
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào pái
  • billboard;advertising board;placard;advertising panel
  1. 这首诗开头的几行抄袭了一个广告牌上的一节诗。

    The poem employs as its first lines a verse plagiarized from a billboard .

  2. 汽车塑造了美国文化中最持久的几个方面:路边的小餐馆、广告牌、汽车旅馆,甚至汉堡。

    The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture : the roadside diner , the billboard , the motel , even the hamburger .

  3. 站台上的一幅巨幅广告牌吸引了她的注意力。

    An advertising hoarding on the platform caught her attention .

  4. 商业广告牌大大损坏了该地区的优美风景。

    The scenic beauty of this region was marred by commercial signs .

  5. 那些广告牌真碍眼。

    Those billboards are a real eyesore .

  6. 他把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。

    He ploughed his energies into his father 's billboard business .

  7. 美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌

    Billboards3 Are Banned In Alaska , Maine , Vermont , And Hawaii

  8. 他们成为正式赞助者,从而能在赛场周围的墙上挂上他们公司的广告牌

    They become official sponsors and put their logos on stadium walls .

  9. 广告牌广告会比较简单且更引人注目。

    Billboard spreads will be simpler and more eye-catching .

  10. 美国有四个州禁止竖广告牌:阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州,夏威夷是最早推行广告牌禁令的。

    There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards : Alaska , Maine , Vermont , and Hawaii , where the ban was introduced the earliest .

  11. 商人们明白这其实会让自己受益,因为广告牌会破坏景观,没有了广告牌,这四个州就能保有美景,吸引更多人来旅游。

    Businesspeople understand that this actually benefit them , because billboards ruin the landscape ; without them , these states maintain their scenic4 beauty and attract more people to visit . 3 .

  12. 奇怪的是,喜鹊就地取材搭的窝八九级风也吹不掉,而我们用新材料做的广告牌遇七八级风就开始砸车。这究竟是为什么?

    It is surprising that gales6 are unable to blow magpie7 nests out of the trees , but the billboards8 people make with new materials fall down in strong winds and hit cars on the street .

  13. 人造卫星在每天凌晨1点30分拍摄一张该城市的图像,结果发现,80%的城市光因被射向天空而被浪费掉,这些光亮来自非路灯光源,包括大型广告牌、招牌、泛光灯和建筑物立面。

    Capturing an image of the city at 01:30 every morning revealed that 80 % of the urban light that was wasted by being beamed upward into space was from non-streetlight sources , including billboards2 , signs , floodlights , and facades3 .

  14. Windows矢量字体在点阵广告牌中的应用

    Application of Windows Font Based on Lattice Technique in Billboard Displaying

  15. 落地式广告牌墙架CAD设计系统

    Billboard - Wall Structure CAD Design System

  16. 为品牌代言——从可口可乐(Coke)到中国移动(ChinaMobile)——让他获得高额收入,同时他的面容出现在中国各地的广告牌上。

    He earned millions in endorsements from Coke to China Mobile and his face was plastered on billboards across the nation .

  17. 公交候车亭,广告牌,Facebook页面、屏幕保护程序中。

    bus shelters , billboards , Facebook pages , screen savers ,

  18. 所选视觉媒体包括广告牌、LED招牌,电子布告板和宣传海报。

    Video media are chosen for collection of data including billboards , LED signs , electronic bulletin boards and posters .

  19. 这是他们的广告牌InterBank搞定你一切需求

    This is their sign , says InterBank F all your needs

  20. 对于户外广告牌和交通标志,经常采用F型单肢钢管柱。

    F-type steel-pipe column is often used for outdoor advertisement board and traffic sign . The wind load is the control load .

  21. LED显示屏具有亮度高,可视距离远、造价低等特点。近几年很多公共场所已用LED显示屏替代原始的广告牌、牌匾,并且很多大屏幕也由LED显示屏取代液晶显示屏。

    With the characteristics of high brightness , visibility distance and low cost , many public have already used the LED display to replace original billboard and plaques .

  22. 技术人员利用ip网络,可以居中控制场地上的所有系统,包括计分牌、电子广告牌、照明和供暖系统。

    Using the IP network , the technicians can centrally control almost every system in the ground including the scoreboard , electronic advertising signs , lighting and heating .

  23. 一种能够降低成本、减轻广告牌重量,增强使用安全性的新型户外翻面LED广告牌。

    The utility model relates to a novel outdoor turn-over LED advertising board which can reduce cost , decrease the weight of the advertising board and improve use safety .

  24. AR也可应用于其他方面,比如说顾客看到一个广告牌后,通过点击手机屏幕,就可以了解产品的详细信息。

    Among other things , a consumer could easily find more information about a product simply by pointing their smartphone at an advertising display .

  25. 介绍一种基于GPRS网的远程数据传输方案,以实现对霓虹灯广告牌动画控制信息的定期自动更新。

    This paper introduces a remote data delivery method based on GPRS network to realize automatic data renew of neon cartoon ad board .

  26. 这个口号出现在庭院广告牌、T恤、条幅上,也出现在透出警告意味的电视、广播和互联网广告里:“男性禁入女厕(NoMeninWomen’sBathrooms)。”

    It appeared on yard signs , T-shirts , banners , and ominous ads on TV , radio and the Internet : " No Men in Women 's Bathrooms . "

  27. 墨西哥市公园外的广告牌极力向宠物的主人们推广使用Pedigree和其它牌子的美味袋装宠物食品。

    Billboards around Mexico City 's parks urge owners to switch to Pedigree and other brands of delicious packaged pet food .

  28. 运输指挥中心老板DannyZamost说,这是公司第一次把比伯放在电子广告牌上。

    Command Transportation owner Danny Zamost said it 's the first time his company had put Bieber on its electronic billboard .

  29. 于是MMA激进分子便发起了对电影院和商店的攻击活动,并大肆拆毁有女性照片的广告牌,或是用白色油漆遮盖。

    Then MMA activists launched attacks on cinemas and tore down billboards with pictures of women or blacked them out with paint .

  30. 大公司试图做到面面俱到大到时代广场的户外广告牌,小到精致的Twitter网上广告目的就是为了把它们的品牌印到你的大脑中。

    Big companies try to cover all the bases everything from billboards in Times Square to pithy tweets to hit the algorithm that will put their brand on your brain .