
  1. 同时,女性抑郁症患者的抗胰岛素性药高出23%。

    And rates of insulin resistance are23 percent higher among depressed women .

  2. 在富裕的国家,最普遍的假药是最贵的日常生活的药,比如过敏性药。

    In wealthier countries the most frequently counterfeited drugs are expensive lifestyle medicines such as allergy medications .

  3. 按中药药性分类,使用最多的为温性药和平性药。

    According to the classification of traditional Chinese medicine medicinal , use the most warm drugs for sexual medicine .

  4. 本文精选了50味平性药及50味对照非平性药作为研究对象;

    In this paper , 50 mild medicines and50 non-mild medicines as control groups were chosen for modeling study .

  5. 同时,在统计的133味药物中,温性药使用频次最多,寒性药次之,热性药物最少。

    Meanwhile , statistics , 133 herbal medicine , the temperature and frequency of drug use the most , followed by cold medicine , drugs for at least hot .

  6. 方法经PICC连接电子镇痛泵,应用麻醉性镇痛药。

    Methods Injecting narcotic analgesic by a PICC-Electronic Analgesia Pump .

  7. 结论胃癌患者存在先天性多药耐药现象,术前检测P-糖蛋白与突变型p53的表达对胃癌的新辅助化疗具有重要的指导作用。

    Conclusion The expression of p53 and P-glycoprotein before operation might be helpful for guidance of chemotherapy in patients with gastric cancer .

  8. 肿瘤多药耐药(MultidrugResistance,MDR)严重影响化疗效果和患者生存质量,MDR分原发性多药耐药和获得性多药耐药两类。

    The multidrug resistance ( MDR ) influences severely the chemotherapy effect and the living quality of patients with carcinoma .

  9. N-软脂酰基壳聚糖的制备及其改善靛玉红水溶性的药动学研究壳聚糖磷脂酰胆碱防治MCI的ERP早成分研究

    Preparation of N-palmitoyl chitosan and improvement of pharmacokinetics of indirubin The Prevention and Cure Effect of Chitosan-Phosphatidylcholine on MCI Patients by Early ERP Composition

  10. 缺血损伤前1d预防性给药和缺血后立即(6小时内)给药是GDNF治疗脑缺血的最佳时机。

    One day before or six hours after the onset of cerebral ischemia were the most optimum time window for administrating GDNF .

  11. 苦参碱对获得性多药耐药小鼠S(180)肿瘤细胞基因表达产物P(170)、LRP及TOPOⅡ表达的影响

    The Effect of Matrine on the Expression of P_ ( 170 ), LRP and TOPO ⅱ of Obtained Multi-drug Resistance of Mouse S_ ( 180 ) 's Tumour Cell

  12. 在人肿瘤非典型性多药耐药机制的研究中发现了一个新的基因&多药耐药相关蛋白基因(MRP)。

    A new gene which called multidrug resistant associated protein gene ( MRP ) was found in the study of the mechanism of multidrug resistance of cancer .

  13. 本文调查分析了内蒙古医学院第一附属医院1990-1992年3a间麻醉性镇痛药每年消耗量。

    We surveyed and analysed narcotic analgesics annual consumption from 1990 to 1992 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College .

  14. CP组病儿拔管时间、ICU停留时间、正性肌力药应用时间均较常规组明显缩短(P<001)。

    The extubation time , the ICU stay time , and the time of administrating inotropic drugs intravenously in CP group were decreased significantly when compared to those of conventional group .

  15. 结论P-gp、GST-π、TopoⅡ和LRP均在结直肠癌原发性多药耐药中起重要作用。

    Conclusion P-gp , GST - π, Topo ⅱ and LRP play important roles in the primary MDR of the colon and rectum carcinoma .

  16. 粉防己碱对获得性多药耐药小鼠S180肿瘤细胞P(170),LRP,TOPOⅡ表达的调控

    The effect of tetrandrine on the expression of the P_ ( 170 ), LRP and TOPO ⅱ in S180 's tumor cell induced by chemotherapy in the mice with acquired multi-drug resistance

  17. FBI法的线性、线性范围、定量下限、准确度、特异性符合药代动力学研究,日间变异系数大于20%。

    The linear range , sensitivity , specificity , intra-assay precision , and accuracy of FBI method were satisfied , but coefficient of variation of inter-assay precision was over 20 % .

  18. 结论:裸鼠高成瘤性多药耐药白血病细胞系K562-n/VCR具有其独特的生物学特性。

    Conclusion : A multi-drug resistant leukemia cell line K562-n / VCR , with high tumorigenicity and u-nique biological feature , had been established .

