
jīnɡ jì ɡuī lǜ
  • economic law
经济规律 [jīng jì guī lǜ]
  • [economic law] 指经济现象间本质的联系,它是客观存在的,在一定的经济条件下产生,并随着条件的变化而变化或失去作用,人们的任务是认识经济规律并利用它来发展社会生产力,为社会谋福利。也叫经济法则

  1. 高新技术扩散的经济规律分析

    Study of the Economic Law about Diffusion of New High Technology

  2. 论基本经济规律&蒙昧时代

    On the Fundamental Economic Law & Production of the Ignorant Era

  3. 我们发现,从整个时期来看,中国地区的GDP统计数据没有出现违背经济规律的统计特征,其中也包括能源增长与经济增长的关系;

    It reveals that , during all the period , there is no statistical contradiction between the annual change of major economic components and the resulting GDP growth , including energy-GDP relationship .

  4. 相互作用herding模型定性上能很好地呈现一些真实的经济规律,但定量上与真实的市场还有一定的距离,特别是收益绝对值的自关联衰退得太快。

    Interacting herding model could capture some important properties of real market qualitatively , but it has some distance to real market quantitatively . Especially , the volatility auto-correlation decayed too rapidly in previous study .

  5. 研究经济规律,实现电力工业的可持续发展

    Study Economic Regularity , Realize Sustainable Development of Electric Power Industry

  6. 既要遵循教育规律,又要引进经济规律;

    Abiding by the education law in attention to economic regulations ;

  7. 其产生发展都是需要具备一定的客观条件,而且是由客观经济规律决定的。

    And its emergence and development need some specified conditions .

  8. 按市场经济规律发展我国数控机床

    Developing National NC Machine According to Law of Market Economy

  9. 市场经济规律与特区改革逻辑

    Law of Market Economy and Logic of Special Region Reform

  10. 按照市场经济规律调整淡水养殖结构

    Adjusting the Structure of Freshwater Aquaculture According to Law of Market Economy

  11. 按照地质规律、地质工作规律和经济规律办事;

    Act according to geologic law geologic work law and economic law ;

  12. 社会主义并没有自已专门的经济规律。

    Socialism doesn t have its own special economic laws .

  13. 科学的医疗卫生体制必须遵循其特殊的市场经济规律

    Scientific medical system must obey the especial economy regularity

  14. 按照市场经济规律办事积极开拓农村市场

    Do According to the Law of Market Economy and Actively Develop Rural Market

  15. 技术革命的道路和技术经济规律(3)

    Road of technical revolution and the law of technical economy ( 3 )

  16. 必须按经济规律办事;

    That economic law must be abided by ;

  17. 遵循经济规律,用循环经济原则指导经济发展;

    Follow the economic law , guide economic development with the circulation economic principle ;

  18. 现代农业生产力发展的新趋势&论农业是基础的生态经济规律的基本内涵与本质特征

    New Trend of Productivity Development in Modern Agriculture

  19. 经济规律必须服从自然规律

    Economical Rules Must Submit to Natural Rules

  20. 进行资产重组必须遵循的经济规律

    The Essential Economic Rules in Reorganizing Assets

  21. 运用生态经济规律综合治理中低产土壤

    Improving Low-Yield Soil by using Eco-economic Law

  22. 按社会主义商品经济规律发展化学试剂的经营

    Developing management of the chemical reagents according to the commodity economic law of the socialist

  23. 土地增值律这一客观存在的经济规律必然要求对土地资产进行表外披露。

    The law of land increment must require the disclosing of land assets outside statements .

  24. 政府无法违背经济规律,但它们仍可发挥自己的作用。

    Governments cannot defy the forces of economic gravity but they can make a difference .

  25. 税制改革必须尊重客观经济规律的要求,顺应经济全球化的发展趋势,按照国际惯例,立足于国际经济的发展。

    The tax reform must follow the objective economic law and the development of globalized economy .

  26. 适应市场经济规律,加快科技成果转化

    Adaptation to the Law of Market Economy for A Rapid Use of Achievements in Scientific Research

  27. 我国民办高校生存发展的必由之路&寻求教育规律与经济规律的契合点

    The Necessary Way to the Existence and Development of our Country 's Civilian-run Colleges and Universities

  28. 我们要按价值规律办事,按经济规律办事。

    We have to proceed in accordance with the law of value and other economic laws .

  29. 它是存在范围更为广泛、本质层次更高的经济规律。

    And it is an economic law wider in its existence and higher in its essential gradation .

  30. 本文的经验证据有助于理解在不同的政府干预状态下,资本逐利这一经济规律的表现形式;

    This paper will be helpful for understanding the economic rule of capital-follow-profitability under different government intervention .