
jīnɡ luò xué
  • Meridian science;science of channels and collaterals
  1. EDSD(皮肤电阻检测仪)是在经络学和现代生物能医学的理论基础上,结合量子医学中的共振原理设计而成。

    Based on the Chinese meridian theory and modern bio-energy medicine , combined the resonance principle in quantum medicine , the EDSD ( Electrodermal Screening Device ) is invented .

  2. 经络学内容繁多,应适当删减以适应教学改革;

    Meridian and collateral science has various contents , so they should be properly reduced to adapt teaching reform ;

  3. 对六版《经络学》的部分内容进行了分析、探讨,提出了自己的见解。

    The paper analyzes and studies a part of contents of The Meridian and Collateral Science of the sixth edition and raises author 's opinion .

  4. 更重要的是用中医经络学的原理诠释明式家具人体科学的意义,这种研究是对当今利用现代人际工学解释明式家具功能的悖论。

    More importantly , the annotation to the significance of Ming dynasty style furniture using to human science by using Chinese medicine channels and collaterals study principle is the paradox to the nowaday 's explanation to the function of Ming dynasty style furniture by using modern ergonomics .

  5. 解析担字所包含的平衡之意,并以此分析针灸学中经络学、腧穴学、刺法灸法学、针灸治疗学等内容中平衡内涵的存在,从而揭示了针灸学处处体现的平衡观念。

    Analyze that the word dan contains meaning of balance , and from this analyze connotation of balance in meridians science , acupoints science , needling and moxibustion methods , acup-moxibustion therapeutics and so on , so as to reveal that acup-moxibustion science reflect the concept of balance everywhere .

  6. 经络腧穴学实训教学方案的改革与设计

    Reform and Design of the Teaching Plan Concerning Acupuncture Techniques

  7. 针灸专业新课程《经络腧穴学》的课程建设

    Courses Design of the New Subject Meridian and Acupuncture

  8. 结论:中医经络腧穴学中八脉交会穴理论中内关、公孙两穴对脘腹部能量有协同调节作用。

    Conclusion : Present the same foundation of Nei-Guan and Gong-Sun point have a function of the energy regulation on the abdomen in a theory " Ba-mai Jiao-hui Point " .

  9. 人体阴阳交感运动与经络生理病理学表现有相关性。

    Yin and yang sympathesis-motion display dependability with appearance of physiopathology on meridian .

  10. 针灸经络是中医学理论基础的核心组成,几千年来为中华民族的健康和繁衍做出了重大贡献,受到广大人民群众的信任和钟爱。

    The meridian theory is an important component of the theory basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine , which has made great contribution to the health and development of Chinese and been loved by people over many thousand years .

  11. 经络现象的生理学和生物物理学研究的新进展和展望电磁驻波叠加作为经络系统的背景

    The advances and prospect in physiological and biophysical approaches of acupuncture meridian system

  12. 经络学说是中医学的重要组成部分,它指导着中医各科的临床实践,贯穿于中医诊疗的各个方面,是具有我国传统医学特色的针灸疗法。

    The meridian theory is an important component of the Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) . It guides the clinic practice of every section of TCM , especially the acupuncture , the famous TCM therapy .

  13. 经络教学管见&与六版《经络学》商榷

    Opinion on Teaching of Meridians and Collaterals-Discussion on The Meridian and Collateral Science of the Sixth Edition