
  • 网络Sex party;Bunga bunga;Cryptogamia
  1. 65岁的国际货币基金组织(IMF)前总裁被控犯有严重拉皮条行为,即在世界各地招妓举办性派对。

    The 65-year-old former International Monetary Fund boss is charged with aggravated pimping & that is , procuring prostitutes for sex parties around the world .

  2. 本周,国际货币基金组织(IMF)前总裁多米尼克•斯特劳斯-卡恩(DominiqueStrauss-Kahn)和另外12人面临作为团伙的一部分从事严重拉皮条行为的指控,他们涉嫌参加有妓女的高端性派对。

    This week Dominique Strauss-Kahn , the former head of the International Monetary Fund and 12 others face charges of aggravated pimping as part of a group for allegedly participating in high-level orgies with prostitutes .

  3. 我正在为一对情侣计画一个多男一女的性派对,我要找寻另一个女生和四个男生来参加。

    I am planning for gangbang for a couple , and I am looking for another female and4 more guys to join the party .

  4. 如果一切按照计划来进行,那么这些蚊虫将举行巨大的性派对并开始杀死它们所有的自然同伴。

    If all goes according to plan , the mosquitoes will have a huge sex party and begin to kill off all of their natural counterparts .

  5. 就我自己而言,还没人请我担任过一家新闻机构的头号人物,或者邀请我参加一场性派对(至少到目前还没有)。

    For my part , no one has asked me to be the top banana at a journalistic organisation or invited me to an orgy ( at least not yet ) .

  6. 如果你想在最近美国某个企业的季节性派对上打破冷场局面,可以试着问一下这个会暴露真相的问题:美国哪里的创业人士比例最高?

    If you want to break the ice at a corporate seasonal party in America these days , try popping this revealing question : which part of the US has the highest proportion of entrepreneurship ?

  7. 《StarStar》的直白是给郊区那些无趣、疲倦、压抑的土包子们听的,与之伴随的还有他们的性伴交换派对和“钥匙俱乐部”(keyclubs)。

    The explicitness of ' Star Star ' was for bored , weary , repressed squares in the suburbs , with their swingers parties and ' key clubs . '

  8. 比如体育锻炼、性生活以及派对等有利于身心的社交活动。

    Exercise and sex come to mind , as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits .

  9. 研究人员称看电视时间过长会挤掉从事其它能带来持久快乐感的活动的时间,比如体育锻炼、性生活以及派对等有利于身心的社交活动。

    The researchers suggest that over time , television-viewing could push out other activities that do have more lasting benefits . Exercise and sex come to mind , as do parties and other forms of socialization known to have psychological benefits .

  10. 定期在园区内举行各类专题性论坛与特色派对和时尚活动,为时尚专业人士创造最佳的交流平台。

    Regularly in the Park held various thematic forum and characteristic party and fashion events , fashion professionals to create the best platform for the exchange of .