
  • 网络alcatraz;Alcatraz Island;Devil's Island;papillon;evil islands
  1. 乔伊斯我去了两次史坦格佛的演奏会,还有去恶魔岛。

    Joyce I went to the SternGrove concerts twice and over to Alcatraz Island .

  2. 这三个人被关押在旧金山臭名昭著的恶魔岛监狱,那里关着最为穷凶极恶的罪犯,是有史以来最难逃脱的监狱之一。

    The trio were being held in the infamous prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco , which was reserved for the most hardened criminals and considered to be one of the most escape-proof prisons ever built .

  3. 在玩恶魔岛游戏时(EVILISLANDS)是,我不能找到通过第二圈的关键点。

    I have been playing Evil Islands and I cannot find the second circle key holder anywhere .

  4. 据BusinessInsider调查,脸书的实习生们还能在公司吃到免费的三餐,观看戏剧演出,到旧金山湾的恶魔岛上游览观光,还能几个人一起玩寻宝游戏。

    The interns also get free food for breakfast , lunch , and dinner on Facebook 's campus , theater performances , Alcatraz tours and scavenger hunts , according to Business Insider .

  5. 到访开普敦的“恶魔岛”(Alcatraz)需要提前几个星期预订。罗本岛(RobbenIsland)距海岸5英里(约8.05公里),是令人生畏的流放之地。

    Book a few weeks in advance for a tour of Cape Town 's Alcatraz : Robben Island , the grim penal colony five miles off the coast .

  6. 在恶魔岛,孤独和厌烦消磨着库恩。

    At Alcatraz , the isolation and boredom worn Coon down .

  7. 恶魔岛:违法者、恶棍还有鬼魂的家。

    Alcatraz : Home to wrongdoers , gangsters , and ghosts .

  8. 而你父亲把他送到了这个恶魔岛。

    And your daddy sent him to devil 's island .

  9. 这“访问”主要包括美国大峡谷游、纳帕谷葡萄园游以及恶魔岛游;

    Its highlights included tours of the Grand Canyon , Napa Valley vineyards and Alcatraz prison ;

  10. 那里就像是恶魔岛,要想逃离这里,你只需走出那扇门。

    It was like Alcatraz but all you had to do to escape was walk through the front door .

  11. 自然主义者们正在创建“恶魔岛”,健康的“恶魔”们可以在塔斯马尼亚的非癌症区里生存喂养。

    Naturalists are creating " devil 's islands ," cancer-free areas in Tasmania where healthy devils can live and breed .

  12. 这里离恶魔岛不远,这座岛是20世纪60年代关闭的那座臭名昭著的最戒备森严的监狱所在地。

    This is not far from Alcatraz Island - home of the infamous maximum security prison that closed in the 1960 " s.

  13. 这只鸡最近一次被看到是在一条“恶魔岛监狱”的船上,它漂浮在出了名的无法逃脱的监狱岛周围。

    It was most recently seen on an " Alcatraz Prison Transport " boat floating around the notoriously inescapable prison island complex .

  14. 甚至有美国人传言说恶魔岛上有一个可以让邪恶的灵魂通过的能量入口。

    Ị t is even rumored by the Native Americans to be an energy portal where evil spirits are allowed to come through .

  15. 一些主要景点包括:渔人码头、唐人街、恶魔岛监狱、还有穿越金门大桥。

    Some of the main attractions include : Fisherman 's Wharf , Chinatown , Alcatraz Prison , and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge .

  16. 这栋建筑通常被称为洞穴或者是笼子牢房,这里会关押那些在恶魔岛上严重违反规定囚犯。

    This level was located on the bottom floor of the prison , in Cell Block D , where they kept inmates who broke the more serious of rules at Alcatraz .

  17. 恶魔岛是旧金山最著名的地标之一,但是这个曾经的最高安全级别监狱也是这座城市最灵异鬼故事的发祥地。

    Most Haunted Place : Alcatraz Alcatraz Island is one of San Francisco 's most famous landmarks , but the former maximum-security prison is also home to some of the city 's weirdest ghost stories .

  18. 这跟黑手党老大的危险形象非常不合,不过还有有点情有可原的,考虑到他写下这首歌的地点:恶魔岛监狱。

    It doesn 't seem to fit into the dangerous mob boss image , but Al does manage to save a little face when you realize where he wrote most of his stuff : Alcatraz prison .