
  • 网络emergency communication;EMTEL
  1. 但现在,该公司要求美国商务部(departmentofcommerce)作出回答,此前美国官员阻止华为参与建设一个全国范围的无线应急通信网。

    But it is now demanding answers from the US Department of Commerce after officials blocked it from getting involved in the building of a national wireless emergency communications network .

  2. 在发生洪水、地震后,有线通信设施很可能因遭受破坏而无法正常使用,通过adhoc网络可以快速地建立应急通信网络,保证救援工作的顺利进行,满足紧急通信需求。

    In the event of flood , earthquake , cable communications facilities are likely to suffer damage and can not normally communicate , through the ad hoc network can quickly set up an emergency communications network to ensure the smooth progress of rescue work to complete the emergency communications .

  3. 无人机搭载光电探测吊舱、合成孔径雷达、航拍CCD相机、应急通信保障吊舱、应急投送舱等设备。

    The large UAV is equipped with an electro-optical / infrared pod , a synthetic , an aerial camera , an emergency communication pod and an emergency transmit drop pod .

  4. 基于GIS的应急通信网络资源管理系统的建设

    Establish of the emergency communication network resource management system based on GIS

  5. 应急通信系统中虚拟MIMO关键技术研究

    Research on Key Techniques of Virtual MIMO in Emergency Communication System

  6. 基于IP的MPEG-4视频编码器设计及其在应急通信中应用

    Design of MPEG-4 Video Encoder Based on IP and its Application in Rescue Communication

  7. 移动Wimax在应急通信系统中的应用

    The Application of Mobile WIMAX in Emergency Communication System

  8. WiMAX技术在电力应急通信中的应用

    Application of WiMAX in electric power emergency communication

  9. adhoc网络作为一种无中心的多跳自组织网络,其灵活的移动性非常适合应急通信的要求,具有广泛的应用前景。

    As a kind of non-center , multi-hop and self-organizing network , Ad Hoc is suitable for the emergency requirements of communications , which has broad application prospects .

  10. VSAT卫星通信及其在电力系统应急通信中的建设

    VSAT Satellite Communications and Its Construction in the Emergency Communication System of Electric Power Grid

  11. 无线移动自组织网是以adhoc技术为基础的互联的无线电台、计算机硬件和软件的集合,主要用于满足应急通信和军用移动通信需求。

    Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network ( MANET ) is the aggregation of hardware and software that include wireless transmitter-receivers and computers , which is based on the wireless packets network .

  12. Ad-Hoc网络由于其自身特性,在应急通信等临时通信场合得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    The Ad-Hoc network is used more and more extensive in temporary communication circumstances such as emergency communication , during to its own property .

  13. 并基于MANET网络在应急通信中的应用背景,分析和比较了两类组播路由协议,提出应急通信系统中组播协议设计改进原则和若干思考。

    Based on the background of emergency communication , this paper systematically analysis and compares two classes multicast protocols on MANET , and gives some ideas and principles for design .

  14. 为掌握220B的MAC工作原理,以及分组无线网在军事通信和应急通信场合的应用提供了的参考。

    The paper provided an reference for grasping the principle of MAC for 220B protocol and the application of PRNET in military communication and emergency communication .

  15. 各种新兴无线通信技术的发展为组建应急通信系统提供了更多的选择,无线Mesh网络因其结构灵活、组网简单等特点十分适用于特殊场景下的通信需求。

    The development of emerging wireless communication technology provides more options for the formation of the emergency communication system . Due to its flexible structure and simple network characteristics , the wireless Mesh network is very applicable to the communication needs of special scenarios .

  16. SFD-MIMO-OFDM译码算法及其在电力应急通信中的应用

    SFD-MIMO-OFDM decoding algorithm and its applications in power emergency communication system

  17. 不同于一般的日常保障和重大、突发应急通信保障,它包括了通信安全保障和网络建设两方面的内容,非常适用于电信运营企业维系高ARP值的客户群体。

    Different from the daily security and the significant or emergency communication guarantee project , the VIP customer communications guarantee project includes two contents , which are communications security guarantee and the network construction .

  18. 本文的主要内容是利用笔记本电脑或其他便携式设备,实现一种基于WiFi的,支持音视频通信的应急通信网络系统。

    The main contents of this paper is to set up an emergency communication system supporting audio and video transmission , by using laptop or other portable tools , which is based on WiFi .

  19. 其中一次,商务部长警告电信公司sprint不要与华为达成一项大额设备交易;今年,美国商务部禁止华为参与一个公共安全应急通信网的扩建项目。

    In one case , the commerce secretary warned sprint , the telecommunications company , not to enter into a big equipment deal with Huawei , and this year , the commerce department barred Huawei from getting involved in the build-out of a public safety emergency communications network .

  20. 应急通信传输网资源管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of emergency communication transmission net resource management systems

  21. 军用应急通信网互连方式的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Interconnecting Method of Military Communication Networks

  22. 突发水污染灾害现场应急通信系统的设计

    Design for Emergent Communication System in the Field of Water Pollution

  23. 应急通信的战略重要性及面临的挑战

    Examining the Strategic Importance and Challenges Facing for Emergency Communications

  24. 电力系统应对灾害的应急通信网络研究

    Research on the Emergency Communication Network to Respond Disaster in Power System

  25. 扩大超短波应急通信网覆盖范围的研究与测试

    Expanded Ultra-short Wave Communications Network Coverage Area Research and Test

  26. 我国特大自然灾害下的应急通信管理探讨

    On the National Emergency Communication Management of Serious Natural Disaster

  27. 应急通信中,普通的有线网络通信弊端越来越明显。

    Emergency Communications , the cable network communications ordinary increasingly obvious drawbacks .

  28. 应急通信系统是应付紧急情况时使用的通信系统。

    Emergency communication system is used in case of emergency .

  29. 中国数字集群与应急通信发展策略

    Development Strategy for Digital Trunking and Emergency Communications in China

  30. 电力系统应急通信网络及其抗毁性分析

    Emergency Communication Network in Power System and Its Invulnerability Analysis