
  • 网络Advertising Impression;ad impression
  1. 一位知情人士表示,其目的是让YouTube上的广告能够获得更好的CPM,即每千个广告印象的成本。

    The aim is to generate better CPMs – the cost per thousand ad impressions – for the advertising on YouTube , said a person familiar with the situation .

  2. 希望他们对我们制作的广告印象深刻。

    Hopefully , they 'll be impressed by the image we 're putting out .

  3. 我对网络广告的演讲印象深刻。

    I was particularly impressed by a talk on internet advertising .

  4. 尝试采用以图片为实验材料及不同步骤的IAT程序测量广告中性别刻板印象的内隐效应及其操作强度。

    Using the pictures as the experimental materials and various procedural IAT programs , we tested the implicit effect and its intensity of gender stereotype in ads.

  5. IAT也可以用来测量广告中性别刻板印象的内隐效应,但当实验材料为图片时,这种工具的效度受到影响。

    IAT also can be used to measure the implicit effect of gender stereotype in advertisements , but its validity weaken when choosing pictures as the experimental materials .

  6. 广告中性别刻板印象的信息加工方式

    The Information Processing Mode of ADs ' Gender Stereotype

  7. 注意的分散水平影响广告中性别刻板印象信息的控制性加工但不影响其自动化加工。

    The levels of distracted attention influences the controlled processing rather than automatic processing .

  8. 实验一探讨广告中性别刻板印象信息的加工方式;

    The first experiment deals with the processing pattern of the gender stereotypic information in advertisements .

  9. 然而,在广告业内,“印象”的定义几乎没有这么简单。

    However , inside the advertising industry , the definition of " impression " is not nearly as simple .

  10. 5PDP可以作为研究广告中性别刻板印象信息加工的有效工具;

    PDP is confirmed to be an effective tool for the research on gender stereotypic information processing in the advertisements .

  11. 这则广告之所以对我印象深刻,就是因为它看起来像个故事一样,幽默和风趣。

    The reason why this ad I was very impressed , because it looks like the same story , humor and wit .

  12. 更重要的是,因为你在网上买广告的这样的印象,你可以买多可少的,照你所要的观众。

    More importantly , because you buy online ads by the impression , you can buy as much or as little of that audience as you desire .

  13. 这又一次揭示了广告通过加深读者印象来说服读者购买产品的最终目的,也同时印证了英文广告的语式和语旨。

    This again reveals that advertisement tries to persuade readers into purchasing the commodities which is its ultimate goal by deeply impressing them , and that coincides with the mode and tenor of English advertisements .

  14. 消费者看到最多的是广告,给消费者印象最深刻的也是广告,其余的产品、渠道、价格等部分是一般的消费者看不到的,只有在实际的消费中才能感受到。

    When consumer see most advertisement , it give consumer impression a deep one the advertisement too most , other products , channel , price , etc. It can not be felt by common consumers partly , can experience only in real consumption .

  15. 预测证实广告中存在性别刻板印象并检测其内容;实验一探讨广告中性别刻板印象信息的加工方式;实验二检测广告中性别刻板印象信息的内隐操作强度。

    The pretest confirms that gender stereotype exists in the advertisements , and then examines its content . The first experiment deals with the processing pattern of the gender stereotypic information in advertisements . The second experiment tests the implicit operational intensity of the gender stereotypic information in advertisements .

  16. 没人注意你播放了多少广告,他们只对你的广告留下印象。

    Nobody counts the number of ads you run ; they just remember the impression you make .