
  • 网络strong nuclear force
  1. 最后威慑力量(指核武器)适合强核力和弱核力的量子场论一直发展。

    Quantum field theories for the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force have been developed .

  2. 之后会出现强核力占主导作用的短距效应,进而,原子聚合成为氦。

    This allows a short-range phenomenon called the strong nuclear force to take over and causes the nuclei to merge and form helium .

  3. 强核力的一部分也由中子提供,在大多数原子核内,中子比质子数量多,并且不带电荷。

    Some of this force is also supplied by neutrons , which outnumber protons in most nuclei and have no electric charge .

  4. 虽然质子之间因带正电荷而相互排斥,但被强核力聚集在一起。

    These , despite being mutually repulsive because they are positively charged , are held together by a phenomenon called the strong nuclear force .