
  • 网络Property developer;real estate developer;real estate investor
  1. 唐纳德做生意的技巧学自自己的父亲弗雷德(Fred)一位纽约房地产开发商。

    The entrepreneur learnt his deal-making skills from his father , Fred , a New York real estate developer .

  2. “建筑业所有人都在追求绿色环保,我也一样。”房地产开发商、SGBlocks投资者彼得•苏德勒称。

    " Everyone is going green in construction , as am I ," says Peter Sudler , a real estate developer and investor in the company .

  3. 问题是要保护遗址免受房地产开发商的侵占。

    The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development .

  4. 吉妮西丝录制了一首歌来抨击那些买下并毁坏人们家园的贪婪的房地产开发商。

    Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people 's homes

  5. 其中一个例子便是中国房地产开发商恒大地产(EvergrandeRealEstate)。

    One example is Chinese property developer Evergrande Real Estate .

  6. 他为中国买家与包括塞浦路斯在内的外国房产销售商之间牵线搭桥。塞浦路斯房地产开发商PaschaliDevelopers近几个月已经向中国买家销售了90多套公寓。

    Paschali Developers in Cyprus has sold more than 90 condos to Chinese buyers in recent months .

  7. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  8. 周一,在香港和中国内地两地上市的房地产开发商万科(ChinaVanke)发布了上半年业绩。

    On Friday , Hong Kong - and China-listed property developer China Vanke announced first-half results .

  9. 根据标准普尔资本智商(S&PCapitalIQ)的数据,全球营收最高的10家上市房地产开发商中,有7家是中国内地企业。

    Of the top 10 listed global developers by revenue , seven are mainland Chinese , according to S & P Capital IQ .

  10. 房地产开发商Cartel联盟合作博弈的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of Cartel alliance cooperative games of developer of real estate

  11. 布罗克斯开始是一位房地产开发商,后来创建了一个传奇的企业集团TrafalgarHouse。

    The author started out as a property developer and proceeded to build the legendary conglomerate Trafalgar House .

  12. 上海上市的房地产开发商保利房地产(集团)股份有限公司(PolyRealEstateGroup)最近在全市张贴保利?罗兰香谷(CharmingLand)的红色宣传海报,这是该公司在杭州郊区的住宅项目之一。

    Shanghai-listed property developer Poly Real Estate Group recently put up red promotion posters around the city for Charming Land , one of its housing projects in Hangzhou 's suburbs .

  13. 我们已经提供了一个相当合理的价格,为建筑师,设计师,土木工程师和房地产开发商优秀的CAD转换,渲染和动画服务。

    We have been providing excellent CAD conversions , renderings and animation services by a quite reasonable price to architects , designers , civil engineers and real estate developers .

  14. 塞浦路斯房地产开发商PafiliaPropertyDevelopers业务发展经理(EvisHadjipetrou)说,该公司过去四个月向中国内地买家销售了30套可以看到地中海美景的公寓。

    Evis Hadjipetrou , business-development manager for Pafilia Property Developers in Cyprus , says the company has sold 30 condos with Mediterranean views in the past four months to buyers from mainland China .

  15. 活动人士团体印度反腐败组织(IndiaAgainstCorruption)指责瓦德拉的一些交易涉嫌违规,并指控他通过与一家房地产开发商的交易为己大举敛财。

    India Against Corruption , an activist group , has criticized some of Mr. Vadra 's deals and accused him of enriching himself through transactions with a property developer .

  16. 据德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)统计,2014年,中国27家大型房地产开发商的房产销售量占比为26%,比2013年高出5.5个百分点。

    In 2014 , the share of Chinese sales volumes accounted for by 27 big developers was 26 per cent , up 5.5 percentage points from 2013 , according to Deutsche Bank .

  17. 中国最大房地产开发商之一万科(Vanke)正试图找到答案。

    One of China 's biggest property developers , Vanke , is trying to find out .

  18. 随着时间的推移,那些比较灵活的难民企业家比如控制着南丰(nanfung)和永泰(wingtai)集团的家族转型成为房地产开发商。

    Over time the more flexible business refugees such as the families that controlled the Nan Fung and Wing Tai groups transformed themselves into property developers .

