
héng lì
  • constant force
恒力[héng lì]
  1. 恒力作用下质点的相对论运动

    Relativistic motion of a particle acted by a constant force

  2. 洛伦兹力和恒力共同作用下带电粒子的运动

    The Motion of Charged Particle Acted Upon by Lorentz force and Constant Force

  3. 金刚石砂轮恒力磨削Si3N4陶瓷的钝化模型旋转金刚石修整工具修整超硬磨料砂轮的研究

    Passivation Model of Diamond Wheel for Constant-force Grinding Si_3N_4 Ceramics Dressing of diamond grinding wheels using rotary diamond dresser

  4. 人造金刚石树脂砂轮磨削比的提高方法金刚石砂轮恒力磨削Si3N4陶瓷的钝化模型

    On Grinding Rate of Man-made Diamond Resin-bonded Grinding Wheel ; Passivation Model of Diamond Wheel for Constant-force Grinding Si_3N_4 Ceramics

  5. 同时基于MATLAB的恒力吊架的优化设计制造成功,为大力推广现代设计技术、计算机技术等新技术提高机械产品的质量,降低成本,缩短生产周期,提供了技术上的借鉴。

    Its success of constant force optimized design based on MATLAB greatly reduce cost and shorten process periods so that it presents reference for spreading such new technology as modern design technology and computer technology in order to promote quality in mechanical manufacturing .

  6. 即,先利用前馈补偿确定执行器输出力达到目标力时的电流,使输出力快速接近恒力目标,再通过变速积分PID控制方法,使输出力精确达到恒力目标,实现执行器的恒力控制。

    Its process is as follows : first use the feed-forward compensation to determine the current when actuator output force get to the target which will make the output force fast approach constant target , then obtain the constant force by variable speed integral PID control method .

  7. 同时通过改进结构设计,使最大吸力(气隙为1mm)与工作吸力(气隙为15mm)之比由40.5降到2.3,可谓准恒力电磁铁,大大减小了电磁铁工作过程中的机械冲击与噪声。

    By improving the structure design , the ratio between biggest electromagnetic traction ( air-gap is 0.001m ) and working traction ( air-gap is 0.015m ) is falled from 40.5 to 2.3-magnetics of quasi-constant force , and mechanical shock and noise are reduced in electromagnetics operation .

  8. 恒力矩基氏流动度试验方法初步研究

    Primary Study on the Test Method of Constant Moment Gieseler Fluidity

  9. 剪式恒力仪在拉杆安装中的应用

    Application of Shears Type Constant Tension Meters in Tie Bar Installation

  10. 恒力管架在管道应力分析中的特殊应用

    Special application of permanent force pipe support for pipeline stress analysis

  11. 步进电机恒力矩均匀细分驱动器的设计与实现

    Design of a Fine Division Driver for Stepping Motor with Constant Torque

  12. 压边力优化控制研究恒力吊架优化设计

    Study on Optimized Control of BHF Optimized Design for Constant Force Hanger

  13. 四连杆弹簧式恒力支吊架的设计计算东海大桥液压吊架成套设备设计

    Design for Complete Equipment of Hydraulic Pressure Installing Frame of Donghai Bridge

  14. 均衡运动中的科里奥利力客车车窗新型恒力均衡机构

    The New Type of Constant Force Balance Mechanism for Passenger Car Windows

  15. 恒力,竭诚欢迎国内外广大客户加盟合作。

    Hengli welcomes customers from home and abroad for cooperation .

  16. 一种近似恒力弹簧装置的设计

    Design of a spring device with approximately constant elasticity

  17. 恒力弹簧支吊架凸轮曲线方程推导

    The derivation about the curve equation of cams in constant supporting spring hangers

  18. 用剪式恒力仪安装拉杆须注意的要点

    Key Points on Tension Rod Installation by Using shear Type Constant Force Tester

  19. 恒力弹簧支吊架微机检测系统

    The microcomputer Test System for Constant Support spring Hangers

  20. 使电机车实现了恒力矩起动,恒功率运行的牵引特性。

    This made the constant moment startup and the constant power run realized .

  21. 一种机械式恒力压边装置的设计

    A New Design of a Mechanical Blank Holder of Constant Pressure for Drawing

  22. 三连杆恒力弹簧吊架的设计与力学分析

    Design and Mechanical Analysis of Three Links Constant Hangers

  23. 四连杆恒力弹簧吊架设计公式的演绎与求解

    Deduction and Solution of Design Formula for Four Links Permanent Force Spring Hanger

  24. 因此摩擦力是典型的,不守恒力。

    So friction is a classic example of a force that is not conservative .

  25. 恒力是一种快速有效地给刚体添加恒定外力的方法。

    Constant Force is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody .

  26. 在采用恒力自动拉紧装置时带式输送机胶带动张力计算

    The Calculation of Rubber Belt Tension for Belt Conveyor in Constant Automatic Tight Unit

  27. 恒力弹簧的探讨与研究

    Approach and research on spring with constant force

  28. 恒力书写仪的计算机控制系统

    Computer Control System of Constant Force Writing

  29. 研究在相对论情况下受恒力作用质点的曲线运动规律。

    Curvilinear motion of a particle acted by a constant force in relativistic mechanics is studied .

  30. 核级恒力弹簧吊架回转臂的应力分析

    Stress analysis of constant hanger arms