
  • 网络I am happy;olo
  1. 听到那个消息把我乐坏了。

    I was tickled pink at the news .

  2. 能和这三位50多岁的女作家聊天,快把我乐疯了。

    It nearly killed me with joy to hang out with these three over-50-year-old women writers .

  3. 最好的你们都不再帮我乐真不知道我算什么。

    The best music you no longer help me what am I really do not know .

  4. 你别出声我乐死了我想谈谈。

    Leonard : You shush , I 'm happy . I want to talk about it .

  5. 我乐呵呵地执行了她的指示。可是好景不长,仅仅过了几秒钟,我又得去开门。

    I obeyed her with pleasure , but I had to open my door again in seconds .

  6. 指的是“做点什么事情让我乐一下”。

    To say " make my day " means " do something that 'll really please me " .

  7. 我乐在工作中,但有时候真的想抛开这一切。

    I enjoy my work , but sometimes I 'd really like to get away from it all .

  8. 我乐,是因为我还年轻,我还是大有时间和机会把英语摆平!

    I was lucky because I am stilly young and I have plenty of time and opportunities to smooth English out .

  9. 我乐爱教学,对于可以将我私人和工作相关的经验传授给我的学生,一直感到很满足。

    Teaching is my passion and I always feel good to be able to impart to my students personal and work related experience .

  10. 不过我们每天通电话,他上班时也会发些有意思的电子邮件来逗我乐。

    We have talked on the phone everyday , though , and he sends me funny e-mail at work to make me laugh .

  11. 他说:“我乐坏了。我们一听说这个消息就跳了起来为爱丁堡干杯。”

    He said : " I 'm overwhelmed . As soon as we heard we jumped up in the air and toasted Edinburgh . "

  12. 所以,当琼斯牧师宣布将带我们去音乐厅听金博士演讲时,我乐坏了。

    So , when Don announced one week that he would take us to hear Dr. King speak at Orchestra Hall , I was excited .

  13. 谁要是能把这件事做得更好,谁就来做[试试]!(我乐不得别人来做呢.)

    If anyone thinks he can do this job any better , he 's welcome to it / to try ! ie I 'll gladly let him do it .

  14. 看来他以伤害我为乐。

    It seemed that he was having fun to hurt me .

  15. 不仅孩子们乐以帮助你,我也乐以帮助你。

    I as well as the children am ready to help you .

  16. 死亡会是我喜乐生命的生日。

    Death is the funeral of all our sorrows .

  17. 最后结果把我给乐坏了。

    I 'm thrilled to death about the result .

  18. 我很乐意见你,但到底有什么事呢?

    I would be delighted to see you , but what is the matter ?

  19. 谢谢,老乔。我很乐意念。

    Thank you , big george . I 'd be delighted to do that .

  20. 学英语口语,我觉得乐知英语还可以。

    I want to improve my oral english ;

  21. 给我喜乐的果子,在有泪水的地方,播散欢笑。

    Give me the fruit of joy , so that I may dissscminate laughter where there is grief .

  22. 保安服务公司向银行和合资企业等提供服务我方乐于随时向你提供最优质的服务。

    The safety-ensuring service company offers service to Banks , joint ventures and like We await your commands , which will receive our most careful attention .

  23. 我很乐意见你,但到底有什么事呢?理性识见的诗性传达&读宋生贵教授新著《诗性之魅:艺术美学新论》

    I 'd is delighted to see you , but what 's the matter ? The Poetic Sense Communication of Rational Cognition & Read Prof. Song Sheng-gui s Poetic Charm : New Comment on Art Aesthetics ;

  24. 我将很乐意向你们展示一切。

    I 'll be glad to show you everything

  25. 他以惹我生气为乐。

    He takes delight in annoying me .

  26. 你的法度,是我所喜乐的,是我的谋士。

    Your statutes are my delight ; they are my counselors .

  27. 我国境内乐夫波的相速度及地壳厚度计算

    Phase velocities of Love waves in China and calculations of crustal thickness

  28. 我从摇滚乐到最近的新潮音乐都有。

    I 've got everything from rock'n'roll to the latest newswave stuff .

  29. 我听摇滚乐或用电脑。

    I listen to rock music or use my computer .

  30. 他似乎以让我难堪为乐。

    He seemed to take great delight in embarrassing me .