  19. 以水溶性抗癌药5-氟尿嘧啶为模型药物,选用丙烯酸树脂EudragitS100为材料制备了pH控制的结肠定位给药微囊。

    PH controlled colon-specific microcapsules were prepared using Eudragit S100 as the main capsule material . 5-Fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) ( a water soluble anticarcinogenic drug ) was employed as the model drug .

  20. 结果表明,乐斯本1000倍液和好年冬1500倍液对白蛾蜡蝉具有较好的速效性,药后1d的防效分别为80.44%和73.98%;

    The results showed that chlorpyrifos of 1000 times dilution and carbosulfan of 1500 times dilution had better field efficacy of quick result than the others and the efficacy was 80.44 % and 73.98 % respectively after 1 day .

  21. 拟青霉代谢物提取物100mg/kg1次性给药对小鼠脑组织单胺氧化酶A具有一定的选择性抑制作用,拟青霉代谢物提取物给药后4h,对小鼠脑组织单胺氧化酶A的抑制率达到66.7%。

    Once administration of 100 mg / kg BCPT had certain inhibition effect on MAO-A in brain tissues of mice , while 4 hours after administration with BCPT , the inhibition ratio of MAO-A was 66.7 % .

  22. Amiloride预防性给药对压力超负荷心肌肥厚大鼠左室肥厚形成及心肌细胞内游离钙的影响

    Effect of amiloride on left ventricular hypertrophy and [ ca 2 + ] I of single myocardial cells of left ventricular hypertrophied rats induced by partial ligation of the abdominal aorta

  23. 结论:M4、M5原发性多药耐药常见,P170阳性表达者治疗有效率低,预后差。

    Conclusion : The multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein is frequent in the cases with M4.M5.The response rate is lower and prognosis is worse in the patients with P-glycoprotein ( + ) .

  24. 结果:脂清胶囊在大鼠脂代谢紊乱模型预防性给药和治疗性给药实验中,对血清TC、TG、LDL-C升高有明显的治疗作用。

    Result : In the experiments of prevention and treatment of rats models with lipid metabolism disturbance , Zhiqing Capsule had evident therapeutic actions on reducing serum total cholesterol ( TC ), triglyceride ( TG ) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol ( LDL-C ) .

  25. 治疗性给药时,高剂量-αAI能显著降低血清TC、TG、LDL-C及肝脏TC、TG含量,显著升高HDL-C。

    In the therapeutic study ,α - amylase inhibitor of the high doses could significantly reduce the concentration of TC , TG and LDL-C in serum as well as TC , TG in liver . But the treatment increased the concentration of HDL-C in serum .

  26. HBI-8000的临床前有效性和药代动力学特性预示,其临床特性可能优于目前市售或开发中的其他HDAC抑制剂。

    The preclinical efficacy and pharmacokinetic properties of HBI-8000 may translate into an improved clinical profile over other HDAC inhibitors currently being marketed or in development .

  27. 方法采用限定日剂量(DDD)、用药频度(DDDs)和药物利用指数(DUI),对我院2004年麻醉性镇痛药处方进行统计分析。

    Methods To carry out statistical analysis of the recipes of anaesthetic antalgics of our hospital in 2004 by using the defined daily dose ( DDD ), DDDs , and drug utilization index ( DUI ) .

  28. 结论:大蒜素可使BGC-823和SGC-7901两种细胞的增殖受到抑制,细胞周期被阻滞在G2/M期。大蒜素与G2/M期特异性化疗药联合应用,可能具有协同抗肿瘤作用。

    Conclusions : Allicin has an inhibitory effect on gastric cells BGC-823 and SGC-7901 . It can arrest gastric cancer cells in G2 / M phase and may enhance cytotoxicity of cell cycles specific chemotherapeutic drugs on the cancer cells .

  29. 观察使用新的正性肌力药氨力农治疗80例充血性心力衰竭(CHF)的疗效,结果心功能得到改善,显效率66.25%,总有效率95.00%。

    Amrinone , a new positive inotropic drug , was used for the treatment of sixty patients with congestive heart failure and twenty patients with refractory heart failure . The total response to amrinone was 95 . 00 % , and 66 . 25 % of them got significant improvement .

  30. 单剂量口服泛昔洛韦良好的耐受性和药动学特点的事实,推荐口服泛昔洛韦0-125g~0-75g、1日3次的给药方案用于临床可能是安全的。

    That fine tolerance to single dose of famciclovir and pharmacokinetic charateristics similar to Famvir showed that famciclovir in a dose of 0.125g ~ 0.75g , 3 times daily would be safe for clinical use .