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jiàn dū
  • found a capital;make the capital
建都 [jiàn dū]
  • [found a capital] 建立国都;定都

建都[jiàn dū]
  1. 元代建都于大都,即今之北京。

    The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu , now Beijing .

  2. 唐代建都长安。

    The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital .

  3. 结论OSAS患者发病与HLA抗原特异性有关。杭州方言是历史上宋室南迁、建都杭州而形成的一支带官话色彩的吴语。

    Conclusion The specific HLA antigens might be relevant to the development of OSAS in patients living in northern mandarin China . Hangzhou Dialect is a Wu Dialect bearing the Northern Mandarin flavour for Southern migration of Song Dynasty .

  4. 前建都期北京文学的地域特征

    Area Features of Beijing Literature before the Tang Dynasty

  5. 孙吴建都与撤都武昌原因探析

    The reason of Wu state choosing Wuchang as its capital and removing from it

  6. 建都天京是太平天国的理想与现实选择,也是一个具有决定性意义的历史转折点。

    Founding its capital in Tianjing was an ideal and realistic choice to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom .

  7. 公元907年,后梁封他为吴越王,建都于杭州,拥有两浙之地。

    In 907 , Qian Liu was granted as the King of Wuyue with Hangzhou as capital .

  8. 这么多王朝和政权建都于此必然有其内在规律可循。

    There are so many dynasties and the government build the capital must have inherent law to follow .

  9. 北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地。

    Beijing is teh captial of new China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history .

  10. 历史上的西安曾经是世界上最繁华的都市,13个王朝在这里建都。

    Xi'an was once the most prosperous city in the world . Thirteen dynasties set up their capitals here .

  11. 河南省安阳是商朝(公元前16世纪至前11世纪)的几个建都的城市之一。

    Anyang in Henan province was one of the several capitals of the Shang dynasty ( 15th-11th B. C. ) .

  12. 西安是古丝绸之路的起点,也是中国历史上建都最多的城市之一。

    Xi'an , the starting point of the ancient Silk Road , was capital intermittently for many dynasties in the Chinese history .

  13. 在开封的建都史上,北宋建都时间长达160多年,人口逾百万之众。

    For more than 160 years , Kaifeng remained the capital of Northern Song and the population in time reached over one million .

  14. 公元902年,唐昭宗封他为吴王,建都扬州。

    In 902 , , he was granted as King of Wu by the Emperor Zhaozhong of the Tang with Yangzhou as capital .

  15. 北京作为一座既现代又古老的城市,有着3000多年的建城史与800多年的建都史。

    Beijing , as a both modern and ancient city , has been built for 3,000 and has the history of 800 years of capital .

  16. 五代吴越国和南宋王朝都曾在这里建都,因此亦留下了众多的古、近代文物遗址。

    It was capital of the Wu-Yue Kingdom in the Five Dynasties and the South Song Dynasty , and has numerous ancient relics and sites .

  17. 陕西作为13朝古都,先后有周、秦、汉、唐等朝代在此建都,其大遗址资源十分丰富。

    As a 13-dynasty ancient capital , Zhou dynasty , Qin dynasty , Han dynasty and Tang dynasty established respective regime successively in Shaanxi province .

  18. 洪秀全建都南京不久之后,英国政府派来特使,询问这新政权的外交政策。

    After he had built his capital at Nanjing , Britain sent an envoy to ask him about the foreign policy of his new regime .

  19. 打败与其竟争的民族领袖之后,朱元璋于公元1368年称帝,建都南京,年号洪武。

    Defeating rival national leaders , Zhu proclaimed himself emperor in 1368 , establishing his capital at Nanjing and adopting Hongwu as his reign title .

  20. 杭州还是中国著名的七大古都之一,五代吴越国和南宋王朝都曾在这里建都。

    Hangzhou is also one of the seven famous ancient chinese capital , Wu and Yue of Five Dynasty and Southern Sung Dynasty all set capital there .

  21. 陕西历史博物馆位于陕西省省会西安市,在中国古代历史中,有十三个王朝在此建都,留下了丰富的文化遗存。

    Shaanxi History Museum Is located In XI'an , the provincial capital of Shaanxi , renowned as capital of13 dynasties in Chinese history with rich cultural relics .

  22. 在这段期间,以色列第一个君主政体成立了,以色列的部族也都团结在该独立王国之下。建都耶路撒冷。

    During this period , the first monarchy of Israel was established and the tribes of Israel united under a single kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem .

  23. 胡教授说如果在华中建都,对防范外来袭击较为有利(他认为北京容易受到来自海上的侵略)。

    Mr Hu says this position would have the advantage of being harder to attack ( he sees Beijing as perilously exposed to assault from the sea ) .

  24. 在北京的游览中,我们常常会提到几个在北京建都的朝代,它们是中国封建社会的最后三个朝代,分别为元朝、明朝和清朝。

    During my commentary , the dynasties that I will mention most frequently will be Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties , the last three dynasties in feudal China .

  25. 南宋是北宋灭亡后,由宋皇族在江南建立起来的、以汉族为主体的封建王朝,建都临安(今浙江杭州),开国皇帝为宋高宗赵构。

    The Southern Song was a Han regime founded by Zhao Gou ( known as Emperor Gaozong ) , with its capital in Lin'an ( present-day Hangzhou , Zhejiang ) .

  26. 中国13个王朝曾经在陕西建都,历时长达1180年,使得这一地区繁华一时

    " Stretching over a period of 1180 years , 13 dynasties in China used to establish their capitals in Shan Xi , adding and ensuring continuing prosperity in the region "

  27. 宋、明、清及其他许多朝代都在此地建都、统治中国,数百年来,紫禁城、颐和园与长城也在北京一一建成。

    Songs , Mings , Qings and many other dynasties ruled China from the city , over the centuries erecting the Forbidden City , the Summer Palace and the Great Wall .

  28. 有着3100多年的建城史的西安,先后有周、秦、汉、唐等13个王朝在这晨建都。

    Xi'an , with the city history of building that has been more than3100years , was founded as capital successively in13 dynasties , Zhou , Qin , Han , Tang , etc.

  29. 长安已不是东汉京都,这开始了西北的漫长衰退期,直到隋唐再在此地建都为止。

    Chang An county has already been not the Eastern Han Dynasty Kyoto , this has started endless northwest degenerating stage , until Sui-Tang dynasty till the field founds a capital again here .

  30. 十三朝古都,是中国建都最早、时最长、代最多的古都,国务院首批公布的历史文化名城。古城底比斯是古埃及中新王国时代的首都,是供奉太阳神阿蒙神之城。

    It 's also an ancient capital of thirteen dynasties . Thebes , the city of the god Amon , was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms .