
  • 网络Heart;anahata;heart chakra
  1. 现在。。。深深的呼吸,再次进入你神圣的心轮,在你感到准备好了之后打开你的眼睛。

    Now * breathe deeply into your Sacred Heart again and open your eyes when you feel ready .

  2. 意识的第四个层面就在心轮。

    The fourth plane of the mind is at the heart .

  3. 进入心轮处,启动红宝石之光的频率。

    To the heart chakra , move now and activate its frequency .

  4. 现在,聚焦在你的心轮,把呼吸带入到心轮。

    Now , focus into your Heart Center and just breathe into the Heart .

  5. 你的心轮需要三倍支脉

    Your heart chakra needs a triple bypass .

  6. 然后到了你的心轮,第四个脉轮,既是绿色也是粉色;

    Then you go to your heart chakra , the fourth chakra which is both green and pink ;

  7. 因此,让我们用来自地心地球的金粉色能量首先来清理心轮。

    So let us clean the heart chakra first with the pink and golden energy from the inner earth .

  8. 我们将双手合十在心轮以加强神圣的爱和能量的流动。

    We bring the hands together at the heart chakra to increase the flow of Divine love and Energy .

  9. 允许你的神圣心轮连接到所有其他神圣的心灵,在此刻与这伟大的宇宙之心建立连接。

    Allow your Sacred Heart to connect with all the other Sacred Hearts that are connecting with the Great Cosmic Heart at this time .

  10. 胸膛维系着你的心轮运动,当它被塞满时,能量流就会逐渐减小,从而造成减少爱与祝福通过这里流动。

    The chest sustains your heart chakra movements and when it is congested the flow diminishes leading to less love and less blessings flowing through .

  11. 当你只是停留在低维度空间的限制和混乱中,你不可能从心轮发射无条件的爱。

    While existing within the lower dimensions of limitation and chaos , it is almost impossible to consistently radiate unconditional love from your heart center .

  12. 心轮:将能量从脚通过基础轮、脾轮和太阳丛脉轮提升至心轮。

    Heart chakra : Draw energy up from the feet , through the Base , Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra .

  13. 当我第一次亲眼看到大殿的时候,我感到在心轮的位置有一股温暖的能量,这股能量开始旋转,让我非常吃惊。

    When I first saw the temple , I felt a warm pressure in my heart chakra and it started to spin and take my breath away .

  14. 然后,把那份爱的觉知从地球核心带出来,进入到你的心轮并且在那里稳定它,深深的呼吸,让你的身体充满这份爱的觉知。

    Then , bring that love from the Earth up and into your Heart and hold it there , breathing deeply and filling your body with love .

  15. 另外一种示意方式是将双手合十置于三眼前方,低头鞠躬,而后将双手移至心轮处。

    It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye , bowing the head , and then bringing the hands down to the heart .

  16. 允许一道金粉色的光芒开始充盈你的胸膛,并通过你的心轮以及心轮莲花(如果你在至今的提升之旅中已经打开了的话)散发出来。

    Allow a pink and golden light to begin to fill your chest and radiate out through your heart chakra and lotus if you have opened one to date in your ascension journey .

  17. 变质心四轮月球车的设计及其移动性能研究

    Design of Lunar Rover with V.C.M and Research on Performance of Mobility

  18. 再入体变质心动力学建模与仿真问题研究变质心四轮月球车的设计及其移动性能研究

    Study on Dynamics Modeling and Simulation for Moving Mass Reentry Vehicle ; Design of Lunar Rover with V.C.M and Research on Performance of Mobility

  19. 对心从动偏心轮凸轮机构运动的讨论

    Discussion on movement of centre-to-centre driven Off-Centred wheel cam mechanism

  20. 关于变质心在四轮月球车上应用的研究

    The research on application of changing center of mass to lunar rover with four wheels

  21. 它由分配器本体、旋转阀心、定位轮、定位爪、油缸等组成。

    The utility model is formed by a distributor body , a rotary valve core , a locating wheel , a locating detent , an oil cylinder and so on .

  22. 心神经丛,内在声音的情感区域(心轮),称为心脏的来源,位于胸腔的中间附近。

    The cardiac plexus , the emotional Sphere of the Inner Voice ( ANAHATA-CAKRA ), called the Source of the Heart , situated in the central region of the thorax or chest .