
  • 网络craft guild;HWK;craft gild
  1. 试论14、15世纪英国城市中手工业行会的变化和作用

    On the Evolution and Role of Craft Gilds in England Cities in 14th and 15th Century

  2. 说到人类进入资本主义社会以前的那些例子,你只消想想中世纪的那些行会&不论是手工业行会,还是诗乐协会。

    For pre-capitalist examples one has only to think of the medieval guilds , whether of craftsmen or Master Singers .

  3. 欧洲的城市国家和手工业行会都提供了一种政治和文化空间,让这种挑战发生。

    Europe had its city-states and its merchant guilds , each providing a political and cultural space in which this could happen .

  4. 中世纪时,欧洲的烘焙师由手工业行会统一管理,行会统一制定每块面包的单价、规定质量标准,以及处罚欺诈行为。

    During the Middle Ages , European bakers were governed by craft guilds , which determined the price of a loaf of bread , fines for cheating and quality standards .