
  • 网络strategic control;Strategy Control;strategy controlling
  1. 新创科技企业战略控制影响因素实证分析

    Empirical Research on Strategic Control Influence Factors of HighTech New Ventures

  2. 企业国际化研究新视角&战略控制力

    A New Perspective on Firms Internationalization Research : Strategic Control Capabilities

  3. 最后对MR物流公司营销战略控制与风险规避也做了详尽的阐述。

    Finally , the author also set forth elaborately about how to control the strategy and evade risks in the actualization .

  4. 在美国的东西方政策(east-westpolicy)框架中,中亚天然气应该输送到欧洲市场,以减弱俄罗斯对欧洲及欧亚市场的战略控制,以及对相关国家政策的影响。

    US east-west policy holds that central Asian gas should reach European markets in order to reduce Russia 's strategic hold over the European and Eurasian markets and policies .

  5. JosefSettele及其同事在《自然》杂志撰文认为,生态工程可以比转基因作物提供更加廉价,更有效的长期战略控制害虫。

    Ecological engineering could offer cheaper , more efficient long-term strategies for pest control than genetically modified ( GM ) crops , say Josef Settele and colleagues in Nature .

  6. 并给出了有效的战略控制和监督机制。

    It gives an effective strategy to control and supervision mechanisms .

  7. 战略控制方法的沿革与探析

    The Research Summary of Strategic Control Methods Contrast with Management Control

  8. 战略控制是战略管理的最后一环,也是不可缺少的关键一环。

    Strategy control is that last and indispensable part of strategic management .

  9. 强化战略控制,确保战略目标的实现等十大准则。

    Strengthen the control of strategy to assure the realization of the targets .

  10. 公司治理框架下的战略控制研究综述

    Study of Strategic Control Under Framework of Corporate Governance

  11. 战略控制的优劣是战略能否成功实施的关键。

    Whether strategic control is fit is the key to strategy successful implementation .

  12. 二是贯彻战略控制思想,多种控制方法相结合;

    Apply the strategic control idea and combine it with other control methods .

  13. 效果评价问题是实施战略控制确保实现目标的基本保证。

    Effect appraise is a guarantee to execute strategy control and reach strategy aim .

  14. 美国全球能源战略控制态势评述

    The Global Energy Strategy Control Situation of US

  15. 警务战略控制方式辨析

    Discrimination of the Patterns of Policing Stratagem Control

  16. 基于风险的企业战略控制系统

    Enterprise Strategic Control System Based on Risk

  17. 最后给出战略控制计划。

    Finally , strategic control program .

  18. 论文最后对主辅分离战略控制和实施策略进行了探讨。

    Thirdly , this paper probes into the control of strategy and procedures to divide subsidiary business from primary business .

  19. 分析表明,在高新技术企业,战略控制能促进企业的自主、合作创新行为。

    The study draws the conclusion that strategy control can improve both the independent and cooperative innovation in high-tech firms .

  20. 阿萨德政权长期以来通过一种多层次的战略控制社会,这套战略依靠的是安全部门、教派隔阂和掌握经济主导权。

    The regime has long controlled society through a multi-tier strategy relying on security , sectarianism and dominating the economy .

  21. 建立一个包括环境监控在内的有效的战略控制评价系统对有效地实施财务战略极其重要。

    It is of great importance to improve an effective strategy control and evaluation system which includes the environment monitoring .

  22. 在战略控制方面强调了制定目标、分配资源、过程监控与效果评估、战略制度化等措施的重要性。

    It emphasizes the essentiality of constituting goals , distributing resource , inspecting process , evaluating effect and making strategy into system .

  23. 研究认为,高新技术企业要大力推进企业的自主、合作创新以提高企业绩效,就应该采取战略控制而非财务控制的组织控制方式。

    It also reveals that high-tech firms should adopt strategy control instead of financial control to improve independent and cooperative innovation activities .

  24. 该框架经久不衰的力量在于,它能够形象地显示出市值的变化如何影响资本市场的战略控制格局。

    The enduring power of the framework lies in its ability to visualize how changes in market capitalization affect the market for strategic control .

  25. 可重复级的关键过程域有战略控制、年度计划控制、项目规划、盈利能力控制和营销审计;

    The KPAs of level 2 are controls and managements of strategic , plan of all the year , project layout , payoff and audit .

  26. 从业务设计的角度,核心企业的价值网构建主要包括价值定位、业务范围、利润捕捉和战略控制四部分。

    From the point of operation , the value net includes these four parts : value orientation , operation designing , profits gaining and strategic controlling .

  27. 公元前214年,罗马共和国围攻锡拉库扎的西西里市,妄图得到该市的战略控制权。

    In 214 BC , the Roman Republic laid siege to the Sicilian city of Syracuse in a bid to gain strategic control of the island .

  28. 近年来,战略控制的重要性被人们提高到日益显著的地位,并加以强调。

    Outstanding Strategy On Status Crime From Outstanding to Excellence In recent years , the strategic control has risen to an outstanding status and has been accentuated .

  29. 最后,为使战略控制系统在实践中切实发挥效果,企业要采取一定的措施,使战略控制系统得以实施、维护和更新。

    In the end , to make the strategic control system effective in reality , firms must take some measures to implement , maintain and renew it .

  30. 母公司对子公司的控制是以股权控制、授权控制和约定控制为基础的,并通过股权、人事、财务和战略控制方式来实施控制权。

    The parent companies realize their control to subsidiary companies by shares , staff , finance and stratagem on the bases of share control , commision control and contract control .