
  • 网络nostalgia
  1. 现代人的认同危机与怀旧情结

    On Identity Crisis and Nostalgia Complex of Modern People

  2. 辩证法有一种怀旧情结,本雅明与阿多诺的作品中就有这种怀旧。

    There is a nostalgia in dialectics , in the work of Benjamin and Adorno for Examle .

  3. 小说家威尔•塞尔夫近日在其为BBC所撰写的一篇文章中称,年轻人的怀旧情结日益浓厚。

    Writing for the BBC , the novelist Will Self recently claimed that young people are becoming more and more nostalgic .

  4. 他表示,在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中,凯恩在临终前所拿的雪景球就是为了唤起怀旧情结,追怀一段永远回不去的时光。

    In Citizen Kane , he said , the snow globe that Kane holds on his deathbed is meant to evoke a nostalgia for a time he could never get back to .

  5. 尽管东京把现代化发挥到了极致,但仍有一些迷人的地方能勾起人的怀旧情结,比如琥珀咖啡(CafédeL’Ambre)。这家传统的咖啡馆从1948年起就隐居在银座的一条后巷里。

    Even as the city pushes the limits of modernization , there remain charming spots where you can feel the nostalgic pull of the past . That 's evident at Caf é de L'Ambre , a classic kissaten ( coffee shop ) tucked on a back lane in Ginza since 1948 .

  6. 浮华世俗的都市怀旧情结

    The Metropolitan Plot of Remembering Past Time in the World Nostalgia

  7. 他发现自己也陷入了怀旧情结中&那是一段更加浪漫的时光。

    He too finds himself nostalgic for a more romantic time .

  8. 从克莱尔看哈代创作中的怀旧情结

    The Nostalgic Sentiments in Hardy 's Literary Creation : An Interpretation of Clare

  9. 他有乖戾的怀旧情结。

    He 's got a warped sense of nostalgia .

  10. 同时在《霍华德庄园》中,福斯特表现出了浓厚的怀旧情结。

    In Howards End , E.M.Forster also shows a strong sense of nostalgia .

  11. 故国可堪回首月明中&评析美国现代南方作家的怀旧情结

    An Analysis of the Nostalgic Affection of the Modern Southern Writers of America

  12. 丁尼生诗歌创作的怀旧情结

    Sense of nostalgia in Tennyson 's poetic creation

  13. 小思散文的怀旧情结

    The Nostalgia in Xiao Si 's Prose

  14. 这里有一种怀旧情结,不是怀念美国老西部。

    There is a nostalgia here , not for the past of the old West .

  15. 孙晓材:探索者的怀旧情结

    Sun xiaocai : reminiscent complex

  16. 论丁尼生的《鹰》的写作风格丁尼生诗歌创作的怀旧情结

    The Style of Tennyson 's Poem The Eagle : A Fragment Sense of nostalgia in Tennyson 's poetic creation

  17. 用童年时代故事吸引有怀旧情结的女性观众一直是迪士尼的传统。

    Disney has a history of targeting female audiences with stories that elicit the nostalgia of their childhood years .

  18. 并通过现代人对怀旧情结的关注以及深挖怀旧情结的根源,得出怀旧原本是时尚永恒的主题这一观点。

    According to the nostalgia complex of modern people , this paper summarizes that nostalgia is the eternal theme of fashion .

  19. 张颐武教授表示,80后和90后的怀旧情结来源于他们的挫败感与焦虑。

    Nostalgia for the post-1980s and post – 1990s generation , according to Zhang Yiwu , comes from their frustration and anxiety .

  20. 亲爱的朋友们,你曾有像怀念过过去的学生时光,玩具,老地方,或者老朋友这样的怀旧情结吗?

    My dear friends , do you ever have nostalgia for school times , toys , old places , or old friends of the past ?

  21. 着重通过对小思散文文本的分析,揭示出其中或显或隐的怀旧情结,并进而发掘其文化底蕴。

    Meanwhile , it focuses on the superficial or hidden nostalgia in it in terms of the analysis of the prose and further explores the deep foundation of the culture .

  22. 广告所传递的审美情感包括人性、人文关怀、暧昧的怀旧情结、亲情爱情友情、恋家思乡情怀等。

    The aesthetic feelings that advertisement conveys include human nature , human care , ambiguous nostalgic complex , family warmth , love , friendship , and homesickness and so on .

  23. 哈代的怀旧情结形成于在幼儿时期被压抑的愿望,这使得他从小便形成了忧郁和感伤的气质,潜藏在他的无意识中。

    Hardy 's nostalgia complex came out of his oppressed wish in his early days , which helped to form his melancholy and sentimental quality , latent in his unconsciousness .

  24. 怀旧情结是一头猛兽,如果你想用KonMari法去整理自己的生活,这既是一个好理由,也是一个坏理由,完全取决于你想怎样生活。

    Nostalgia is a beast , and that is either a good reason to KonMari your life , or a terrible one , depending on how you want to live .

  25. 其中,怀旧情结表现了美国南方文化取向的集体无意识,成为美国现代南方文学的重要特征之一。

    Among these traditions , the nostalgic affection represents Jung 's collective unconscious in Southern culture and turns out to be one of the dominant characteristics of the Southern cultural tradition .

  26. 同时,乡村旅游也从最初的城市人的怀旧情结而逐渐演变为一种具有生态旅游和文化旅游特点的独立旅游形式,成为现代旅游的一个重要分支。

    Meanwhile , rural tourism has turned into an independent tourism with ecological and cultural features from the beginning forms of recalling past times and old acquaintances , and now is becoming an important branch of modern tourism .

  27. 常言道,人越老越容易怀旧,但是和许多别的感情一样,怀旧的情结恰恰是年轻时最为强烈。

    We think of nostalgia as an emotion that grows with age , but , like most emotions , it is keenest when we are young .

  28. 蒋春玲认为,尽管每代人的怀旧本质有所不同,但一些共通的元素总能引发人们的怀旧情结。

    Although the nature of nostalgia differs from generation to generation , Jiang says there are universal elements that trigger feelings of nostalgia .

  29. 在消费文化的影响下,怀旧成为了电视媒介营销的一种手段,电视媒介把当前大众所具有的这种怀旧情结商品化了,而怀旧景观其实是电视媒介与消费文化共谋的产物。

    Under the influence of consumer culture , nostalgia has became a means of TV media marketing , television media public nostalgia commercialized , and the nostalgic spectacle is actually the product of collusion by the television media and consumer culture .