
yì zhì lì
  • willpower;strength of will;volition
  1. 有时安东尼感觉他的情妇比他更有意志力。

    Anthony sometimes felt that his mistress was his superior in willpower

  2. 他多次想单凭意志力戒烟都没有成功。

    His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed .

  3. 她决心坚持下去,显示出了很大的意志力。

    Her decision to continue shows great strength of will .

  4. 她有非凡的意志力。

    She has a remarkable inner strength .

  5. 他凭借超乎常人的保持生命尊严的信念和顽强意志力忍受着各种病痛的折磨。

    He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude .

  6. 她拒绝了那个绝对诱人的提议,我认为这显示出了她性格中非凡的意志力。

    I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer

  7. 卡梅伦先生与公共健康都欠缺意志力。

    But strength of will is the missing ingredient where Mr. Cameron and public health are concerned .

  8. 他也提到了坚持和意志力。

    Mr. Jobs also spoke of perseverance and will power .

  9. 仅凭意志力,伯德就设法活了下来。

    By will-power alone , Byrd managed to stay alive .

  10. 他纯粹靠意志力达到了目的。

    He achieved his aim by sheer strength of will .

  11. 他的意志力使他能坚持下去。

    His strength of will enabled him to persist .

  12. 为了完成这场铁人三项,你得有超强的意志力!

    To complete this triathlon , you 're going to need true grit !

  13. 美国心理协会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)于2010年11月公布的一项对1134名成年人的调查显示,人们将意志力不坚定列为自己没能做出积极改变的最大原因。

    In a survey of1,134 adults released last month by the American Psychological Association , willpower was the top reason people cited for failing to make positive changes .

  14. 即使像SAT这种标准考试可以体现学生的学业成绩,却不能测试其他方面,如学生的信心、所付出的努力及意志力;学生的整体潜力也并不能由这些考试体现出来。

    Even if standardized tests like the SAT could show a student 's academic proficiency , they will never be able to test things like confidence , efforts and willpower , and are unable to give us the full picture of a student 's potentialities .

  15. 意志力薄弱等。据此,提出了矫正方法。

    On this base , the correction methods are put forward .

  16. 意志力就是能抑制冲动和欲望的能力。

    Willpower is the ability to inhibit an impulse or desire .

  17. 意志力和自控力会随着时间流逝而无情地减少。

    Will and discipline decline inexorably as the day wears on .

  18. 他全凭意志力克服了他的恶习。

    He overcame his bad habits by sheer force of will .

  19. 而且如果你不积极锻炼你的意志力

    but also that if you don 't actively exercise your willpower

  20. “他的意志力比我坚定。”梅琪说道。

    ' He 's got more willpower , 'his wife says .

  21. 你的伟大的精神和意志力大大鼓舞了我。

    I 'm immediately heartened by your magnificent spirit and will-power .

  22. 他缺乏意志力,克制不住自己的贪吃。

    He hasn 't the willpower to stop eating so much .

  23. 目的编制适合中学生使用的意志力问卷。

    Objective To make a willpower questionnaire for middle-high school students .

  24. 不过你的意志力真是惊人我亲爱的哈比朋友

    But you have some strength in you , my dear Hobbit

  25. 他坚信人的持久意志力可以战胜一切困难。

    He believed that enduring willpower could defeat any difficulties .

  26. 他意志力不够坚强,无法拒绝。

    He hadn 't enough strength of mind to refuse .

  27. 伟大事业的成就靠的不是力量,而是意志力!

    Greatworks are performerd not by strenght but by willpower !

  28. 你和起诉律师打交道需要有坚强的意志力。

    You 'll need strong nerves to deal with the prosecuting lawyer .

  29. 看到他脸上的泪水,使她丧失了意志力。

    The sight of those tears on his face sapped her will-power .

  30. 你需要很强的意志力来持续节食。

    You need great willpower to remain on a diet .