
  • 网络Expulsion;expel from school
  1. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。

    Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment .

  2. 尿动力学意味着学习的运输、储存和开除学籍的尿液。

    Urodynamics means the study of the transport , storage , and expulsion of urine .

  3. 他因为拿刀子威胁老师被开除学籍。

    He SWAs ecpelled for threatening a teacher with a knife .

  4. 对高校学生管理规定中开除学籍处分的质疑

    A Question on the Rule of Dismissal Punishment in College Students ' Management Provision

  5. 我要是你们校长的话,就把你开除学籍了。(事实上我不是)

    If I had been your headmaster , I should have dismissed you from school .

  6. 高校对大学生考试作弊开除学籍的法律审视

    Legal Analysis About Expulsion Form Academic Status To Those University Students That Cheat In Examinations

  7. 这名学生现在已经被开除学籍。

    The pupil has since been expelled .

  8. 执行纪律的;惩戒性的包括开除学籍在内的纪律措施

    disciplinary measures including exclusion from school

  9. 被处以管制、拘役或被判处刑罚者,给予开除学籍处分;

    Students under police control , held in captivity or subject to jail sentence will be expelled from university .

  10. 如有违反经查证属实者,撤销其入学资格或开除学籍。

    Violation to this regulation will result in cancellation of whose admission or deprivation of whose status as a THU registered student .

  11. 在倡导依法治校的今天,厘清考试作弊与开除学籍之间的关系具有重要的现实意义。

    It 's very important for us to understand correctly the relationship between cheating in an examination and expelling college students from university .

  12. 第三十条受到开除学籍处分的学生,由学校发给学习证明。

    University authorities will issue certificates confirming their learning experience to students expelled and students are supposed to leave university before the deadline required by HND .

  13. 因学生本人过错被处理退学而退宿以及自动退学、勒令退学和被开除学籍的学生,一律不予退还已交的住宿费。

    Students who cease living in the dormitory due to dismissal , expulsion , or voluntarily leaving the university will not have their accommodation fees returned to them .

  14. 在遭到媒体抨击后,偃师高中将禁令内容调整为“有谈恋爱行为,造成恶劣影响的开除学籍”。

    Following the backlash , the Yanshi high school amended its regulations to say it will kick out students only if their dating has a ' negative influence . '

  15. 凡毕业、退学、开除学籍等留学生,从相关部门发出离校通知之日起一周内,或在学校通知离校期内须办理退宿手续并离开国际学生公寓。

    Students need to check out by the date as noticed by the university , or within one week after they formally graduate , quit school or are dismissed from school .

  16. 正确理解和适用高校依法享有的开除学籍处分权,将使得高校管理服务于教育的出发点与归宿,并在管理工作中实现法律对人的尊重与关怀。

    To correctly understand and apply the disposition right of expulsion from academic status by law , management in colleges and universities should focus on education which seems like a starting point as well as the ultimate goal .

  17. 中山大学教务处副处长何洪表示:“一旦学生被查出有作弊行为,将会受到包括开除学籍在内的一系列处分。”

    He Hong , deputy director of the academic affairs office at Sun Yat-sen University said : " For a student found guilty of misconduct , a range of penalties apply , including expulsion from the university . "

  18. 第一部分从高校开除学籍处分权的内涵入手,分析了高校开除学籍处分权的法理依据和法纪渊源以及高校开除学籍处分权的法律属性。

    In the first part , the author started her discourse with the connotation of the college disposition right of expulsion from academic status and analyzed its legal principle basis , law and discipline origins and its legal attribute .

  19. 考试作弊适用开除学籍的法律思考大学生被高校开除会造成教育真空;取消开除学籍能降低成本提高效益;

    Legal Thought on Expelling College Students from University for Cheating In an Examination It is believed that the cancellation of the punishment of " expelling from school " can reduce the cost and increase the benefit of education .

  20. 外国学生申请人前经国内各大专院校毕业、肄业或退学者,不得再申请入学,违反此规定并经查证属实者,取消其所获准之入学资格或开除学籍。

    If foreign students are dropped by the school or do not graduate from the college , they cannot register again because they will have lost their enrolling qualifications and status as a student obtained according to criterion of the regulations .

  21. 对于学校中的个别坏学生是要开除的,学校要有开除学籍这个武器,没有这个武器不行。

    Bad students should be expelled from school , a weapon that schools must wield and that they simply cannot do without .