
yì jian
  • opinion;view;advice;suggestion;take;objection;advisement;idea;complaint;feeling;judgment;differing opinion;point of view;theory;attitude toward
意见 [yì jiàn]
  • (1) [view;suggestion;opinion;idea;]∶见解;主张

  • 各陈意见

  • (2) [objection;differing opinion;compaint]∶对人对事不满意的想法

  • 有意见就提嘛

  • (3) [idea;view]∶识见;看法或想法

  • 交换意见

意见[yì jian]
  1. 现在,我们必须设法说服管理层采纳这个意见。

    Now we have to try and sell the idea to management .

  2. 我决定假意听从她的意见。

    I decided to play along with her idea .

  3. 观众给我提的意见反过来对我的作品起到了促进作用。

    What the audience tells me feeds back into my work .

  4. 参加问卷调查的所有人中有四分之一没有表示明确意见。

    A quarter of all the people surveyed were don 't-knows .

  5. 他们征询一位心理学家的独立意见。

    They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion .

  6. 他的意见和管理部门的方针不大吻合。

    His views did not sit comfortably with the management line .

  7. 会议上普遍的意见是反对这个决定。

    The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision .

  8. 你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?

    How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion ?

  9. 我们大家就此事基本达成一致意见。

    All of us are in broad agreement on this matter .

  10. 你明天在家里工作,我没有意见。

    I have no problem with you working at home tomorrow .

  11. 谈判代表们在主要问题上的意见大致相同。

    The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues .

  12. 出现意见分歧表明该党内部的关系紧张。

    These disagreements are symptomatic of the tensions within the party .

  13. 假如你有任何意见,可发电子邮件或短信。

    If you have any comments , just email or SMS .

  14. 这种想法有悖于公司大多数员工的意见。

    The idea is heresy to most employees of the firm .

  15. 这个意见与我们所谈论的话题毫不相干。

    This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation .

  16. 她去找了一位律师寻求独立意见。

    She went to a lawyer for some independent advice .

  17. 任何人都不可能对他的意见提出异议。

    No one could possibly take exception to his comments .

  18. 我个人的意见是我们应该买较便宜的那个。

    My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one .

  19. 我在作决定之前,想听听别人的意见。

    I 'd like a second opinion before I make a decision .

  20. 我已经听到你的意见了,但你错了。

    I hear what you 're saying , but you 're wrong .

  21. 当然了,这只是个人意见。

    Of course , this is just a personal opinion .

  22. 公众的意见是反对对该法律作任何修改。

    Public sentiment is against any change to the law .

  23. 他们的意见在辩论中截然相反。

    Their opinions were at opposite poles of the debate .

  24. 我作为提案的发起人不能同意你的意见。

    As the author of the proposal I cannot agree with you .

  25. 你为什么不征求他的意见?

    Why don 't you ask him for his advice ?

  26. 历史学家在这个观点上已取得一致意见。

    Historians have concurred with each other in this view .

  27. 需要的是坦诚地交换意见。

    What is needed is a frank exchange of views .

  28. 这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。

    These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry .

  29. 我觉得无法不同意他的意见。

    I didn 't feel able to disagree with him .

  30. 下面选登了部分读者的意见。

    A selection of readers ' comments are published below .