
  1. 都柏林的排名飞速攀升,成为了欧洲最受欢迎的旅游度假城市之一。

    Dublin has rocketed up the charts to become one of Europe 's most popular tourist destinations for city breaks .

  2. 为期17天的这届奥林匹克赛事将在度假城市召开。

    The Olympics will run 17 days in the resort city .

  3. 深圳的美丽的度假城市酒店的发展之路!

    Beautiful resort city hotel development of the road !

  4. 这个度假城市的魅力在于环境幽静,空气新鲜。

    The chief attractions of this holiday town repose in its peace and fresh air .

  5. 进一步抓好旅游地形象塑造和旅游联合促销,打造国际海滨度假城市形象;

    Setting up city image of international seashore by creating image of tourist destination and promoting marketing ;

  6. 达沃斯是瑞士群山中的度假城市,而我们不是要谈论它。

    Davos is the resort city in the Swiss moutains , that 's not where we 're talking about it .

  7. 受批评最多的旅游地似乎集中于近百年来建成的较新的度假城市。

    One of the biggest criticisms seemed to centre around newer cities , which were built in the last 100 years as magnets for holidaymakers .

  8. 这些身穿色彩鲜艳的比基尼的空姐甚至在飞行中,为那些搭乘首航航班前往海滨度假城市的乘客表演热舞。

    Female VietJet employees don colorful bikinis and even put up an inflight performance for their customers , mostly during inaugural flights to beach locations .

  9. 布什总统计划在以色列的庆典之后会见巴勒斯坦权力机构领导人阿巴斯,不过地点却是在埃及的度假城市沙姆沙伊赫。

    Mr. Bush is planning to see Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after the Israeli celebrations , but in the Egyptian resort town of Sharm El Sheikh .

  10. 根据travelersdigest.com的排行榜,位居第二的是热门度假城市纽约,在这个国际大都市的每个街区都能看见温文尔雅的型男。

    The second spot goes to the popular city break destination of New York , with suave metropolitan men waiting on every block , according to travelersdigest.com .

  11. 最后,赵小明表示,相信通过不懈努力,张家界将处处实践“纯净空气,让城市更清新”的理念,成为享誉世界的国际风景旅游度假城市。

    Finally , Zhao noted that after taking unremitting efforts , Zhangjiajie will turn itself into a a world-renowned international scenic city under the concept of " Fresher Air , Fresher City " .

  12. 在法国度假城市戛纳出席会议的许多欧盟成员国内政和司法部长欢迎法国的建议。希腊内政部长表示,希望法国的欧盟轮值主席国在12月期满之前最后通过这项协议。

    A number of European interior and justice ministers meeting in the resort city Cannes hailed the French proposals , with Greece 's interior minister saying he hoped it would be finalized by the end of France 's EU presidency in December .

  13. 在山里度假的城市观光客。

    City tourists vacationing in the mountains .

  14. 第二章则从正、反两方面探讨了青岛争创中国最佳度假旅游城市的条件;

    The second chapter analyzes the qualification for Qingdao to acquire " the best Vacation city of china " from advantage and baffle .

  15. 青岛的入境旅游近几年发展较快,但入境旅游的国际化水平还相当低,要建设国际滨海度假旅游城市,入境旅游市场开拓的任务还相当重。

    The inbound tourism of Qingdao has been developing very quickly in recent years . However , the current internationalization of Qingdao 's tourism is quite low .

  16. 墨西哥政府发布了该国海岸的飓风警报,从格雷萨海岬以北到度假胜地城市坎昆以及科兹美岛。

    The government of Mexico issued a hurricane warning for the country 's coast from Punta Gruesa north to the resort city of Cancun and the island of Cozumel .

  17. 主要是为那些不了解农业、不熟悉农村,或者回农村寻根,渴望在节假日到郊外观光、旅游、度假的城市居民服务的,其目标市场主要在城市居民。

    Primarily for those who don t understand rural agriculture , not familiar with , or back to rural roots , desire to outskirts sightseeing , tourism , vacation during the holiday season of urban services , its target market mainly in the city residents .

  18. 我们度假的那个城市美不胜收。

    The city where we spent our vacation was very beautiful .

  19. 选民们不大可能永远指责他逗留在托斯卡纳度假,直到城市里纵火事件发生,才不得不回国。

    Voters are unlikely to damn him permanently for remaining in Tuscany until the urban infernos forced him home .

  20. 但是唐纳德·雷曾一路从英国度假到新月城市,所得越来越超过他的预期。

    But Donald Ray who has traveled all the way from the UK to vacation in the crescent city is getting more than he bargained for .

  21. 在度假胜地与主要城市之间有着便利的汽车和火车运输。

    There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities .

  22. 对于那些住在毗邻大学、度假胜地或者大城市这些“目标”场所的居民来说这不是件太困难的事情,他们可以将一个房间或者整栋房屋出租几周、几个月或者更长的时间。

    It 's less difficult for residents in ' destination ' locations near colleges , resorts or cities to rent a room or even the house for a few weeks , months or long term .

  23. 第一章从中国度假地评佳缘起出发引出青岛争创中国最佳度假旅游城市话题;

    The first chapter introduces the definition ^ meaning and background for Qingdao to acquire " the best Vacation city of china " .