
kuài sù xiǎnɡ yìnɡ
  • quick response
  1. 基于XML中间件的服装供应链快速响应系统

    Middleware framework of quick response system based on XML in apparel supply chain

  2. 基于SOA和ESB的供应链快速响应系统集成研究

    Integrated research on quick response system of supply chain based on SOA and ESB

  3. 这种选择旨在最大限度地提升性能,以提供快速响应的Web接口。

    This choice is intended to maximize performance to provide a responsive Web interface .

  4. 可快速响应的虚拟三级存储系统RAT

    Virtual tertiary storage system RAT with fast response performance

  5. 利用不同成孔剂制备快速响应型pH敏感水凝胶

    Preparation of Fast Responsive , pH Sensitive Polyacrylic Acid Gel with Different Pore-forming Agents

  6. DVD伺服系统要求高精度和快速响应。

    DVD servo system requires high precision and rapid response .

  7. pH与温度快速响应性P(NIPA-co-AA)凝胶的制备与表征

    Preparation and characterization of fast responsive thermo-and pH-sensitive p ( nipa-co-aa ) hydrogels

  8. 快速响应、动态感受等等,这些都只因为有了小小的一段Ajax代码。

    Responsiveness , a dynamic feel , and more , all with a little Ajax code .

  9. 实验表明,使用神经元自适应PID算法对超声波电机进行速度和位置控制,可以达到快速响应和高精度的控制效果。

    The experiment results show that USM can complete rapid response speed and high precise position control while using neuron PID controller .

  10. 与参数经过优化后的传统PID控制算法相比较,论文所设计的控制方法在鲁棒性、稳定性和快速响应特性方面均有所提高。

    Compared with the traditional PID control algorithm whose parameters are optimized , the robustness , stability and fast response aspects have increased .

  11. 逆向工程技术是数字化与快速响应制造大趋势下的一项重要技术,是CAD领域中一个相对独立的范畴。

    Reverse engineering , as a relatively independent category in CAD , is an important technique in the tendency of digital and rapid response manufacture .

  12. 风力机模拟平台的MPPT快速响应控制方法

    A fast response MPPT control method for wind turbine simulator platform

  13. DataStudioAdministrator最重要的特性之一是,帮助DBA在动态的业务环境中快速响应需求的变化。

    One of the most important features of Data Studio Administrator is that it helps DBAs react quickly to changing requirements within a dynamic business environment .

  14. 用DP(动态编程)匹配算法实现语音识别,简单且能快速响应。

    In this paper , we introduce a DP ( Dynamic Programming ) matching algorithm for speech recognition .

  15. OMEGA新一代快速响应表面热电偶(粘合型热电偶)。

    OMEGA introduces the next generation of our surface mount fast response thermocouples .

  16. 快速响应高压电源在KTP晶体极化反转中的应用研究

    Application Research of a Quick Response High Voltage Power Supply for the Polarization Reversal in KTiOPO_4 Crystal

  17. 为综合运用CAD技术和各种设计方法,建立了以模块化设计为基础,采用参数化特征造型,进行快速响应的变型设计的理论。

    Through synthetical application of CAD technology and various design methods , a theory of the quick-responded adaptive design is put forward based on feature-based parameterized modeling system and modular design method .

  18. Agent技术用于网络化制造系统,能够提高敏捷性和智能性,使制造企业对多变的市场快速响应,因而成为网络化制造的一门重要技术。

    Because the agent technology can improve the agility and intelligence of the network-based manufacturing system , which makes the enterprises respond rapidly to the changing market , it becomes an important technology for network-based manufacturing system .

  19. 技术信息系统(TechnologyInformationSystem,简称TIS)对制造企业的信息集成与共享、提高产品的设计效率、保证设计与制造的有效性、缩短制造周期和提高快速响应市场能力等具有重要的作用。

    Technology Information System ( TIS ) assures the agility of enterprises and plays an important role in integrating and sharing of interior technology information , improving the efficiency in developing new product and shortening producing period and so on .

  20. 近10多年来在机电一类快速响应的非传统应用领域,尤其普通采用PID控制器,并移植为人工智能控制器的基本结构模式。

    Since 1990 , PID controller has been generally adopted by unconventional electromechanical field of fast response and has been transplanted to be the basic structural mode of controller with artificial intelligence .

  21. MVB为快速响应的过程控制总线,对于固定编组的列车,也可以用作列车总线。

    MVB can still be used for train bus if the train is fixed organized .

  22. 因此,针对机械产品分布式设计的特点,研究和实现能够快速响应企业生产的需要、具有远程异地协同设计的特征的CAD技术具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    According to distributed design features of mechanical product , studying and implementing a CAD technology of remote cooperative design which can rapidly adapt to requirement of enterprise are of great importance in theory and practice .

  23. 适合微光探测应用,光电倍增管(PMT)提供极高的灵敏度和超快速响应。

    Suitable for low-light-level detection applications , the photomultiplier tube ( PMT ) provides extremely high sensitivity and ultra-fast response .

  24. 文中结合遗传算法的原理应用开发出遗传算法工具箱,对驱动系统进行了基于遗传优化的模糊PID控制仿真,仿真结果表明本系统具有快速响应的特点且对随机干扰有较强的鲁棒性。

    We designed genetic algorithm toolbox , and gave the simulation of the control system under the optimized fuzzy PID control , the result showed better performance with rapid response and preferable robustness to the random disturbance .

  25. 而且我们还改进了Vegas算法的慢启动阶段和拥塞避免阶段:实现了慢启动初始阶段的快速响应并减小了丢包的可能性;

    And Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance of Vegas are enhanced : Fast response of the initial stage of Slow Start and deducing packet loss are reached ;

  26. 针对这个问题,将PID参数的模糊自调整算法应用于微位移工作台,建立了一个动态特性的闭环校正控制系统,真正实现了工作台的快速响应。

    In order to settle this problem , this paper adapts fuzzy self-adjustment algorithm of PID-parameter into the control of micro-displacement worktable , constitutes a closed-loop system of dynamic adjustment , and offset and realizes rapid response of micro-displacement worktable .

  27. 因此,针对敏捷制造模式的特点,研究和实现能够快速响应企业生产的需求、具有敏捷化特征的新型CAPP系统具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    So , aimed at characters of AM , studying and implementing an agile CAPP ( ACAPP ) system , which can rapidly adapt to the requirements of enterprises are of great importance in theory and practice .

  28. 如果你正在与一个客户沟通,并想捕捉界面的外观和流程的需求,智能UI工具能够以快速响应的方式,生成并测试不同的思想。

    If you are sitting with a customer and want to capture the requirements for the look and flow of the interface , a smart UI tool can be a quick and responsive way to generate and test different ideas .

  29. 通过利用LDAP的树状信息结构、快速响应大容量访问和广泛复制的能力,可以充分提高统一用户管理系统的可扩展性、可靠性和可伸缩性。

    We can highly increase the extensibility and scalability and reliability of universal user management system by using the capacity of the tree structures of LDAP and the immediate response to the large-scale access and the wide-ranging replication .

  30. 磁性材料的交流阻抗在外加直流磁场的作用下,呈现快速响应、高灵敏度变化的现象被称作为巨磁阻抗效应(GiantMagnetoImpedanceeffect,GMIeffect)。

    Certain high permeability magnetic materials subjected to an ac current of a sufficiently high frequency can exhibit a sensitive change in impedance in the presence of a dc magnetic field . This effect is called the Giant Magneto Impedance effect ( GMI effect ) .