
  • 网络image value
  1. 顾客价值是一个多维度的概念,它包含产品价值、服务价值、人员价值、形象价值组成。

    Second , the customer value is a multi-dimensional concept , which includes the value of products , service value , personnel value and image value components .

  2. 所谓非物质文化遗产的表层审美功能是指文本表象层面直观表现出来的思想意蕴和形象价值,是电影艺术家通过对非物质文化遗产元素的具象展示所构成的对社会生活和文化的审美把握。

    The surface aesthetic function refers to the ideological implication and image value in the text representation levels . Film artists display some element of intangible cultural heritage , in order to grasp the meaning of social life and culture .

  3. 试论区域发展中的区域形象价值

    Discussion on the value of regional image in the regional development

  4. 其具有的自然景观价值、城市形象价值和经济开发价值是重庆城市发展的重要资源和助推力。

    With the value of its natural landscape , city image and economic , Waterfront is an important resource for urban development as a boost power .

  5. 顾客感知的服务质量的有形性、可靠性、保障性、移情性和反应性对顾客的形象价值有着正向影响。

    Third , the perception of the quality of services and customer visible , reliability , support , empathy and responsiveness to customers have a positive impact on the value of the image .

  6. 海外华裔形象与价值理性

    The Images of Overseas Chinese Businessmen and Value Rationality

  7. 如何建立理想的两性关系,重塑女性形象和价值,是女性主义乌托邦小说的核心话题。

    How to establish the ideal two-sex-relationship is the major concern of the feminist utopias .

  8. 面对双方面的影响,对流行动漫形象的价值探究就显得非常重要。

    Facing with the dual impact , it is significant to interpret the value of popular animation images .

  9. 从高校形象的价值、高校形象塑造的内涵及高校形象的传播等方面,对高校形象的塑造与传播进行探讨。

    In the paper the author approaches it from the value of the images , their connotation and propagation .

  10. 借鉴无形资产评估方法中的收益现值法,提出了企业形象资产价值的评估方法。

    The paper established valuation methods of corporate identity assets according to earnings present value methods of intangible assets valuation methods .

  11. 大众传媒的科普具有公益性特点,这是提升大众传媒社会形象的价值所在。

    On one hand , the public service feature of science popularization function of mass media determines its value to improve its social image .

  12. 伴随着动画的产业化进程,动画角色形象的价值逐渐被提升到商业运作的高度。

    With the industrialization process of animation , animation character of the value of the image gradually being upgraded to a high degree of business operations .

  13. 近年来,区域形象的价值已经被越来越多的省、市认识并重视。

    In recent years , the value of the image of the region has been recognized and taken seriously by a growing number of provinces and cities .

  14. 从内求团结、外求发展及经济、政治、文化的三维角度阐明酒店形象的价值。

    It examines the value of the image from the aim at developing while uniting as one and from three-dimensional point of views , that is economy , politics and culture .

  15. 建立起独具特色的自我形象与价值体系,能增强自我生活世界的内在强度以抵御普遍化的浪潮。

    Establish a unique " self-image " and the value system can enhance the internal strength of our own lives in order to resist the wave of the " generalization " .

  16. 本文论述了红罗女形象的价值及意义,指出红罗女是自然的女儿,是人与自然和谐的象征,是中国各民族神话传说中少有的具有哲学思索意味的女神。

    The paper discusses the significance and value of the image of Hongluo Girl and points out that Hongluo Girl is the daughter of nature and the symbol of harmony of human and nature .

  17. 政府形象力的价值及其构建过程

    Value of Government 's Image Power and Course of Its Structuring

  18. 执法英雄形象的审美价值和文化意义主要在于他们身上所表现出的理性精神。

    Ist aesthetic value and cultural significance is mostly rational spirit .

  19. 艺术形象是审美价值的主要载体。

    An artistic image is a main carrier of aesthetic value .

  20. 戏剧表演舞台形象的审美价值探析

    The Aesthetic Value Of Stage Character Image In The Play

  21. 《宠儿》的艺术形象与审美价值

    On the Image of Arts and Aesthetic Value of Beloved

  22. 论企业形象的经济价值

    The Economic Value of Enterprise 's Image

  23. 试论元杂剧中鬼魂形象的艺术价值和文化意蕴

    The Artistic Value and Cultural Details of This Special Group of Ghost Images in Yuan Drama

  24. 本文通过对所选取的具有代表性的作品进行分析研读,探讨了这些形象存在的价值和意义。

    Based on the selected works of representative study to explore the value and significance of these images .

  25. 优秀的标志设计能够提升企业以及商品的整体形象与品牌价值。

    Excellent logo design could promote the integrated image and brand value of the enterprise and its products .

  26. 论《呼啸山庄》中希克厉形象的审美价值《金瓶梅》人物形象塑造的美学价值

    HEATHCLIFF 'S ESTHETIC VALUE OF WUTHERING HEIGHTS The Aesthetic Value of The Character Portrayal in " The Golden Lotus "

  27. 为客户塑造形象增长品牌价值是我们合作的基础。

    Our obligations are to maximize the client 's interests and our cooperative foundation is to create image and increase brand value .

  28. 企业形象的使用价值,是指其所具有的能够满足人们某种需要的属性,即所谓有用性;

    The use value of an enterprise , namely usability , refers to the property which can satisfy people 's certain demand .

  29. 孤独者的形象及其文化价值&走进鲁迅小说的孤独者形象世界

    Image of the Solitary and its Literary Value-A Discussion of the Internal World of the Solitary in Lu Xun ′ s Novels

  30. 影像地图作为一种信息载体,其整体形象的信息价值和形式要求是不容忽视的。

    As the carrier of information , the informational value and format demand of the integral visualization in image atlas is not ignorable .