
  1. 经典是本所谓有,也本所谓无的,诠释的人多了,也就自然成了经典&我们的经典。

    Is the so-called classics , but also the so-called free , the interpretation of many people , and thus naturally became classics-our classic .

  2. 有个故事是我们家的经典。

    This story is a classic one in my family .

  3. 我们创作好看的经典家庭娱乐表演

    We make good , classic family entertainment . Aha !

  4. 我们已采取的经典游戏,宾果和把它变成圣经宾果!

    We 've taken the classic game of bingo and turned it into Bible Bingo !

  5. 我们抽取西方的经典怪物故事,把他们出版印刷给中国的孩子看。

    We take classic monster stories from the west and share them with the Chinese youth .

  6. 我们聚焦的影像经典

    Classic Images We Focus

  7. 我们的模型将经典的操作系统健壮性研究与用户使用情况相结合,并进行了大量的测试来支持操作系统健壮性计算。

    Our model combines generic OS overall robustness study with operational profiles , and uses extensive tests to make our calculation .

  8. 这就是说,我们所预设的经典文本的意义,其实是在不断的以各种视角、在各个视域中反复诠释之中逐渐清晰地呈现出来的。

    And this meaning is constantly reinterpreted in a variety of perspectives , among the various angles it is gradually come out clearly .

  9. 注意到我们谈到的这个经典算法有些简化:算术表达式只包含操作数、二元操作符和一种括号。

    Note that our discussion of this classic approach will be somewhat simplified : arithmetic expressions will contain only operands , binary operators , and one kind of parentheses .

  10. 以上向大家展示的是我们朋友的部分经典商标,它们具备优质商标应有的特性,制作精良、处理得当、个性鲜明;

    Above to show that some of the classic trademarks of our friends , they have the characteristics of high-quality mark should be , well , handled properly , distinct personality ;

  11. 我们的目的就是在经典的线丛Brill-Noether理论的基础上,讨论二维向量丛的Brill-Noether理论。

    Our purpose is the discussion about the Brill-Noether theory for rank two vector bundles on the basis of the classical theory for line bundles .

  12. 今天我们介绍的就是几个经典的例子。

    Here are some classic examples of tarnished halos .

  13. 当模糊权重退化为1时,我们的方法退化为经典的线性回归方法。

    When all fuzzy weights degenerate to one point , our proposed method becomes the classical linear regression method .

  14. 和以前的方案相比,我们的方案只需要经典光而不需要单光子源,这进一步降低了实验的难度。

    Compared with the previous protocols , our scheme need only classical light replacing single-photon source ,, which further reduces experimental difficulties .

  15. 在数千年的书写历史中,古人不仅给我们留下了大量的经典作品和珍贵图版,而且还给我们提供内涵丰富的思想与观念。

    During the thousands years ' of calligraphy history , the ancients not only leave us abundant classical works and precious plates , but also provide us profound thoughts and concepts .

  16. 当我们这里说大,记住我们说的不是经典的描述。

    And when we say bigger , remember this is not a classical description we 're talking about .

  17. 在这最后一课中,我们会回到第一节课所给的例子中,现在我们可以利用我们所学的关于经典力学的知识去解释欧拉盘的现象了。

    In this final lecture , I return to the demonstration given at the beginning of the course , and explain the main phenomena of the Euler disk based on what we 've learned about classical mechanics .