
  • 网络Our Country;Maamme
  1. 我们的国家日益强大。

    Our country is becoming stronger and stronger .

  2. 我们的国家需要更多的科学家走出实验室,走进公众舞台,提供他们对重要事情的看法。

    Our country needs more scientists who are willing to step out in the public Arena and offer their opinions on important matters .

  3. 我们的国家普通职业资格考试的通过率为90%。

    We have a 90 cent pass rate for GNVQs .

  4. 他们是要颠覆我们的国家,颠覆我们的党,这是问题的实质。

    They tried to subvert our state and our Party . This is the crux of the matter .

  5. 今天,当我看到我们的国家,看到我们愿意为保护和支持彼此而奉献,我可以自豪地说,我们仍然是一个值得被那些勇敢的士兵、海军和飞行员认可和钦佩的国度。我衷心祝愿大家一切安好。

    And when I look at our country today and see what we are willing to do to protect and support one another , I say with pride that we are still a nation those brave soldiers , sailors and airmen would recognise and admire . I send my warmest good wishes to all .

  6. 如果wmen只减重9磅,就小康这个实验中的大多数人那样,我们的国家会大大降低在高血压、高胆固醇、糖尿病、心脏病和中锋方面的投入。

    " If we all lost just nine pounds , like the majority of people in this study did , our nation would see vast decreases in hypertension , high cholesterol , diabetes , heart disease and stroke ," he added .

  7. 上帝保佑我们的国家,我们都会为她而战。

    May God bless our country and all who defend her .

  8. 它还对我们的国家安全构成了严重威胁。

    It also presents a serious danger to our national security .

  9. 他们为使我们的国家富强而努力工作。

    They work hard to make our country rich and strong .

  10. 约翰农业与一位著名的警示服务,我们的国家。

    John farming with a famous admonishment serve our country that .

  11. 第三个挑战是有关于加强我们的国家意识。

    The third challenge concerns strengthening our sense of national identity .

  12. 他们的国家石油丰富,可是我们的国家却没有石油。

    Their country has plenty of oil while ours has none .

  13. 这不仅有利于慈善,而且关乎我们的国家安全。

    It 's good for our security and not just charity .

  14. 我们的国家必须高举自由和宽容的火炬。

    Our country must carry the torch of freedom and toleration .

  15. 对我们的国家要爱,要让我们的国家发达起来。

    We should all love our country and help to develop it .

  16. 迈克尔:可他们现在在我们的国家!

    Michael : But they are in our country now !

  17. 其次,我们的国家必须继续施行贸易自由。

    Secondly , our nations must keep our commitment to free trade .

  18. 我的步枪和我将一起保卫我们的国家。

    All I need is a rifle and my squad .

  19. 你为什么把一个人类带到我们的国家来?

    Why are you took a person to our country ?

  20. 我们的国家感激你们的奉献和牺牲!

    Our nation is grateful for your dedication and sacrifice .

  21. 我们的国家更多是由人组成的,而不是由领土。

    Ours is a country built more on people than on territory .

  22. 我们的国家是个安居乐业的地方。

    Our country 's a nice place to live in .

  23. 使用我们的国家名单中选择一个签字,使。

    Use our list of countries to select a signature to make .

  24. 我们的国家体育场被称为鸟巢。

    The National Stadium is called the bird 's nest .

  25. 我们的国家不依靠于每个公民的英雄精神。

    Our country doesn 't depend on the heroism of every citizen .

  26. 我们的国家拥有多灾多难的历史。

    Our nation is characterized by tremendous sufferings in history .

  27. 连锁式移民是场灾难,对我们的国家非常不公平。

    Chain migration is a disaster and very unfair to our country .

  28. 玛格丽特·撒切尔不只是领导我们的国家。

    Margret Thatcher didn 't just lead our country .

  29. 我们的国家可以比现在好得多。

    We have a country that can do much better than it is .

  30. 我们的国家正在走向军事独裁

    A trend toward military dictatorship in this country .