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  1. 当代教育学和教育心理学领域的专家们一致认为:教育的根本目的在于使学生成为独立、自主、有效的学习者。

    Recently , more and more scholars realize that the basic purpose of education is to teach the students to be independent , self-reliant and efficient learners .

  2. 从当代教育学的层面上分析,青少年犯罪人也是可以矫正的,国家和社会应该担负起保护和教育青少年健康成长的责任。

    From the analysis of contemporary education , juvenile offenders can be corrected , country and society should take responsibility of protecting and educating young people for their healthy growth .

  3. 论当代教育社会学与后现代主义的关系

    On the Relationship between Contemporary Sociology of Education and Postmodernism

  4. 当代比较教育学研究的发展动态

    The Development Trends of Modern Comparative Education Study

  5. 它不仅丰富和深化了当代教育社会学理论、课程与教学理论,而且也影响了西方教育实践的发展。

    The Resistance Theory not only enriches and deepens the contemporary theories about Sociology of Education and Curriculum and Instruction , but also influences the development of educational practices significantly .

  6. 当代比较教育学研究在转变:从宏观研究转向微观研究;从关注国家教育制度转为关注学校教育方法及教育效果;

    The study of modern comparative education is shifting : from macro-studies to micro-studies , and from giving attention to the educational system of a nation to concern for teaching methods and effects of a school ;

  7. 本文引用了当代心理学、教育学上的一些研究结果、及本人的教学经验来印证。

    This article proves them with some products of contemporary psychology and some teaching experiences of the writer .

  8. 对当代体育教育的人学思考

    To contemporary sports education person study ponder