
  1. 总量失业的治理不外乎是两个方法:一是减少劳动力供给。

    Two methods are available for tackling national unemployment : one is to reduce supply of labor force .

  2. 近20多年,中国的失业经历了由隐性失业向显性失业的转化,为此,中国承受了巨大的总量失业的压力。

    Over more than 20 years , the unemployment of China experienced the stage from the recessive to the dominant unemployment . Thus , China has sustained the strong pressure from the huge size of unemployment .

  3. 长期的总量性失业理论模型研究

    Research on Theoretic Model of Long-run and Aggregate Unemployment

  4. 劳动力需求相对稳定是总量性失业产生的重要条件。

    The tranquilization of the labor demand curve is important to the gross unemployment .

  5. 我国当前城镇失业的基本特征是总量性失业。

    Quantitative trabeculectomy The basic characteristic of the current urban unemployment in China is quantitative unemployment .

  6. 摘要在未来的十几年,中国将面临严峻的总量性失业和结构性失业问题。

    In the next more than ten years , China will face a severer problem of overall unemployment and structural unemployment .

  7. 除了人口基数大之外,赶超战略是我国总量性失业和结构性失业的最主要原因。

    The most important factor contributing to overall unemployment and structural unemployment , in addition to large population , is catching-up strategy .

  8. 随着人口年龄结构的改变和城市化水平的推进,适龄劳动人口快速增加,总量性失业问题严重。

    As the population age structure changes and the advancement of urbanization , rapid increase in the working-age population , total unemployment problem is serious .

  9. 结构性失业问题不仅增加了总量性失业问题的治理难度,而且与总量性失业问题共同加剧了我国失业问题的进一步发展。

    The structural unemployment not only increases the difficulties of treating the total number of unemployment , but also worsens the whole problem of unemployment in China .

  10. 本文利用世界银行相关经验数据,对服务业就业比重与就业总量、失业率等方面的关系进行计量经济学分析,发现了几个重要关系:就业总量与服务业就业比重存在显著正相关;

    According to the related data coming from World Band , this paper studies the relationships between employment proportion in service and gross employment , and between the employment proportion in service and the rates of unemployment by econometric methods .

  11. 把中国的失业分为隐蔽性失业、结构性失业、周期性失业以及人口总量的绝对过量失业四种。

    It divided the unemployment into four types : concealing unemployment , structure unemployment , periodic unemployment and the unemployment caused by the absolute over population .

  12. 另一类是由劳动力市场总量失衡引起的总量失业。

    The other is the quantitative unemployment , caused by imbalance of the total amount of labor force in the labor market .

  13. 从总量上看由于劳动力需求相对于劳动力供给的不足造成失业,本文称之为总量矛盾的失业。

    In terms of the aggregate quantity , the unemployment , created by the labor demand 's mismatch with the labor supply , is called the unemployment of the aggregate quantity contradiction .