
ɡōnɡ jiàn shǒu
  • archer
弓箭手 [gōng jiàn shǒu]
  • [archer] 常常带有西徐亚人血统的古代雅典的公共奴隶,身备弓箭,并且担任警察;古代专司射箭的士兵

  1. 这个弓箭手能拉强弓。

    The archer can bend a strong bow .

  2. 弓箭手问他:“你手里捧的东西,人可以吃吗?”

    The archer asked him : " Is what you hold in hands edible5 ? "

  3. 射手周:弓箭手与弩手(人类)产量加倍

    Week of Archer : Double growth for Archers and Marksmen .

  4. 楚王非常生气,下令将这个弓箭手斩首。

    The King of Chu was very angry . He ordered to have the archer beheaded .

  5. 弓箭手听了,一把夺过药,塞到嘴里就吞了下去。

    Upon hearing this , the archer snatched the medicine , stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it .

  6. 楚王听了,觉得这些话有点道理,就把弓箭手放了。

    While the King of Chu heard this , he felt that there was something in what the archer said , so he let him go .

  7. 弓箭手说:“这不是我的过错,而是守卫官的过错,因为他回答我‘人可以吃。’”

    The archer said : " It is not my fault but the fault of the guard , because he told me ' It is edible . ' "

  8. 除了好莱坞可能展现给你的东西,有才能的弓箭手并不都是反叛的年轻女人或者杰瑞米•雷纳(JeremyRenner)。

    Despite what Hollywood may have taught you , talented archers aren 't all rebellious young women or Jeremy Renner .

  9. 另一款游戏中,玩家可以扮演弓箭手,通过手中的显示屏将弓箭对准电视屏幕上的袭击者,同时还可以与其他玩家一起挥动手中的wii控制器,也就是挥动手中的“剑”来击退怪兽。

    In another game , a player takes on the role of a Bowman and uses the hand-held monitor to aim arrows at attackers on the TV screen while working in tandem with other players wielding the original Wii controllers as swords to fend off monsters .

  10. 穆斯林弓箭手对东方式复合弓使用娴熟。

    They are skilled wielders of the eastern style composite bow .

  11. 弓箭手:他是我们见过最好的指挥官。

    Archer : Best commander we ever had , right there .

  12. 射手周:弓箭手与弩手(人类)产量加倍。

    Week of Archer : Double growth for Archer and Marksmen .

  13. 到最后一轮的时候,只剩下三个弓箭手。

    By the final round , only three archers were left .

  14. 弓箭手想做的事,当然是想看看谁更快了

    What any archer wants -- to see who 's better .

  15. 那个弓箭手告诉我有人拟此名单

    The other archer told me that somebody compiled the list .

  16. 还有比弓箭手危险得多的家伙

    Someone who 's more of a danger than the archer .

  17. 探子告诉我,他们的弓箭手还在数英里之外。

    My scouts say their archers are miles away and no threat .

  18. 弓箭手瞧见了无尽路途上的箭靶。

    The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite .

  19. 实际上他是个弓箭手,而且是镇子上弓兵的指挥。

    He 's actually a bowman and captain of the town archers .

  20. 比赛开始了,弓箭手一个一个被打败。

    The contest began and one by one the archers were defeated .

  21. 是在另一个弓箭手扔下另一具尸体后,兰斯给你的

    So Lance gave in after the other archer dropped another body .

  22. 两百弓箭手足以阻挡任何军队北上颈泽。

    Two hundred determined archers can hold the Neck against an army .

  23. 我要求把消息封锁,不许让任何人知道另一个弓箭手的事,

    I want a press lockdown , nobody hears about the other archer

  24. 他是国内最好的弓箭手。

    He was the best bow in the country .

  25. 使用大弓的英国中世纪的弓箭手。

    A medieval English archer who used a longbow .

  26. 干掉他们的弓箭手。我会和你们在战场中央会合的。

    Take out their archers . I 'll meet you in the middle .

  27. 早期的拜占庭军队由拜占庭矛兵和特拉勃森弓箭手组成。

    The early Byzantine forces consist mainly of Byzantine Spearmen and Trebizond Archers .

  28. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。

    The archers sent their shafts through the air .

  29. 命令他们各调一百名弓箭手协防卡林湾。

    They are to raise a hundred bowmen each and fortify Moat Cailin .

  30. 一位身强体壮、性格暴虐名叫后羿的弓箭手拯救了人间。

    The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer named Hou Yi .