
  • 网络deming cycle;PDCA;Deming circle
  1. 本文从这个需求出发,运用戴明循环(PDCA)和质量功能配置(QFD)建立了产品设计的流程,实现产品规划(PP)与设计的有机结合;

    This paper develops the Product Design flow with PDCA Circle ( PDCA ) and Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ), realizing the organic integration with Product Planning ( PP ) .

  2. 接着采用戴明循环论对软件开发人员质量缺陷持续改进过程进行了研究。

    Third , I studied the continuous quality defect improvement process of the software developer by applying Deming cycle theory .

  3. 本文就如何控制施工质量提出了建议并介绍了戴明循环法P、D、C、A法的应用、方法和步骤等。

    The paper proposes some advice on how to control construction quality and introduces application of P · D · C · A method .

  4. 戴明循环在教学中的应用

    Application of Spiral Cycle in Teaching and Studying

  5. 戴明循环模式是教学质量改进的基本模式,适用于各个方面、各种层次的改进;

    The model of Deming 's cycle ( MDC ) is the basic one , which can be used in all aspects and all levels ;

  6. 本文建议:通过学习型组织模式培养学校不断改进的习惯和能力,经常性的改进使用戴明循环模式,当改进遇到较大阻力时,使用组织变革模式加以突破。

    This article suggests that Schools use MIO to cultivate their learning custom and ability , use MDC in regular improvement , and use MOR to break through the resistance of improvement .

  7. 运用戴明循环理论对资源型城市发展循环经济并实现城市可持续发展进行模型设计,并以嘉峪关市为例进行模型的实践应用分析。

    The model is designed to develop circular economy in resources-based city and achieve the urban sustainable development using Deming Circle Theory . At the same time , taking the Jiayuguan city as an example , the model is applied to practice .