
zhàn lüè chǔ bèi
  • strategic reserves;strategic stockpiles
  1. 5月19日,iea董事会公开威胁称,如果欧佩克未能增产,该机构将释放战略储备。

    On May 19 , the IEA board publicly threatened to release strategic reserves if OPEC failed to increase its own output .

  2. 中石化(Sinopec)的一名高级代表透露,存储设施的短缺可能迫使中国减少为补充战略储备购买原油。

    A shortage of storage may force China to curb purchases of crude oil for its strategic reserves , according to a high-ranking representative of the state oil company Sinopec .

  3. 基于SD的军事行动与战略储备关系仿真模型研究

    Study on Simulation Model about Relation Between Military Action and Strategic Reserve Based on System Dynamics

  4. 另一个新因素是,iea成员国协同释放战略储备,决不仅仅是为了填补利比亚留下的供应缺口。

    The other new factor is the co-ordinated release of strategic stocks by the IEA Countries for reasons well beyond replacing lost Libyan supply .

  5. 其次,就品质而言,这些新增产的原油不可能填补利比亚留下的供应缺口;只有iea的战略储备中拥有如此高品质的原油。

    Second , the new production cannot replace lost Libyan supply in terms of quality ; only the IEA has such high quality crude in storage .

  6. iea秘书处指出,欧佩克个别成员国最近的增产举措,是iea不再重复释放战略储备决定的进一步原因。

    The IEA Secretariat cited a more recent increase in production from individual OPEC members as a further reason for not repeating the decision to draw on reserves .

  7. 布伦特原油价格周四达到118.25美元,显著高于iea选择动用其成员国持有的战略储备之前的水平。

    Brent was trading at $ 118.25 on Thursday , significantly above the level seen before the IEA chose to use the stockpiles held in its member states .

  8. Benson说,剩下的疫苗在过期之前将成为该国应对这场疾病流行的战略储备的一部分。

    The remaining vaccine will , until it expires , remain part of the country 's strategic stock against the epidemic , Benson said .

  9. 西方国家决定动用自1991年以来最大数量的紧急战略储备,油价应声下跌逾7%,此举是对石油生产国卡特尔欧佩克(Opec)发出的警告。

    Oil prices dropped more than 7 per cent after Western nations released the biggest amount of oil from their emergency strategic stocks since 1991 , in a warning shot aimed at Opec , the oil producers ' cartel .

  10. 数周前,当西方国家能源监督机构国际能源机构(IEA)宣布将释放战略储备从而引起石油市场震惊时,交易商想到的一个关键问题是:中国将作何反应?

    When the International Energy Agency – the western countries ' energy watchdog - shocked oil markets by announcing a reserve release a few weeks ago , one key question on traders ' minds was , how will China react ?

  11. 中国矿产地战略储备的基本内涵和规模研究

    Study on basic connotation and scale of Chinese mineral lands reserve

  12. 国外原油战略储备现状及可吸取的经验

    Current Situation and Experience Available of Overseas Strategic Crude Oil Reserve

  13. 三峡水资源战略储备库的保护与开发

    Protection and Exploitation of Water Resource Strategic Reservation in Three-gorge Area

  14. 建立预警系统,实施石油战略储备;

    Constructing early warning system to carry out strategic reservation of petroleum ;

  15. 对国内若干矿产资源必须进行必要的战略储备。

    We should carry out necessary strategic reserves for several mineral resources .

  16. 石油战略储备运输和海洋环保

    Petroleum stratagem repertory & transportation and their influence on sea environment protection

  17. 谈唐钢铁矿石资源合理开发与战略储备

    Rational Exploitation and Strategic Reserve of Tang Steel 's Iron Ore Resources

  18. 浙江省地下水资源战略储备体系研究

    Analysis of Groundwater Resources Strategic Reserves System in Zhejiang Province

  19. 战略储备系统备件最优储备量计算的解析方法

    Analytical method for calculating the optimum spare-part quantities of strategic storage system

  20. 中国石油战略储备制度的法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problems of Strategic Petroleum Reserve of China

  21. 包头稀土资源保护及战略储备的思考

    Thinking on Protection and Strategic Reserves of Rare Earth Resources in Baotou

  22. 太原市地下战略储备水源地建设构想

    Idea of building groundwater source strategic reserve in Taiyuan City

  23. 中国和平崛起应有的战略储备分析

    The strategic reserves analysis on China 's peaceful rise

  24. 建设地下盐穴储库、进行油气资源储备,在中国是开拓性的新的战略储备领域。

    Salt cavern construction is a pioneered attempt for strategic reserve in China .

  25. 石油是一种不可再生的具有战略储备意义的重要能源材料。

    Petroleum is an important non-renewable energy source with significance of strategic reserve .

  26. 尽快建立石油战略储备体系;

    The oil strategic reserve system should be established as quickly as possible .

  27. 试论我国石油战略储备模式

    A Tentative Model for Oil Strategic Reserve in China

  28. 建立国家煤炭战略储备的构想

    The assumption of establishing state coal strategic reserve

  29. 大宗商品的熊市,为中国创造了增加战略储备的机会。

    Low commodity prices give China an opportunity to build up its strategic reserves .

  30. 中国天然气战略储备的需求和对策

    The demand of strategic storage of natural gas in China and Its Countermeasures Analysis