
xuán líng mù
  • sycamore;plane tree;planetree
悬铃木[xuán líng mù]
  1. 建立了二球悬铃木的离体微繁体系。

    A protocol for in vitro micropropagation of London plane tree was established .

  2. 争论的核心针对有毒落叶剂的问题。悬铃木集中落叶的化学调控研究及落叶剂的配制筛选

    The debate focused on the issue of poisonous leaf-falling agents . Chemical Adjustment and Control of Defoliation of the Plane Tree and Preparation of Defoliant

  3. 筛选出了适宜悬铃木组培苗叶片DNA的提取方法;

    Method of extraction DNA from leaves of P. orientalis is selected .

  4. AC药剂对悬铃木球果脱落的生理效应

    Physiological Effect of AC Chemical Preparation on the Abscission of Plane Tree

  5. ESR检测结果显示,悬铃木花粉能产生自由基。

    The ESR results showed that free radicals can be generated by Platanus grains .

  6. 悬铃木硬枝扦插年龄效应及对-αNAA处理的响应

    The Age-Effects of Hardwood-Cutting of Platanus orientalis and Its Rooting Response to α - NAA

  7. 悬铃木Platanusacerifolia落毛问题的研究&Ⅱ、毛的类型及其发育的观察

    Studies on the hairs falling of Platanus acerifolia ⅱ . the hair types and their development

  8. 大气污染会影响悬铃木叶片的电导率、游离Pro和可溶性糖含量以及抗氧化能力,致使叶片电导率升高,游离Pro和可溶性糖含量增加,抗氧化能力增强。

    The effects of air pollution on Platanus acerifolia Willd indicated that conductivity , contents of dissociate Pro and soluble sugar , activities of GSH-Px and total anti-oxidant capacity of its leaves increased with air pollution .

  9. 结果表明:悬铃木花粉在15%蔗糖+0.01%硼酸的培养基上培养24h后萌发率最高;

    The result showed that the pollen germinating percentage reached the highest after incubated for ( 24 h ) on the media supplemented with 15 % sucrose and 0.01 % Boric acid ;

  10. 采集上海市杨浦区部分交通道路两侧行道树悬铃木叶片样品,对邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)的分布特征进行分析。

    The distribution of phthalic acid esters ( PAEs ) in Platanus hispanica leaf and its appendicle collected at several streets in Yangpu district , Shanghai city was analyzed .

  11. 悬铃木花粉生活力及贮藏力的研究

    Studies on the Pollen Vitality and Storage Capacity in Platanus acerifolia

  12. 少果悬铃木遗传分析初步

    Preliminary analysis on genetics of Platanus occidentalis Linn with less cone

  13. 二球悬铃木花粉主要变应原蛋白编码基因克隆的制备

    Cloning of gene coding main allergen of Platanus acerifolia pollen

  14. 悬铃木实生苗茎结构研究

    Research on Stem Structure of the Seedling of Platanus Orientalis

  15. 二球悬铃木冬芽休眠的温度特性

    Temperature characteristics of winter Buds ' dormancy in Platanus acerifolia

  16. 华北油田悬铃木害虫种类调查及防治研究

    Investigation and control measures of Platanus acerifolia pests in Huabei oil field

  17. 青岛市悬铃木上根结线虫的种类及致病性初探

    The Identification and Pathogenicity Testing of Meloidogyne Species on Sycamore in Qingdao

  18. 久效磷在悬铃木植株体内动态分布的研究

    Research on the Dynamic Distribution of Azodrin in Plane Tree

  19. 悬铃木越冬芽在冬季的生理适应

    The physiological adaptation of Platanus acerifolia bud in winter

  20. 北美悬铃木的组织培养

    Tissue Culture and Mass Propagation of Platanus occidentalis Linn

  21. 银白杨叶片不定芽再生影响因素的研究北美一球悬铃木高效遗传转化体系的建立

    Establishment of High Frequency Regeneration System of Adventitious Bud of Platanus occidentalis Linn

  22. 悬铃木冬芽休眠过程中内源激素的动态变化研究

    Dynamic change of endogenous hormones inside buds in Platanus acerifolia during winter dormancy

  23. 久效磷涂茎防治悬铃木害虫的机理研究

    Research on Mechanism of stem brush of Azodrin to control pests in plane tree

  24. 悬铃木的树叶一动不动地耷拉着。

    Brittle leaves on plane trees dangled motionless .

  25. 那天,春末夏初的和风吹得正有劲,摇晃着悬铃木的梢头。

    A brisk May breeze was blowing , which swayed the crests of the plaintain-trees .

  26. 该种新人侵害虫在湖北武汉等城市危害三球悬铃木。

    The imported species damages the leaves of Platnus orientalit in Wuhan , Hubei Province .

  27. 影响悬铃木少球化嫁接改造后成冠因素的探讨

    The study of forming crown factor of influence plan tree less-fruit-ballizing after graft and transformation

  28. 建立了适于北美一球悬铃木遗传转化的稳定高效的组培受体系统;

    Nine factors affecting transformation were investigated and an effective genetic transformation system was established .

  29. 城市胁迫生境下二球悬铃木叶片的发育稳定度及其环境指示功能

    Leaf development stability of Platanus acerifolia under urban environmental stress and its implication for environmental indicator

  30. 不同硬化地面类型对城市悬铃木物质循环的影响

    Effects of Different Hardened Grounds on the Material Recycling of Platanus acerifolia ( Ait ) wild