
zǒng gāng
  • general principles;general programme;general program;superclass
总纲 [zǒng gāng]
  • (1) [general programme;general principles]∶总的纲领

  • 宪法的总纲

  • (2) [superclass]∶分类学中处于门(或部)与纲之间的范畴

总纲[zǒng gāng]
  1. “三个代表”是当代中国先进文化建设的总纲。

    The three represents is the general program for the advanced cultural construction in modern China .

  2. 笔者认为,第5回是《红楼梦》全书的总纲,对于全书具有以点带面、以片断预示整体的创作目的和文本效果。

    The author believes the chapter 5 is the general program of the whole book , which indicates the aim and effects of the book through snippets .

  3. 《圣经》中记述的都是上(Shang)帝的启示,是基督教徒信仰的总纲和处世的规范,是永恒的真理。

    " Bible " is accounts of God 's revelation , is the Christian General principles of faith and life skills standards , is the eternal truth .

  4. 六足总纲系统发育研究进展与新分类系统

    Research Advances on Phylogeny of Hexapoda with a New Classification System

  5. 它正是安排范畴顺序的总纲。

    It is the general principle to arrange the categorical sequence .

  6. 我们成立了跨部门绿化总纲委员会。

    We have set up an inter-departmental Greening Master Plan Committee .

  7. 这两条诫命,是律法和先知一切道里的总纲。

    On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets .

  8. 《中国可持续发展总纲(国家卷)》是184位科学家、社会学家和政策研究人员携手合作的结晶。

    The20-volume series is the work of184 scientists , sociologists and policy researchers .

  9. 十诫的总纲的是什么?

    What is the sum of the ten commandments ?

  10. 一份的商业计划来说,总纲是必不可少的。

    An Executive Summary is critical to the success of the business plan .

  11. 联合国振兴工作总纲

    General Outline for the Revitalization of the United Nations

  12. 原尾纲重新分群的特征分析(六足总纲)

    Analysis of the main characters for regrouping the class PROTURA ( hexapoda )

  13. 爱人如己是一切律法的总纲。

    K.Love sums up the whole Law .

  14. 机场核心计划发展计划总纲

    Airport Core Programme Master Development Programme

  15. 在党章草案的总纲中有一部分是说明党的团结和统一的。

    Part of the General Programme of the draft Constitution dwells on Party solidarity and unity .

  16. 规划作为城市开发建设的总纲,在建设中所起到得作用不言而喻。

    Planning for urban development in general , the construction of a role to be self-evident .

  17. 云南西双版纳甲壳动物分布及区系特点(节肢动物门:甲壳动物总纲)

    Distribution and fauna characteristics of Crustacea from Xishuangbanna region , Yunnan Province ( arthropoda : crustacea )

  18. 它包括了商业计划的总纲,并标出要强调的重点部分。

    The Executive Summary offers synopsis of the business plan , and highlights the key points raised within .

  19. 诗119:160你话的总纲是真实.一切公义的典章是永远长存。

    The sum of Your word is truth , And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting .

  20. 第三章概括了孟子《诗》教审美思想是以充实之为美为总纲。

    The third chapter generalizes the mencius " poem teaching " aesthetic consciousness is " full of beauty " .

  21. 这应该是当前中国基础设施产业亲贫规制体系设计的总纲。

    This should be the general principle in design of pro-poor regulation system in infrastructure industries in current China .

  22. 党章草案在总纲部分和有关的条文中,都提出了这个任务。

    This task is brought out in both the General Programme and all relevant articles of the draft Party Constitution .

  23. 因此作为总纲性的探讨:非法应当可以分为轻微违法与严重违法。

    Therefore , as a master of the study : Illegal should be classified as minor and serious violations of law .

  24. 信息被分类和分析,那些有用的被保存下来,作为总纲的基础。

    The information is sorted and analyzed , and that which is useful is kept to be used as a has is for general principles .

  25. 在第七次大会通过的党章,特别是党章的总纲中,就是贯串着群众路线的精神的。

    The Party Constitution adopted by the Seventh Congress , and particularly its General Programme , is permeated with the spirit of the mass line .

  26. 今天,世卫组织呼吁大家采取行动,通过以下六点政策总纲加强问责制并遏止抗药性的蔓延:共同规划;

    Today , WHO is calling for action to raise accountability and halt the spread of drug resistance through a six-point policy package : joint planning ;

  27. 只应将总纲性的法律规范,以及不宜以商事单行法的形式规范或以商事单行形式规范成本过高的内容包含进去;

    It should include general law criterions and other content which are not suitable for commercial single file law to regulate or the cost is too high .

  28. 党章草案的总纲,同原有的总纲比较起来,有了很大的修改,特别是在政治方面。

    Comparing the General Programme of the draft Constitution with that of the existing Constitution , we can see many changes , especially in the political sphere .

  29. 对于党章草案的总纲,需要首先着重说明的,是其中说到的我们党的群众路线问题。

    What needs to be elaborated first of all in relation to the General Programme of the draft Constitution is the question of the Party 's mass line .

  30. 第三部分提出了中国基础设施产业亲贫规制体系设计的总纲,并从微观和宏观两个层面展开论述。

    The third part put forward a general principle for the design of pro-poor regulation system in China 's infrastructure industries , and discusses from micro-and macro - levels .