
  • 网络Chengdu University
  1. VFP程序设计课程教学初探&以成都大学师范学院为例

    Discussion on the Teaching in VFP Programming Design Course & An Example from Normal School of Chengdu University

  2. 成都大学核心竞争力的形成及培育研究

    Research on the Formation and Cultivation of Core Competence of Chengdu University

  3. 成都大学提高高素质应用型人才培养质量初探

    Explorations on Improving the Quality of High-quality , Application-oriented Personnel Training

  4. 成都大学学生体质健康现状分析与建议

    Analysis on Physical Health Status of College Students of Chengdu University and Corresponding Advice

  5. 以独特的精神气质凝聚人心塑造品牌&以成都大学为例

    To Build Self-Confidence and Brand with the Unique Ethos & Taking Chengdu University for example

  6. 成都大学校园网络文化建设与管理现状的调查与建议

    Investigation and Suggestions on the Construction and Management of Campus Network Culture in Chengdu University

  7. 成都大学大二学生刘琳在今年8月份做出了一个重大决定。

    Liu Lin , a sophomore at Chengdu University , made a big decision this August .

  8. 实用型软件人才培养平台的构建与实践&以成都大学为例

    The Construction and Practice on the Cultivation Platform of Practical Software Talents & The Case Study of Chengdu university

  9. 试论项目管理在高校会计电算化中的应用&以成都大学为例

    The Application of Project Management in Accounting Computerization of Colleges and Universities & The Case Study of Chengdu University

  10. 高素质应用型人才培养实践教学的问题与对策&以成都大学为例

    The Problems and Solutions of Practical Teaching on Developing Practical Talents with High Qualities & The Case Study of Chengdu University

  11. 高校文化进社区探析&以成都大学艺术学院服务地方实践活动为例

    Analysis on University Culture into the Community & Taking the Art Service of Chengdu University Institute as an Example for Local Practice

  12. 这次,主办单位把全国首家青艾工程基地挂牌在成都大学,就因为,成都大学在这方面有非常厚实的基础。

    This time , organizers of the country 's engineering base in the first listing Ai Qing University in Chengdu , because , Chengdu University in this regard is very solid foundation .

  13. 成都大学成立了四川省性教育师资发展研究中心,首席专家胡珍教授是国内最有代表性的性教育专家之一。

    Chengdu University set up a sex education teacher in Sichuan Province Development Research Center , Chief Expert , Professor Hu Zhen is the most representative one of the experts in sex education .

  14. 创造有特色的校园环境&试析成都科技大学校园空间

    Creating the Characterized Environment of Campus

  15. 据悉,这位成都体育大学大四的学生从10多岁起就热衷于单车旅游。而2007年的这次经历仅仅是良杰单车探险的其中一段。

    That experience in 2007 was just one part of Liang ` s adventure on wheels . In fact , the Chengdu Sport University senior has been an enthusiastic bike traveler since his teens .

  16. 本文简介了由成都科技大学与宁江机床厂联合研制的七轴五联动叶片叶型数控磨床。

    This paper introduces the five-axis-simultaneous of seven axes blade surface NC grinder developed by Sichuan Union University ( Chengdu University of Science and Technology ) and Ningjiang Machine Tool Plant , and proposes surface forming by the method .

  17. 所以中国的这个古老文明不得不随着新的水流方向搬迁到新的地方去,成都清华大学的河流科学研究员兼这份研究的合著者范年年在12月18号于旧金山举行的第47届美国地球物理学会年会上说。

    That , in turn , may have spurred the ancient Chinese culture to move closer to the new river flow , study co-author Niannian Fan , a river sciences researcher at Tsinghua University in Chengdu , China , said Dec. 18 at the 47th annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco .

  18. EI及其收录《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》文献统计分析

    Statistics and analysis of articles in Journal of Chengdu University of Technology ( Science & Technology Edition ) covered by EI

  19. 材料:选用1只雌性SD大鼠,3月龄,清洁级,体质量(200±20)g,由成都中医药大学实验动物研究中心提供(动物许可证号码11)。

    MATERIALS : A 3-month-old female SD rat ( 200 ± 20 ) g used to isolate bone marrow stromal cells was obtained from Animal center of Chengdu Chinese Medicine University ( Medical Experimental Animal Number 11 ) .

  20. 材料:实验于1997-10/1998-02成都中医药大学实验中心完成。选择健康雄性Wistar大鼠72只,随机分为6组,每组12只。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was performed in Experimental Center of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from October 1997 to February 1998 , in which , 72 healthy male Wistar rats were employed , randomized into 6 groups , 12 rats in each .

  21. GT公司是95年,以成都电子科技大学几位同学研发的IC卡公用付费电话为基础成立的一家为电信运营商提供电话付费终端及管理系统的通讯公司。

    The establishment of GT Company is based on the IC telephone developed in 1995 by several students of Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology . It is a communication company whose main business is to provide telephone terminals and management systems for telecom operators .

  22. 成都理工大学地质类本科专业教育的思考

    Thinking on Geological Education for Undergraduates at Chengdu University of Technology

  23. 成都理工大学沉积地质研究所;

    Institute of Sedimentary Geology , Chengdu University of Technology ;

  24. 成都中医药大学温江校区总体规划设计

    The Programming of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Wenjiang Campus

  25. 成都理工大学地球科学学院;

    College of Earth Sciences , Chengdu University of Technology ; 2 .

  26. 成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院;

    College of Environment & Civil Engineering , Chengdu University of Technology ;

  27. 成都中医药大学附属医院

    Teaching hospital of Chengdu University of TCM

  28. 成都理工大学图书馆;

    Library of Chengdu Technology University ;

  29. 上调与转录、细成都中医药大学博士学位论文胞分裂、增殖有关的蛋白和酶的基因表达,促进转录、细胞分裂和增殖;

    Up-regulate the gene expression of protein and enzyme about transcribe , cell proliferation and cell cycle ;

  30. 熊健,毕业于成都电子科技大学电子与机械专业,硕士学位。

    Xiong Jian , graduated from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology with a master degree .