
  1. 对其的适用性在进行了理论分析基础上进行了检验。将优化的BP神经网络方法应用于国企高管经济责任审计评价之中,在国内尚属首次。

    Optimizing BP neural network method and making an application to the state executive and the economic responsibility audit evaluation , is the first of its kind in the country .

  2. 本研究将传统的遗传算法与BP神经网络方法进行了结合,吸收它们的优点,并进行了优化改进,构建了改进的BP神经网络方法模型,并将其运用于国企高管经济责任审计评价。

    In this study , the traditional genetic algorithm with BP neural network method combined absorbs their advantages , and optimizes improvements , builds improved BP neural network model , and makes its application to the state executive and the economic responsibility audit evaluation .

  3. 事业单位经济责任审计评价

    Probe into the Evaluation of Audit for Economic Accountability in Public Institutions

  4. 试谈党政部门领导经济责任审计评价

    About Audit Evaluation of Party and Government Department Leaders ' Fiscal Responsibility

  5. 国企经营者任期经济责任审计评价的研究

    Study on Audit Evaluation of State-Owned Enterprise 's Economic Responsibility in Work

  6. 浅议任期经济责任审计评价体系应用

    Application of Audit Evaluation System to Patriarchate Economy Responsibility

  7. 如何搞好企业经济责任审计评价

    The Auditing Evaluations for the Economic Responsibility of Enterprises

  8. 企业经济责任审计评价系统的构建:基于系统论指导下一个可参考的框架

    Enterprise Economic Responsibility Auditing Evaluation System Construction & A Referential Framework under the Guidance of Systematology

  9. 国企高管经济责任审计评价指标体系构建方法上的创新。

    The innovation of the chief executives of state-owned enterprises economic responsibility audit evaluation index system construction method .

  10. 经济责任审计评价是审计工作的重要环节,是审计质量高低的综合体现。

    Evaluation of accountability audit is the key link of audit work , and comprehensively reflects the quality of auditing .

  11. 二是试图对经济责任审计评价体系根据审计对象不同进行细化与分类设计。

    The other hand is trying to design economical responsibility audit evaluation system details based on audit objects with different classification .

  12. 构建完整的经济责任审计评价指标体系,有利于提高经济责任审计工作的质量和效果。

    Constructing a complete evaluation index system of economic responsibility audit can help improving the quality and effectiveness of economic responsibility audit .

  13. 第四章,主要阐述经济责任审计评价体系的构建,主要包括审计指标系统的设计和评价方法的选择。

    In 4 chapter , it analyzes how to construct economic duty audit evaluation system and select the methods of audit evaluation .

  14. 高校科技管理部门负责人经济责任审计评价&基于多级模糊综合评价视角

    Research on audit evaluation of economic responsibility about university science and technology management department responsible personnel & Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation angle of view

  15. 尤其是在对国企领导的经济责任审计评价方面,由于种种原因,到目前为止还没有一套完善规范的评价指标体系。

    Especially in the evaluation in economic responsibility audit of state-owned enterprise ' leadership , for various reasons , so far does not have a sound scientific evaluation index system .

  16. 其创新点主要体现在如下几个方面:(1)国企高管经济责任审计评价研究思路与评价内容的创新。

    Innovation is mainly reflected in the following aspects : 1 . The innovation of evaluation of ideas of the state executive and economic responsibility audit and evaluation of the content .

  17. 通过审计案例实践检验表明,论文构建的经营者任期经济责任审计评价模型达到设计要求,具有实际运用价值。

    Practice examination of audit cases manifests that the model about audit evaluation of economic responsibility in term for operators built in the paper fulfils design requirements and has actually applied value .

  18. 任期经济责任审计评价是任期经济责任审计工作中至关重要的一环,决定审计工作的成败。

    Financial responsibility audit appraisal in office term is an important link in the audit work of financial responsibility in office term , and it determines the success or failure of the audit work .

  19. 在实践中,任期经济责任审计评价更是人们讨论的焦点。当前,我国经济责任审计从1999年才正式开始实施,经济责任审计理论不足,实践发展也不充分。

    In practice it has become an issue for the people to discuss a lot of problem on audit evaluation . Currently , it is scare for our economic responsibility audit theories and practices in our motherland since 1999 .

  20. 传统的经济责任审计评价只关注国企高管任期内履行经济责任的情况,忽视了其对国企可持续发展力和对国企长期战略目标的实现程度的评价。

    Traditional economic responsibility audit evaluation only pays attention to carry out the economic responsibility of state executive tenure , ignoring its sustainable development for the enterprises to contribution and on the whole the implementation of strategic goal of state-owned enterprises .

  21. 但是由于每个单位的实际情况都不同,如果都采用定量研究的方法不仅难以进行统一,而且容易给审计带来风险,因此,本文在对经济责任审计评价指标的研究上,主要采用了定性研究方法。

    But because of the actual situation of each unit is different , if use quantitative research method is not only difficult to undertake unity , and easy to audit risks , therefore , based on the economic responsibility audit evaluation research , mainly adopts qualitative research method .

  22. 文章就如何搞好领导干部经济责任审计评价的问题,提出了应该分清领导干部责任界限,并对领导干部审计资料和数据进行筛选和审计评价的建议。

    According to the problem of how to get a good audit evaluation of leading cadres ' economic responsibility , this paper puts forward the suggestion of making clear the responsibility limitation of leading cadres and making siftings and audit evaluation of leading cadres ' audit materials and data .

  23. 第四部分,建立高校经济责任审计的评价指标体系。

    Part four , establish indicating system of SEA in college .

  24. 供电分公司模式下任期经济责任审计量化评价体系研究

    Quantification Evaluation System Research of Economical Responsibility Audit under Power Supply Subsidiary Company Mode

  25. 浅谈国有及国有控股企业领导人任期经济责任审计的评价

    Talking about the Evaluation of the Service Term Economic Responsibility Audit for the Leaders of State-owned Enterprises and State-owned Holding Corporations

  26. 军队领导干部经济责任审计模糊综合评价探讨

    Obscure comprehensive evaluation method of the leader economic responsibility auditing

  27. 浅谈任期经济责任审计的综合评价

    On the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Economic Responsibility System Audit in Term of Office

  28. 试论市县长经济责任审计的指标分析评价

    Evaluation and Index Analysis of the Financial Responsibility of Mayors and County Governors in Auditing

  29. 但目前经济责任审计内容未形成统一认识,在审计评价方面又缺乏科学规范的方法,从而直接影响了审计监控的效果,所以本文对企业经济责任审计及评价作了深入的研究。

    However , there are still many inconsistent contents on the economic responsibility audit . The audit evaluation lack scientific and standardized methods , which directly influence the effect of audit supervision .

  30. 另我国经济责任审计的内外部环境相当复杂,尤其经济责任审计评价研究更是经济责任审计研究的核心。

    Whereas external and internal environments of our economic responsibility audit are quite complicate , especially evaluation study is the main content for economic responsibility audit research .