
  1. 但是人人网是否真的当得起“中国的Facebook”这个称号?

    But can Renren credibly be called the Facebook of China ?

  2. 那老太婆,确也当得起这个称呼,她是r侯爵夫人。“睡在这石凳上吗?”她又问。

    The good woman , who was well worthy the name , in fact , was the Marquise de r & " on this bench ?" she went on .

  3. 看着13岁的儿子和Siri相谈甚欢,我心想:我这个妈当得是有多糟糕!

    Just how bad a mother am I ? I wondered , as I watched my 13-year-old son deep in conversation with Siri .

  4. 当得知本赛季将会是科比·布莱恩特的最后一季时,詹姆斯表示“自己真的非常伤心”,他也很遗憾在NBA的总决赛上从未与科比交过手。

    LeBron James said knowing this will be Kobe Bryant 's last season is " truly sad for me " and that he regrets that the pair never faced off in the NBA Finals .

  5. 一分实践当得十分理论。

    An ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory .

  6. 我真笨,这老爸当得真糟糕。

    I stink at this . I 'm a horrible father .

  7. 大牛,你这饲养员可真是当得尽心尽职啊。

    Daniel , you are indeed a very responsible horse keeper .

  8. 现在看来他连个海军少将也未必当得上。

    Now it seemed he might not even make rear admiral !

  9. 你这狗腿子当得还挺自信啊,朗伯先生。

    You 're very confident for a lackey , Mr. Lambert .

  10. 你这个男朋友可当得不够好,麦蒂。

    You weren 't great at being some girl 's boyfriend , matty .

  11. 你这代理村长还当得挺称职。

    You are quite a capable acting village head .

  12. 他的州长也当得不顺。

    He went on to flounder as governor .

  13. 他掷下冰雹如碎渣。他发出寒冷,谁能当得起呢。

    He casteth forth his ice like morsels : who can stand before his cold ?

  14. 您这位女主人当得太好了。

    You were more than a hostess .

  15. 她这个妈妈当得好吗?

    Was she being a good mother ?

  16. 在耶路撒冷当得尊崇。

    Et tibi redetur votum in Jerusalem .

  17. 耶和华的分本是的百姓;雅各是当得的产业。

    For jehovah 's portion is his people ; jacob is the allotment of his inheritance .

  18. 他来的日子,谁能当得起呢。他显现的时候,谁能立得住呢。

    But who can endure the day of his coming ? Who can stand when he appears ?

  19. 祭司与利末人当得的分

    Offerings for Priests and Levites

  20. 他发忿恨,谁能立得住呢。他发烈怒,谁能当得起呢。

    Who can stand before his indignation ? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger ?

  21. 要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他,拿供物来进入他的院宇。

    Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name : bring an offering , and come into his courts .

  22. 因此,就让这件事这样办吧,我想,你的丈夫与我本人来充当教父,我们将会当得很好。

    Therefore let it be so ; and your husband and myself will do well enough for the other sponsors , I daresay .

  23. 一个女人必须精通音乐、歌唱、图画、舞蹈以及现代语文,那才当得起这个称号;

    A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music , singing , drawing , dancing , and the modern languages , to deserve the word ;

  24. 我会邀请大家在这重要的时间祈祷,让圣神带领我们组成我们当得的牧民议会。

    I will invite you all to pray in this important time so the Holy Spirit will guide us in getting the Parish Council that we deserve .

  25. 耶和华说,这是你所当得的,是我量给你的分。因为你忘记我,倚靠虚假(或作偶像)。

    This is thy lot , the portion of thy measures from me , saith the LORD ; because thou hast forgotten me , and trusted in falsehood .

  26. 当得不到这些他们所热切盼望得到的东西时,他们的情绪就立刻跌入谷底,开始怨天尤人,甚至归咎于一切都是因为自己的运气不好。

    When they can 't get these that they like , their mood fall down to the bottom and they feel that they are unlucky , complaining all .

  27. 他发忿恨,谁能立得住呢?他发烈怒,谁能当得起呢?他的忿怒如火倾倒,磐石因他崩裂。

    Who can withstand his indignation ? Who can endure his fierce anger ? His wrath is poured out like fire ; the rocks are shattered before him .

  28. 从来没有人把神当得的所有的荣耀归给他,这是我们最大的过犯与罪恶。

    None of us have given God the full glory he deserves from our lives . This is the worst sin and the biggest mistake we can make .

  29. 要将耶和华的名所当得的荣耀归给他,拿供物来奉到他面前。当以圣洁的妆饰敬拜耶和华。

    Give to the Lord the glory of his name ; take with you an offering and come before him ; give worship to the Lord in holy robes .

  30. 可是,在撒尔德你还有几个没有玷污自己的衣服,他们必要穿上白衣,与我同行,因为他们当得起。

    But thou hast a few names in Sardis , which have not defiled their garments : and they shall walk with me in white , because they are worthy .