
fánɡ dì chǎn zū lìn
  • Real estate leasing;tenancy
  1. 房地产租赁市场中的对偶问题

    The Dual Problem in the Real Estate Leasing Market

  2. 土地利用价值与房地产租赁市场调节的技术经济评价

    Technological Economic Appraisement for the Value of Land using and the Regulation of the

  3. 谈部队空余房地产租赁管理

    Management of troops free FeAl estate lease

  4. 房屋租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。

    House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market .

  5. 十四、本合同经双方签章后,自房地产租赁管理机构登记之日起生效。

    XIV . On the day of registering in Real Estate Leasing Administration , this contract comes into force upon signatures and seal of both parties .

  6. 房地产融资租赁经营的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Financing Lease of Real Estate Business

  7. 最后总结上文对防范房地产融资租赁风险作法律建议。

    Finally , summarize preceding part of the text , guard against real estate lease financing risk with legal rick .

  8. 法律监管主要是出台专门法律,确定房地产融资租赁的合法性以及统一监管。

    Firstly , the issue suggested legal and regulatory law to determine the legality of leasing real estate financing and the harmonization of regulatory .

  9. 对房地产融资租赁经营的特性、资金筹措的方式及如何规避房地产融资租赁的风险进行了分析。

    The author analyses the features of the financing lease of real estate business , the financing ways , and how to avoid the existing risks within the financing lease of real estate business .

  10. 土地所有权制度的差异,造成了企业会计准则与国际会计准则在无形资产,不动产、厂房和设备,投资性房地产和租赁内容与范围上的分歧。

    Chinese law restricts the acquisition and transfer of land use rights , which shed light on the discrepancy on intangible asset , property , plant and equipment , lease and investment asset between IAS and CAS .

  11. 可行性分析部分从融资租赁中各主体进行利益和风险分析,在有效风险管理下,利益大于风险,房地产融资租赁是可行性的。

    The feasibility of finance leases in real estate market . We analyzed the interests and risks of relevant parts . Under effective risk management , the benefits outweigh the risks , and real estate finance lease is feasible .

  12. 论房地产买卖与租赁

    On Real Estate Trade and Lease

  13. 这一类业务中还包括商业房地产融资,租赁和保付代理。

    Also included in this category are commercial real estate financing , leasing activities , and factoring .

  14. 谈判和管理特许经营协议,运输协议,房地产开发协议,租赁及其他房地产相关文件。

    Negotiate and administer franchise agreements , conveyance agreements , real estate development agreements , leases and miscellaneous real estate related documents .

  15. 首先论述了房地产抵押权与租赁权冲突的处理之一,即房地产租赁权成立于先,房地产抵押权设定在后的情况。

    First the real estate mortgage right and One , that is , the renting right is first set up and the mortgage right is supposed .

  16. 年,主营对外投资、举办实业、国内商业、物资建材供销业、房地产开发、房屋租赁及酒店经营与管理。

    SHENZHEN Baolilai Group , established on , 2003 , majors in overseas investment , industry , domestic commerce , materials and building marketing industry , real estate , lease service and hotels .

  17. 房地产出售市场与房地产租赁市场的均衡受房地产租赁资本成本、房地产租赁与买卖供给&需求价格弹性以及房地产开发周期的影响。

    The market equilibrium of real estate lease and rights market affected by three elements , including real estate leasing capital cost , the supply and price elasticity of real estate lease and buying , the real estate development period .

  18. 房地产使用权的供给与需求构成房地产租赁市场,房地产所有权的供给与需求构成房地产买卖市场或房地产产权市场。

    The supply and demand of real estate form the real estate lease market . The supply and demand of real estate proprietary rights form the real estate buying and selling market or real estate rights market .

  19. 本法所称房地产交易,包括房地产转让、房地产抵押和房屋租赁。

    " Real estate business " as the term is used in this Law includes real estate transfer , real estate mortgage and premises lease .

  20. 在对外效力方面,重点论述了房地产抵押权与典权的关系,房地产抵押权对租赁关系的影响,房地产抵押权与行政处罚权的关系以及一般抵押权与法定抵押权的关系。

    Concerning the intermix force , The article explores mainly the relation between real estate mortgage and gage , the effects of real estate mortgage to tenancy , the relation between real estate mortgage and administrative punishment and that between common mortgage and legal charge .

  21. 目前,房地产行业的业务领域主要包括房地产开发、房地产销售与租赁、客户服务、物业管理、工程建设等。

    Now , the operation of estate includes the developing of estate , selling , leasing out , client serving , engineering building and managing and so on .

  22. 从房地产市场本身和房地产业在融资方面存在的问题说明了房地产运用融资租赁的必要性,从内涵利益和外延利益两方面阐述了房地产利用融资租赁的优越性;

    It accounted for the necessity of the finance leasing application in the realty industry , from the problem existing in the realty marketing and financing .