
qíng yù
  • desire;lust;sexual passion;erotic feeling
情欲 [qíng yù]
  • (1) [lust]∶性欲

  • (2) [desire]∶欲望,欲念;对异性的欲望

情欲[qíng yù]
  1. 第四部分分析虹影小说中的欲望主题,笔者这里所说的欲望即是情欲/性。

    The desire in the thesis refers to sexual passion or desire .

  2. 她的作品对人性中的虚荣、自私、嫉妒、情欲、金钱欲等都有深刻的表现。

    In her works vanity , selfishness , jealousy , sexual passion and desire for wealth are profoundly revealed .

  3. 他的爱是以情感而不是以情欲为其经纬的。

    His love had been woven of sentiment rather than passion .

  4. 阿德尔摩同意了并适时地顺从了贝仁格情欲的增长。

    Adelmo agreed and duly submitted to Berengar 's lustful advances .

  5. 它讲述了一个关于“破碎的梦和暗恋、热烈的情欲、牺牲和救赎”的故事。《IDreamedADream》也是歌曲之一。

    It is a story of " broken dreams and unrequited love , passion , sacrifice and redemption , " with songs that include I Dreamed A Dream .

  6. 一个男人做了这个女人的情人就可以和N先生感到同样的骄傲,而且她的姿色也足以引起玛格丽特过去在我身上引起过的同样的情欲。

    The man who became this woman 's lover could be every bit as pleased with himself as Monsieur de N , and she was beautiful enough to start a passion the equal of the one which Marguerite had inspired in me .

  7. 我甚至参考了《venusinthekitchen》和其他催人情欲的烹饪书,但是尽管这些书生动讲述了牡蛎和鹅肝的浪漫功能,关于蔬菜的章节却很少。

    I even consulted Venus in the kitchen and other aphrodisiac cookbooks but , although they were eloquent on the romantic possibilities of oysters and foie gras , their vegetable chapters were a little thin .

  8. 法国人曾经把番茄称作pommed'amour,意思是爱情苹果。但是有人说这样称呼并不是因为它的形状,而是法国人觉得它是一种促进情欲的药剂。

    The French once called tomatoes ' pomme d'amour ' , meaning love apple , but some say this is because they believed it was an aphrodisiac and had little to do with its shape .

  9. 美丽的姐妹是虚荣,她的女儿是情欲。

    Beauty 's sister is vanity , and its daughter lust .

  10. 我想象到一些不同寻常的私情和前所未闻的醇酒和情欲。

    I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions .

  11. 理学家的情欲心理思想与艺术心理的关系

    Relation Between Philosophers ' Lust Ideology and Their Artistic Mentality

  12. 要让四十岁成为美丽的风景,而不是情欲的陷阱。

    Four-year-old to make a beautiful landscape , rather than lust trap .

  13. 论文还具体分析了精神分析美学在中国现代小说中通过对情欲的肯

    The transformation of the psychoanalytic aesthetics to Chinese novel is

  14. 有些人通过阅读杂志来满足他们的情欲。

    Some people satisfy their sexual desires through reading magazines .

  15. 每套系统在促进情欲中扮演着重要角色。

    Each system in the promotion of passion play an important role .

  16. 在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。

    Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion .

  17. 巴穆·柯比在她心中煽动起一片迟暮的情欲。

    Palmer Kirby had wakened late blooming lusts in her .

  18. 他经常布道谴责情欲之乐。

    He often preached against the pleasures of the flesh .

  19. 且让久远的记忆去愚弄情欲:诺!

    Taught memory long to mock desire : and lo !

  20. 神对于爱情是尊重的,而对于情欲却是憎恶的。

    God respects the true feeling of love , but He hates lust .

  21. 祷告乃倒空自我、自我的情欲和愿望。

    Prayer is an emptying of myself and my own lusts and desires .

  22. 这是爱还是下流的情欲。

    Whether it was love or an indecent desire .

  23. 对于他的情欲和机会,这个家似乎构成了最令人烦恼的障碍。

    It seemed a most irritating drag upon all his desires and opportunities .

  24. 心源性闭经与情欲身体(法国)

    Psychogenic amenorrhoea and sexed body ( Fren )

  25. 独处时,保持禁欲,控制情欲,婚后应忠诚。

    Controlling lust by remaining celibate when single , leading to faithfulness in marriage .

  26. 尸检结果表明,贝基情欲旺盛。

    Autopsy revealed that Becky was sexually active .

  27. 情欲是最有戏剧性的毁灭力量。

    Passion proves the most dramatically destructive force .

  28. 我的全部情欲也将燃成死灰。

    And into ashes all my lust .

  29. 心理学派则从作者的性格和心理中去寻求答案,以为是艾米莉在发泄压制的情欲;

    The psychological school tries to find answers from the author 's disposition and psychology ;

  30. 炎热诱发了他们两人的情欲。

    The heat made them both randy .