
  • 网络Advertising theme;Advertising Subject
  1. 广告主题的确定受到多方面因素的制约。

    The advertising theme is restricted by some kinds of factors .

  2. 政治对广告主题的影响以19121919年《申报》广告为例

    Political Influence on Advertising Theme : A Case Study of Shen Daily Issued between 1912 and 1919

  3. “心驰所向”是Visa公司使用21年的“我们共同的向往”这一主题的修改版。2006年,Visa公司停止使用老版的广告主题。

    Everywhere you want to be is a revamped version of Visa 's 21-year-old " It 's everywhere you want to be " theme , which was shelved in 2006 .

  4. 广告主题需要清晰突出。

    The theme of an advertisement must be clear and distinctive .

  5. 广告主题的正确与否决定了广告的成败与价值。

    The theme of an advertisement determines its worth and value ;

  6. 强化民族文化认同感的广告主题

    Strengthening National and Cultural Approval of Advert Theme

  7. 市场营销学与广告主题的挖掘能力

    Marketing and the Exploration of Advertisement Topics

  8. 用方法&目的链确定广告主题

    To Define Ad Topics through Method-Goal Chain

  9. 言语的效用及约束条件&英语广告主题句创作与翻译

    The Utility and Constraints of English Advertising Tag Lines & Creation and Translation of Advertising Tag Lines

  10. 本文指出通过了解商标和广告主题句翻译的艺术特色,译者应当培养起一种翻译的敏感度,在实践中体现翻译的灵活性,在再创作的过程中,完成有特色的翻译。

    This paper concludes that advertisement translation should be regarded as a featured translation that demands translator 's translation sensitivity and flexibility .

  11. 广告主题的抽象性、及公益广告受众的普遍、多样性等,使意象构成成为设计思考的重心。

    The ABStractness of the topic , the universality and diversity of public-welfare ads make mental images the focus of designing consideration .

  12. 改革开放30年广播电视公益广告主题研究

    Research in the Subject of Radio & TV Public Service Advertisment Based on the 30 ~ ( th ) Anniversary of Reforming and Opening

  13. 在论坛中,突发事件有可能是论坛用户自发讨论的热点话题,更有可能是反复发放的广告主题。

    In BBS , burst events can be hot topics spontaneously discussed by users . They are more likely to be advertisements which are submitted repeatedly .

  14. 但是,如果名人与广告主题之间的关系处理不当,会影响广告的宣传效果。

    However , the propaganda effect of Advertisement may be affected if the relationship between the celebrity and the theme of the advertisement is handled inappropriately .

  15. 主要研究结论如下:(1)广告主题策略上,都以议题广告为主,形象广告为辅。

    Main research results are as follows : ( 1 ) In terms of theme strategy , the two media mainly use themes , with small proportion of images .

  16. 文章通过对英语广告主题句音韵、词汇、句式、修辞分析,探索广告主题句创作的言语效用最大化,即经济学意义上的追求效用最大化。

    This paper explores the utility maximization of English language in the use of advertising tag lines based on the analysis of sounds , wording , syntactic structures and rhetoric .

  17. 它们指出,即使确定了一个单独的广告主题,该广告仍需针对各国受众进行本地化和发行,而只有一个经验丰富的大型公司网络,才能提供这种宝贵的技能。

    They point out that even if a single regional advertising theme is agreed , the localisation and distribution of the work for national audiences are valuable skills only a big , experienced agency network can provide .

  18. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)希望告诉消费者,世界杯是每一个人的世界杯,广告的主题是四支由来自日本、东欧、亚马逊地区和巴勒斯坦的普通人组成的球队备战世界杯的情景。

    Coca-Cola KO 0.64 % wants you to know the World Cup is for everyone , as the ad focuses on scenes of four teams from Japan , Eastern Europe , the Amazon , and Palestine preparing for the World Cup .

  19. 最近几个月,忙碌的奶爸成了男性杂志和很多广告的主题(比如,Cheerios麦圈和汰渍)。

    In recent months , the engaged father has become a subject in men 's magazines , as well as a bevy of advertisements ( among them : Cheerios and Tide ) .

  20. 节日广告的主题与策略

    Strategy and the Theme of Holiday Advertisement

  21. 公益广告的主题经常围绕着两个方面:人与社会的关系,人与自然和谐延续的关系。

    Public service advertising theme often revolve around two aspects : the relationship between man and society , harmony between man and nature of the continuation of .

  22. 本论文列举了多则广告,主题遍布各行各业,例证了如何把强势模因和有效广告结合,应用广告翻译策略,广告翻译评估方法打造成功的广告翻译。

    The thesis quoted a great deal of commercial advertising in various fields , illustrated how to create a successful advertising translation by combining strong meme with effective advertising and by using advertising translation strategies and assessments .

  23. 一则广告有主题、图片、文案组成,图片、文案有所创新,即是创新,主题创新是较大程度的创新。

    First the advertisement is made up of theme , picture , gentle case , the picture , gentle case innovate to some extent , namely the innovation , the theme innovates the innovation that is greater degree .

  24. 在语域理论框架内,语场(广告的主题)、语旨(广告人与消费者之间的关系)和语式(书面广告语篇)这三个语境因素共同支配广告语篇功能的实现。

    Within the framework of register theory , such three elements as field ( what the advertisement focuses on ), tenor ( the relationship between advertisers and consumers ) and mode ( written advertising texts ), contribute to achieve textual function .

  25. 该广告的大主题是一组号称是一个流行乐队的玩偶。

    The overarching theme was a group of puppets purporting to be a pop band .

  26. 从图形-背景理论看广告标题的主题功能突显

    The Foregrounding of Theme and Function in Advertising Titles from the Perspective of the Figure-ground Theory

  27. 第三章:对房地产广告中的主题词进行分类讨论,按照诉求的分为理性诉求和感性诉求。

    The third chapter discusses the key word according to the demand , which divides into rational demands and perceptual demand .

  28. 在运用计算机技术的同时,不能忽略艺术创作的原则和创意的本质,只有这样才能更好地表达平面广告的创意主题。

    While using computer technology , the principle of artistic creation and the essence of creativity cannot be neglected , thus better expressing the creativity subject of plane advertisements .

  29. 如台湾研究者特别关注政治广告这一主题,而大陆地区的研究者对这一主题却鲜有涉猎;广告法规与社会是大陆地区相对热点的研究领域,而在台湾地区则备受冷落。

    For example , the researchers in Taiwan pay more attention to political advertisements which were seldom dabbled in the mainland : Advertising Legal and Society was a field which the mainland paid more attention to but gained less attention in Taiwan .

  30. 文章通过分析成功的汽车广告的诉求主题、表现策略,指出:抓住时代需求,消费者心理需求,有的放矢的决定诉求主题和表现策略才是广告的成功之道。

    Through analysing the theme and expression of advertisements for motor vehicles , this paper points out that the success of advertisements is to meet the needs of the society and consumers , and define the theme and expression strategy according to a definite objective .