
hú ɡuānɡ dēnɡ
  • arc lamp;arc light
弧光灯 [hú guāng dēng]
  • [arc lamp] 一种电灯,当电流在两根白炽碳精棒或金属电极之间通过时引起电弧,从而发光,电极周围的气体处在大气压下

  1. 因此LED可以替代传统的弧光灯光源以满足投影显示的色度特性要求。

    Therefore , LED can take place of conventional arc lamp to satisfy the colorimetric requirement of the projection display .

  2. 弧光灯:电流经弧跨一窨的两电极而产生光的灯。

    Arc lamp : lamp that produces light by a current arcing across an air gap between two electrodes , usually of carbon .

  3. 外面弧光灯的亮光透过光秃的树枝。

    Outside the arc-light shone through the bare branches of a tree .

  4. 他们打开强力弧光灯,看见一株株巨大的石笋。

    After switching on powerful arc lights , they saw great stalagmites & .

  5. 弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。

    Arc lamps require a current-limiting ballast .

  6. 他们打开强力弧光灯。

    After switching on powerful arc lights .

  7. 乔治从窗户里面望着他们在弧光灯下经过,走到街对面去。

    George watched them , through the window , pass under the arc-light and across the street .

  8. 除了普通的电灯之外,弧光灯、日光灯以及霓虹灯也都广泛应用。

    Besides ordinary electric lamps , arc lamps , fluorescent lamps and neon lamps are also widely used .

  9. 尼克沿着电车轨道走去,到下一盏弧光灯的地方转了一个弯,朝一条小街走去。

    Nick walked up the street beside the car-tracks and turned at the next arc-light down a side-street .

  10. 例如,他发现富兰克林在伊普斯威奇市的一家工厂里做装饰弧光灯的工作,一星期只赚几个先令。

    He found Franklin , for instance , trimming arc lamps in an Ipswich factory for a few shilling a week .

  11. 尼克从暗淡的街上走到弧光灯照看的街角,然后沿着电车轨道回到亨利的餐馆去。

    Nick walked up the dark street to the corner under the arc-light , and then along the car-tracks to Henry 's eating-house .

  12. 在详细的理论分析的基础上,我们研制了一台连续氪弧光灯泵浦的主动锁模腔内倍频Nd:YAG激光器。

    In this dissertation , we developed an active mode-locking intra-cavity doubling Nd : YAG green light laser pumped by the continuous krypton lamp .

  13. 弧光灯在头顶上方闪烁。更高处,写字楼的窗子里透出光明。一阵阵寒风像鞭子一样抽打着行人。

    The arc lights were sputtering overhead , and high up were the lighted windows of the tall office Buildings . The chill wind whipped in and out in gusty Breaths .