
  • 网络Advertising
  1. 在商场里移动设备使用非常频繁,这使得对于零售商来说,移动设备成为了非常不错的广告发布渠道。

    Mobile devices are accessed frequently in stores , making them a great advertising vehicle for retailers .

  2. 我国各地区的经济发展水平存在着较大的差异。广告发布的无序与规范意识

    There are many differences with reference to the level of economic development by region . On Administration of Advertising

  3. 同时也介绍了这个广告发布平台的各功能模块,MVC设计模式、数据库设计和系统的运行界面。

    Also it describes each functional module , MVC design pattern , database design and the interfaces of the running system .

  4. 轮询、论坛和广告发布是MySpace支持的其他功能。

    Polling , forums and ad-posting are other features supported by MySpace .

  5. 滚动画布是一种新型的广告发布形式,为了达到良好的宣传效果,用单台PLC控制8台广告机上的16幅滚动画布。

    Rolling canvas is a new type of advertisement . In order to reach a good propaganda effect , 16 rolling canvases on 8 advertisement machines are controlled by one Programmable Logic Controller ( PLC ) .

  6. 包括RTL和ProSiebenSat.1在内的德国媒体公司正在寻求让Eyeo赔偿损失,法国广告发布商据报也在考虑是否效仿德国同行的做法。

    German media groups including RTL and ProSiebenSat . 1 are seeking damages from Eyeo , while French publishers are reportedly considering whether to follow suit .

  7. 昆士兰UpperMtGravatt小镇上的警方表示,广告发布在这个叫Gumtree的网站后,一名女子打电话过来声称自己有两部苹果手机要出售。

    Police in the Queensland town of Upper Mt Gravatt , near Brisbane , said that not long after the advert was placed in the Gumtree site a woman called and said she had two Apples for sale .

  8. 主要从事公司宣传广告发布,宣传广告策划。

    Mainly responsible for the general planning and dissemination of promotional advertisements .

  9. 广告发布是另一个功能,其中用户可以免费发布分类广告。

    Ad-posting is another feature where users can post free classified advertisements .

  10. 合肥市区烟草广告发布现状调查与分析

    Investigation of Tobacco Advertisements Status in Urban Areas of Hefei

  11. 文案:广告发布前的说明文底稿

    The Advertising Copy : the Draft of Elucidation Text before the Release of the Advertisement

  12. 联盟网站简单来说就是一个能够让你随意选择广告发布商的中介。

    An affiliate network is simply an intermediary where you can select from a variety of advertisers .

  13. 《广告发布订单》是此合同的一部分,并受其条款约束。

    The " campaign order " is part of this contract and governed by its terms and conditions .

  14. 微软和雅虎联手,可以为客户,广告商和广告发布者提供了一种可信的解决方案。

    Together , Microsoft and Yahoo can offer a credible alternative for consumers , advertisers , and publishers .

  15. 我国医药卫生期刊药品器械类广告发布规范调查

    A Survey on Publication Standards of Medical Drug and Device Advertisements Published in Core Medical Journals in China

  16. 推广执行:乙方应按照与甲方协商并由甲方确认的《广告发布订单》及《排期》执行广告投放。

    Implementation : Party B shall implement the campaign based on the " campaign order " which is reviewed and confirmed by Party A.

  17. 美国有专家认为,广告发布应该遵循一定的周期,一般一月四次,过多的广告频次是浪费的。

    U.S.A. have expert think advertisement is it should follow certain cycle to issue , generally January 4 times , too many advertising frequency is wasted .

  18. 若未在上述期限内提出书面异议的,则视为认可广告发布监测报告。

    If no discrepancy in writing has been raised within the above term , it shall be deemed as recognition of the advertisement release monitoring report .

  19. 本文基于手机特点,以广告发布主体为分类方式,提出了四大类方法,五种模式。

    Base on the characteristics of SMS , the author puts forward four kinds of advertisement releasing methods and five advertising modes by classifying ad owner .

  20. 好莱坞的电影工作室等版权内容持有者将有权要求信用卡公司和广告发布网站终止与侵权外国网站的业务往来;

    Rights-holders , such as Hollywood film studios , will be able to request that a credit-card firm or advertising network stop doing business with a foreign site ;

  21. 本法所称广告发布者,是指为广告主或者广告主委托的广告经营者发布广告的法人或者其他经济组织。

    The term " advertisement publisher " refers to a legal person or an economic organization that publishes ads for advertisers or for advertising agents entrusted by advertisers .

  22. 在收到第三方提供的广告发布监测报告后,如任何一方有异议的,应当在收到广告发布监测报告之日起个工作日内以书面形式提出。

    Any discrepancy from each Party shall , after receiving the advertisement release monitoring report provided by the third party , be raised in writing within working days after receiving the report .

  23. 是的,请注意,该标志将被复制在黑色和白色在寻求评论的注册申请在报纸上公告列广告发布。

    Yes , please note that the logo will be reproduced in black and white when published in an advertisement in newspaper public notice columns seeking comment on the application for registration .

  24. 虽然每天都有数以千万的广告发布,遗憾的是,大部分的广告并未达到原先预想的效果,企业承担了更大的风险。

    Although thousands and thousands of advertisements come out every day , it is a great pity that most of them fail to achieve the expected results , and the enterprises take greater risks .

  25. 稿样一经确定后,乙方再提出与稿样不同要求所发生的费用由乙方负担,由此而耽误的广告发布时间,甲方不予顺延。

    Once it is determined , the cost arising from the different proposal by Party B is in the charge of the latter , and the delayed date caused by it will not be postponed by Party A.

  26. 本文首先论述了企业宣传报道的内容和特点,比较了企业宣传报道与企业广告发布、危机公关的联系与区别,着重分析了企业宣传报道的功能和意义;

    The thesis first review the content and characteristics of the business report , compare it with enterprise advertisement and public relations in crisis , and gives a big touch on the analysis of its function and significance .

  27. 定位技术除了为移动用户提供地理位置信息外,它还可以发挥其它作用,比如信息查询、智能交通、广告发布等等。移动定位技术引起人们越来越多的关注。

    In addition to location technology provide location information for mobile users , it also can play other roles , such as information search , intelligent transportation , advertising , etc. Mobile location technology is concerned by more and more people .

  28. 多媒体广告发布系统是数字多媒体信息发布系统的在传媒领域的具体应用,因而本文对多媒体信息的管理、数字标牌等应用具有一定的借鉴意义与应用价值。

    As the network multimedia advertisement distribution system is a specific application of digital multimedia information distribution system in the field of media , this article has certain reference significance and application value for multimedia information management , digital signage and other applications .

  29. 悬赏广告发布形式是指一切能够达到让不特定多数人知晓悬赏内容的广告发布形式,除一般常见的广告形式外,还应包括口头形式、新闻报道形式等。

    The forms of release should be defined as all the forms which can make the majority of people know the reward advertisement , in addition to the common forms of advertising , oral forms and the forms of news report should be included .

  30. 文章从网络广告发布载体的规范、网络广告内容的审查以及如何界定网络广告中广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者的法律责任等三个方面探讨了网络广告的法律规制问题。

    The article discusses the problem of network advertisement ' law system from 3 aspects : the problem of network advertisements ' issuing carrier , the standard of network advertisement ' contents and how to define the law obligation of advertiser , advertisement businessmen and advertisement issuer .