
  • 网络fast convergence;Fast Convergency;rapid convergence
  1. GPS精密单点定位快速收敛方法研究

    Study on fast convergence method in precise point positioning

  2. TD-SCDMA中的二阶快速收敛功率控制

    Second-order Fast Convergence Distributed Power Control for TD-SCDMA

  3. 为了兼顾计算的稳定性和快速收敛,计算过程结合SIMPLE方法和耦合解法,并采用多重网格技术。计算结果收敛很好,所有算例在两千步内质量残差均收敛到10~(-6)的数量级。

    Good stability and convergence speed resulted from using jointly SIMPLE method and coupled explicit method with multi-grid .

  4. 基于BP网络的权值更新快速收敛算法

    Rapid convergence algorithms for weight values updating based on BP network

  5. 一种快速收敛的BP算法

    Study of a Fast Convergent BP Algorithm

  6. 快速收敛的BP神经网络算法

    Fast convergent algorithm-BP for trainning neural network

  7. VPN按优先级快速收敛的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of VPN Fast Constringency Based on VPN Priority

  8. 基于快速收敛MonteCarlo法的含缺陷压力容器可靠性计算

    Reliability Calculation of Pressure Vessel with Cracks Based on Rapid Convergence Monte Carlo Method

  9. 基于距离变换的快速收敛Snake模型

    A Fast Convergent Snake Model Based on Distance Transform

  10. 遗传算法(GA)和神经网络相结合的优化方法,兼有神经网络的广泛映射能力和遗传算法快速收敛性能。

    The optimization way about GA combine with ANN , have ANN abroad mapping ability and GA rapid astringency .

  11. 通过计算机仿真试验,验证了小波分析在计算层析(CT)成像光谱技术中能够应用于图像重构,并证实了小波分析的迭代重构算法是稳定、多分辨率和快速收敛的。

    The computer simulation results show that wavelet analysis is efficient in image reconstruction for computed-tomography , and that the iterative algorithm is robust and converges rapidly .

  12. 实验表明,该算法具有快速收敛性,能够较快地找到PID参数自适应整定的最优或次最优参数组合,有利于提高PID控制器调节的实时性。

    This algorithm showes the advantage of fast convergence and can be utilized to quickly locate the optimal or sub-optimal parameters of PID controller .

  13. 稳定快速收敛的自适应格型IIR滤波

    A Stable and Fast Convergent Lattice Adaptive IIR Filtering

  14. 此外,九个标准测试函数用来测试PSO算法和其他几种流行的进化计算方法的性能,结果验证了PSO有着其他进化算法无法比拟的快速收敛等特性。

    Furthermore , nine benchmark functions are used to test the performance of PSO and other popular EC algorithms .

  15. IEEE118节点系统的算例表明:DE算法尽管简单,但可快速收敛到近似最优解;

    Case study on the IEEE 118-bus system shows that DE , simple as it is , converges fast to the approximate optimal solution .

  16. 通过对比经典的模拟退火软硬件划分技术以及实验结果的验证表明,使用K均值聚类和模拟退火融合的软硬件划分算法使有着较多任务节点的复杂系统的软硬件划分快速收敛到合适的值。

    The experiments by contrasting to the classic simulated annealing algorithm have showed that using this algorithm can accelerate convergence of complex embedded system with more task vertex .

  17. 本文提出一种稳定快速收敛的格型自适应IIR滤波(AIIRP)新算法。

    A stable lattice adaptive IIR Filtering ( AIIRF ) is presented in this paper .

  18. 第一,针对高斯模型的收敛问题,应用EM算法对其进行了改进,保证算法的快速收敛。

    Firstly , for convergence problem of this model , the EM algorithm is applied to ensure fast convergence of the algorithm .

  19. 一种快速收敛的核CMAC神经网络模型

    Kernel CMAC Model with Fast Convergence

  20. 该个体评价策略能与多样性策略相结合驱使算法种群快速收敛到多样性较好的近似Pareto前沿。

    Combined with an extra diversity strategy , it drives the population converging to reasonable approximations of the Pareto fronts .

  21. 求解非线性方程组的阻尼Newton法不仅具有快速收敛的特点,而且有全局收敛性。

    It is well-known that when solving a system of nonlinear equations , the damped Newton method is globally and superlinearly / quadratically convergent .

  22. 利用最小均方差来调整网络的权值,使径向基函数快速收敛,获得较佳PID控制参数,达到对转速跟随控制。

    The weights of network adjusted by using the least mean square made fast convergence of radial basis function to obtain better PID control parameters and achieve the speed tracked control .

  23. 仿真过程中本文都统一地应用了LMS(最小均方误差)自适应算法,因为这种算法具有易于实现和快速收敛的特点。

    In simulation , we applied the LMS adaptive algorithm , because this algorithm with fast convergence characteristics is easy to implement .

  24. 提出了一种基于梯度矢量流(GVF)的快速收敛骨架snake算法。

    We presented a novel and fast convergent skeleton snake model based on gradient vector flow ( GVF ) .

  25. 由PID型BP算法和修正的Solis&Wets随机最优化方法既具有快速收敛性,又能在有限次的迭代里实现全局最小。

    A hybrid algorithm combining PID-BP and revised Solis & Wets random optimal method has a very fast convergence speed and can achieve the global minimum in a limit number of recursions .

  26. 在离散型Lyapunov稳定性的意义下,导出了权值自适应学习速率的取值范围,保证控制系统的快速收敛。

    To guarantee the fast convergence of the proposed neural network model , the optimal adaptive learning rates are derived in the sense of discrete-type Lyapunov stability .

  27. 有限时间稳定系统具有非Lipschitz性,快速收敛性,良好的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。

    Finite-time stable systems have properties of non-Lipschitz , fast convergence , good robustness and great capability of resisting disturbance .

  28. 实验结果表明,FASTTCP在快速收敛和吞吐率方面性能优越,而BIC在RTT公平性和TCP友好性方面更为突出。

    The experimental results show that FAST TCP has good performances in fast recovery and throughput and BIC behaviors better in RTT fairness and TCP friendly .

  29. 其次,引入Anderson模型和快速收敛的微扰展开方法研究了单个磁性杂质对碳纳米管态密度的影响。

    Secondly , density of states for metallic carbon nanotubes with a magnetic impurity is studied based on a single orbital Anderson model .

  30. 基于公平带宽估计的VCP协议的一种快速收敛方法

    Fast Convergence of VCP Based on Fairness Bandwidth Estimation