
qíng rén jié
  • Valentine's Day
  1. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

    It 's Valentine 's Day and lurve is in the air .

  2. 情人节时我们会举办一场盛大聚会。

    We 're going to have a huge blowout for Valentine 's Day .

  3. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  4. 根据经济日报的数据,圣诞节和情人节期间的花卉出口量占印度整年花卉出口的40%到45%。

    According to the economic times , the season between Christmas and valentine 's day accounts for40 % to45 % of Indian cut-flower exports .

  5. 人们经常在复活节吃巧克力,或者在情人节、万圣节和圣诞节等其他节日吃巧克力。

    People often eat chocolate at Easter , or during other festivals like Valentine 's Day , Halloween and Christmas .

  6. 例如,你可以说:“我是一只单身狗,情人节和我无关。”

    For example , you can say " Valentine 's Day has nothing to do with me since I am a single dog . "

  7. 情人节的时候,母亲收到一份心形盒装的美味棒棒糖

    For St. Valentine 's Day , Mother received a heart-shaped box of delicious bonbons .

  8. 现在爱心符号用在所有浪漫的东西上:情人节卡片、图释、巧克力。

    Now it 's used in everything romantic : Valentine 's Day cards , emojis , chocolate .

  9. 当她醒来,她和她丈夫说:“我刚梦到你情人节给了我一根珍珠项链。你说那是什么含义呢?”。

    When she woke up , she told her husband , " I just dreamt that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine 's day . What do you think it could mean ? "

  10. 泰坦尼克号3D海报:庆祝情人节最浪漫电影永远没有之一

    Titanic 3D ' Poster : Celebrate Valentine 's Day With One Of The Most Romantic Movies Ever

  11. River市高中今晚要在这儿举行情人节舞会,而且学生们正在为这次聚会全力准备着呢。

    River City High is having its Valentine 's Day dance this night , and the students are getting ready for a rally .

  12. 2010年“情人节”中的Liz

    Liz in " Valentine 's Day " ( 2010 ) ,

  13. Annie每次听那节目录音都感动得热泪盈眶,她终于写信去约Sam情人节在纽约帝国大厦顶楼见面。

    Annie impulsively writes a letter suggesting that Sam meet her on top of the Empire State Building on Valentine 's Day .

  14. 更妙的是,为了庆祝情人节,制作公司于情人节晚将《泰坦尼克号》3D版列入订票大屏,影迷们在那里输入信息便有机会赢取3D首映之旅。

    Even better ? In honor of Valentine 's Day , the studio will screen Titanic in 3D at select theaters tonight , where fans can enter for a chance to win a trip to the 3D premiere .

  15. 1929年2月14日,情人节大屠杀中,歹徒AlCapone的七个对手在芝加哥一车库被枪。

    On Feb. 14 , 1929 , seven rivals of gangster Al Capone were gunned down in a Chicago garage in the St. Valentine 's Day Massacre .

  16. 现在,情人节是大买卖:根据IBIS世界公司的市场调查,去年情人节的销售额达到176亿美元;

    Today , the holiday is big business : According to market research firm IBIS World , Valentine 's Day sales reached $ 17.6 billion last year ;

  17. 在改编自JK罗琳原著的①魔幻大片中饰演赫敏·格兰杰、现年17岁的沃森,同男主角18岁的雷德克里夫,于情人节当天,被目击在一家伦敦酒吧的花园里亲密依偎。

    Radcliffe , 18 , and Watson , 17 , who plays Hermione Granger in the ① blockbuster productions based on J.K.Rowling 's books , were spotted on Valentine 's Day huddled together in the garden of a London bar .

  18. 每年情人节,情人们会送出上百万朵玫瑰花。

    Millions of roses get handed out on Valentine 's Day .

  19. 宝贝现在还没到情人节呢

    Baby , it 's not even Valentine 's Day yet .

  20. 是和家人一起过节还是和爱人过情人节呢?

    Spend the holiday with your family or with your lover ?

  21. 写上祝福的情人节卡也被人么所使用。

    Valentine cards with words are often used by many people .

  22. 因为我特地在情人节这一天对你表白。

    Because I chose specially to assert my love to you .

  23. 邱比特是情人节最著名的象征。

    Cupid is the most famous symbol of Valentine 's Day .

  24. 情人节礼物是什么呢?玫瑰和巧克力?

    Jack : What about the valentine ? Rose and chocolate ?

  25. 情人节将至,我们特别为你准备小礼物

    Valentine 's Day is around the corner and we have prepared

  26. 除了情人节之外,我们也在耶诞节交换礼物。

    Besides valentine 's day , we exchange presents on christmas .

  27. 通常情况下,情人节那天你花费多少?

    How much money would you spend for Valentine 's Day ?

  28. 我想在情人节紧握你的手。

    I want to hold your hand on valentine 's day .

  29. 如果有人邀请你去参加情人节聚会,那就去吧。

    If you 're invited to a V-Day party , go .

  30. 有规定情人节一定要姑娘送卡片的吗

    Are girls supposed to give boys Valentine 's Day cards ?