  19. 李芦媛的新雇主金地集团(gemdalecorporation),是一家总部位于深圳的大型房地产开发商,也从事物业管理和房地产销售。

    Gemdale Corporation , her new employer , was a large , Shenzhen-based real-estate developer that also managed and sold properties .

  20. 房地产开发商、ReMap艺术节创始人。

    Real-estate developer and founder of the ReMap art festival

  21. 金融家查尔斯•约翰逊(CharlesJohnson)向耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)捐款2.50亿美元,用于新建建筑,房地产开发商斯蒂芬•罗斯(StephenRoss)也向密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)捐款2亿美元。

    Charles Johnson , the financier , pledged $ 250m to Yale University for new buildings , while Stephen Ross , the real estate developer , pledged $ 200m to the University of Michigan .

  22. 今年2月,中国市值最大的房地产开发商万科(Vanke)与美国开发商铁狮门房地产公司(TishmanSpeyerProperties)宣布组建合资企业,共同在旧金山建设两栋高层公寓楼。

    In February , Vanke , China 's largest property developer by market value , teamed up with Tishman Speyer Properties , the US developer , to build two high-rise condominium towers in San Francisco .

  23. SOHO中国的首席执行长张欣说,有更多的房地产开发商正在到国外寻求更高利润率。

    More property developers are going abroad in search of fatter profit margins , according to Zhang Xin , Soho China 's chief executive officer .

  24. 潘石屹是房地产开发商SOHO中国有限公司(SohoChina)的联合创始人兼董事长,也是愿意批评政府而在网上赢得大批粉丝的诸多成功企业家之一。

    The co-founder and chairman of real estate developer Soho China , Mr. Pan is one of a number of successful entrepreneurs who 've earned large audiences online for their willingness to criticize the government .

  25. 中国最成功的民营房地产开发商之一SOHO中国(SOHOChina)的首席执行官张欣认为,商业房地产领域的大量浪费性投资,已经削弱了中国的长期增长前景。

    Zhang Xin , chief executive of Soho China , one of the country 's most successful privately owned developers , believes that rampant wasteful investment in commercial property has already undermined China 's long-term prospects .

  26. 全球最大的房地产开发商埃玛尔地产(EmaarProperties)在巴基斯坦和印度投入更多资金,开发整个城镇地区及酒店,埃玛尔地产的总部设在迪拜。

    Emaar Properties – one of the world 's largest property developers , based in Dubai – is investing even more to develop entire townships as well as hotels in Pakistan and India .

  27. 愿意捐款的公司还没得到体制的支持,总部位于北京的房地产开发商Soho中国的首席执行官张欣表示。

    Companies that want to donate are not supported by the system yet , said Zhang Xin , chief executive of Soho China , a Beijing-based real estate developer .

  28. 比如私募股权投资公司ForumPartners表示,该公司继续押注中小开发商。这是因为中小房地产开发商无法像大型开发商那样轻松获得银行贷款,这就给私人资本提供了投资机会。

    Private-equity firm Forum Partners , for example , says it is continuing to bet on small to medium-size property developers , because such firms can 't get loans from banks as easily as large developers . This gives private capital a chance .

  29. 随着小区智能化的推广,智能远程抄表系统IRMRS(IntelligentRemoteMeterReadingSystem)越来越受到燃气公司、房地产开发商以及住户的重视。可靠、准确和实用的IRMRS系统成为当前的一种实际需求。

    With the development of intelligent community , Intelligent Remote Meter Reading System ( IRMRS ) is paid more attention to by gas company , land agent and customers , and IRMRS with veracity and reliability has become an actual requirement .

  30. 上周,没有信用评级的中国房地产开发商远洋地产(Sino-OceanLand)发行了4亿美元以美元计价的永久债券,票面利息为10.25%。此举令很多债券投资者感到震惊。

    So many bond investors were stunned last week when Sino-Ocean Land , a Chinese property developer with no credit rating , raised $ 400m from a dollar-denominated perpetual bond at a coupon of 10.25 per cent .