈阶的验证。

    The Feynman rules for GR are given , the two-point functions are calculated , and the verification of 1-loop diagrams of GR is demonstrated using W-T identities .

  13. 经过对COW实验的物理意义重新分析,发现COW实验不足以严格验证作为广义相对论基础的强等效原理。

    The physical significance of the COW experiment is discussed in this paper . We don 't think that the COW experiment can strictly test the strong equivalence principle as the foundation of the general relativity .

  14. 黑洞Hawking辐射是理论物理学科中的一个重大发现。它的出现是广义相对论、量子力学和热力学的有机结合的产物。

    Hawking radiation of black hole is an important discovery in theoretical physics , which is an output of the combination among general relativity , quan-tum mechanics and thermodynamic .

  15. 关于DSX体系下的广义相对论(1PN)流体力学问题的探讨

    An investigation of the general relativistic ( 1pn ) hydrodynamics in DSX scheme

  16. 本文简介了新广义相对论,导出了Dirac方程在弱场近似下的具体形式,讨论了由挠率引起的自旋一自旋相互作用的性质。

    The field equation of new relativity is reviewed . The specific form of Dirac equation in weak field approximation is derived . and the spin interaction induced by torsion is discussed .

  17. 在Einstein之前,Newton理论独占引力理论王国二百多年,可是在Einstein提出广义相对论后的几十年间,却产生了多达数十种的引力理论。

    Before Einstein , Newton 's gravitation theory monopolized the field for more than two hundred years . But a few decades after Einstein advanced the generalized theory of relativity , many kinds of gravitation theory have been produced .

  18. 自Einstein提出广义相对论以来,黑洞作为广义相对论的一个预言,受到了广大学者的研究,人们试图揭示黑洞的本质及黑洞熵的统计起源。

    Since Einstein built General Relativity , black hole , as a prediction of General Relativity theory , has been studied by many scholars . People attempted to reveal the nature of black hole and statistical origin of its entropy .

  19. 分别用狭义和广义相对论解出了爱因斯坦转盘上的热平衡流体系统内固有温度对柱坐标的依赖关系T0(ρ)。

    The dependence of proper temperature on cylindrical coordinates T_0 (ρ) in thermal equilibrium of a fluid system on Einstein turntable is solved by special and general relativity separately .

  20. 推导了计算公式,计算了BD-2导航卫星的狭义相对论效应引起的时间膨胀量及广义相对论重力势引起的频率变化量。

    The frequency shifts caused by the time dilation of special relativity and the gravitational frequency shifts of general relativity for BD-2 are calculated based on these formulae .

  21. 天文学家在2016年宣布,LIGO阵列检测到了两个黑洞碰撞所释放出来的引力波,证实了爱因斯坦广义相对论的关键部分。

    Astronomers confirmed a key part of Einstein 's general theory of relativity in 2016 when they announced that the LIGO array had detected gravitational waves released by the collision of two black holes .

  22. 奥地利-瑞士物理学家沃尔夫冈·泡利(WolfgangPauli)称广义相对论“可能是现有理论中最美的”。很多物理学家(包括爱因斯坦本人)相信它,并不是因为它经过了实验的检验,而是因为他们认为它简洁优雅。

    The Austrian-Swiss physicist Wolfgang Pauli called it " probably the most beautiful of all existing theories . " Many physicists ( including Einstein himself ) believed it not so much because of the experimental tests but because of what they perceived as its elegance and simplicity .

  23. 在广义相对论框架下,研究了基本时空参考系BCRS和GCRS的定义及转换方法,给出了坐标时参考系和空间坐标参考系的定义。

    In the framework of general relativity , the definitions and transform methods about basic space time reference are studied , definitions of coordinate time reference and space coordinate reference are presented . 3 .

  24. A.Einstein把引力现象解释成黎曼空间的曲率性质,使得物理现象变成几何现象,从而使黎曼几何在广义相对论和理论物理中得到了广泛的应用。

    A. Einstein took the gravitation phenomenon as the curvature property of Riemannian space , the physics phenomenon may be considered as geometry phenomenon . Therefore , Riemannian geometry may be applied in general relativity theory and theoretical physics .

  25. 广义相对论;量子引力;弦论和M-理论。

    General Relativity ; Quantum Gravity ; String Theory and M-Theory .

  26. 广义相对论中荷电的晚期恒星导电沥青混凝土的制备研究

    THE CHARGED PORS-STAR IN G. R. Preparation of Electrically Conductive Asphalt

  27. 广义相对论已成为现代物理学的理论基础。

    The General Relativity has become the foundation of modern physics .

  28. 广义相对论旋量联络形式的讨论

    Dissension on the Form of Spin - Connection in General Relativity

  29. 广义相对论中理想流体的外微分方程

    The Out-differential Equation of Ideal Fluid in General Theory of Relativity

  30. 对和理论有关的广义相对论基本内容作了简要介绍。

    Thebasic content of general relativity has been introduced simply too .