
è mó
  • demon;devil;monster;fiend;evil spirit;evil person
恶魔 [è mó]
  • (1) [devil]

  • (2) 佛教语。障碍佛法的恶神的总称

  • (3) 比喻非常凶恶的人

恶魔[è mó]
  1. 他被看成一个执意要将国家交给反动分子的恶魔。

    He was seen as a demon , determined to hand the country over to the reactionaries .

  2. Excuseme弩阿达王子:恶魔,和人类比起来,你要更接近于我们。

    Prince Nuada : You have more in common with us than them , demon .

  3. 以前,人们相信人有可能被恶魔缠身。

    It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits .

  4. 有关环保的辩论往往会分化成“科学是救星”和“科学是恶魔”两个阵营。

    The green debate tends to polarise into science-as-saviour versus science-as-devil camps .

  5. 她是个恶魔。一方面,她确实以残忍为乐。

    She was a monster . For one thing , she really enjoyed cruelty

  6. 我认为这是恶魔在作祟。

    I think this is an evil spirit at work

  7. 加德纳称这本书为“一个病态恶魔的作品”。

    Gardner describes the book as ' the product of a diseased and evil mind ' .

  8. 他是附在她身上的恶魔,诱使她违心地走上犯罪的道路。

    He was her evil genius , leading her into a life of crime against her will .

  9. 人们认为这些精美的图案可以保护他们战胜恶魔。

    The elaborate patterns were believed to offer protection against evil .

  10. “有一个古老的传说:只要一直制作彩蛋,恶魔将不会在世上横行作乱,”加拿大的彩蛋绘制师琼·布兰德说道。

    " There 's an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made , evil will not prevail in the world , " says Joan Brander , a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years , having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives .

  11. 我试著取悦神只,驱赶恶魔。

    I tried to propitiate gods and to dispel demons .

  12. 梦中的恶魔手中拿著黑桃K,象徵著我的诞生。

    The devil in the dream with a spade K in his hand symbolizes my come out .

  13. Web服务标准也受到复杂性恶魔的威胁,但是称作REST的替代策略承诺了更简单的方式。

    Web services standards too are threatened by the complexity bogeyman , but an alternative strategy known as REST promises a more straightforward approach .

  14. 特斯拉公司的CEO、科技投资人伊隆o马斯克表示,人工智能领域的研究有可能召唤出人类无法控制的恶魔。

    Tesla Motors CEO and technology investor Elon Musk said research in the area could be like summoning the demon that is beyond control .

  15. 所有的矛头都指向了一个人,大恶魔峰,杀死兰迪父亲的幕后黑手,同时也是FBI的头号通缉犯。

    All the finger pointing of a man , devil peak behind the killing of his father Randy also the FBIs most wanted man .

  16. 在交易结束之后不久,Chuck一个roundhouse踢在恶魔脸上,然后拿回了他的灵魂。

    Shortly after the transaction was finalized , Chuck roundhouse-kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back .

  17. 电影根据《黑弥撒:惠特尼巴尔杰、FBI和恶魔的交易》一书改编,由斯科特库珀执导,目前正在波士顿进行拍摄。

    The movie , which is based on the book Black Mass : Whitey Bulger , the FBI , and a Devil 's Deal , is now shooting in Boston with Scott Cooper directing .

  18. 这套系列小说以纽约为背景,讲述勇斗恶魔的Nephilim(又称暗影猎人)的冒险故事。

    Set in Modern New York City , the series centers on the adventures of the demon-fighting Nephilim ( also called shadowhunters ) .

  19. 速度恶魔(5分):完成一个时代的挑战。

    Speed Devil ( 5 points ): Complete a time challenge .

  20. 如果谈论恶魔,它将会出现。

    If you talk of the devil , he will appear .

  21. 但是一只恶魔想要从麦里斯那里得到什么呢?

    But what would a Devil want with someone like Merris ?

  22. 我想恶魔男爵念了下雨的咒语。

    I thought that evil Baron cast a spell for rain .

  23. 我的第一个恶魔是来自达拉斯的布雷德怀特。

    My first demon was to be Brad white from dallas .

  24. 恶魔艾登不喜欢这个时候,我也一样。

    Erdon the demon hates this time and so do I !

  25. 毫无疑问我看上去就像个不死的恶魔。

    There 's no doubt I look like the evil undead .

  26. 跟恶魔喝汤调羹要长,对坏人必须提防。

    He that sups with the devil needs a long spoon .

  27. 那告诉我,到哪去找这个恶魔?

    Then tell me , where do I find this demon ?

  28. 血石说:“不能再这样下去了,我们终究要除掉这个恶魔。”

    But Bloodstone said ," We must kill this monster . "

  29. 地狱空空如也,而所有的恶魔妖魅皆在此。

    Hell is empty , And all the devils are here .

  30. 他虽是个吃人恶魔,说话倒像个美食家。

    Ogre that he was , he spoke like an epicure .