
shǒu gǔ
  • tambourine;a small drum similar to the tambourine;tabour;a small drum similar to the tambourine, used by the Uyghur and other nationalities
手鼓 [shǒu gǔ]
  • [a small drum similar to the tambourine, used by the Uygur and other nationalities;tambourine] 维吾尔、哈萨克等民族的打击乐器,一面蒙皮,周围有金属片或环能够相击发声

手鼓[shǒu gǔ]
  1. 烧菜没有洋葱就像跳舞没有手鼓。

    A stew without an onion is like a dance without a tambourine .

  2. 盘腿坐在那儿,我会发现旁边要不就是一个沉默寡言的瑞典工程师、要么是一个纹身很重的摩托车手、或是一个来自印度金奈的程序员移民,我们的小孩儿就在那儿玩积木、拨浪鼓和手鼓。

    I 'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer , a heavily tattooed4 biker , or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks , rattles5 and drums .

  3. countrymusichalloffame.org.手鼓咖啡馆,250FifthAvenueSouth。

    countrymusichalloffame.org . Bongo Java , 250 Fifth Avenue South .

  4. 其他乐器还有块根芹手鼓、茄钹和南瓜鼓。

    Other instruments include celeriac bongos , eggplant cymbals and pumpkin drums .

  5. 而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。

    The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine .

  6. 令人兴奋的手鼓与拉丁舞演出点燃您的情人节夜晚!

    Exciting Tambourine and Latin dance performance to heat up the night !

  7. 它出现在&他靠在墙上的小手鼓。

    Between his tambourine , stuck on the wall .

  8. 由流浪艺人携带的形状像以前的小手鼓的一种小手鼓。

    Small hand drum similar to a tambourine formerly carried by itinerant jugglers .

  9. 小手鼓是一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面。

    Tambourine is an instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks .

  10. 不是手鼓,不过我会尽己所能地抽时间弹钢琴!

    No bongos , but I play the piano asoften as I can !

  11. 你平常在生活中会弹任何乐器么?是不是手鼓呢?

    Doyou play any instrument in daily life ?

  12. 我还以为印第安人只敲手鼓呢。

    I thought Indians only played tom-toms .

  13. 提姆和汤姆一起录了两支印第安手鼓歌。然后提姆和汤姆轻轻地敲着印第安手鼓。

    Tim and Tom taped two tom-toms together . Then Tim and Tom tapped the tom-toms .

  14. 唱起诗歌,打手鼓,弹美琴与瑟。

    Take up the melody , playing on an instrument of music , even on Corded instruments .

  15. 不会,这一集很棒方奇会打手鼓

    Oh , no , no ! It 's a good one . Fonzie plays the bongos .

  16. 结果他竟然是雷鬼乐团的鼓手,敲手鼓。

    It turned out that he was the drummer in this reggae band , that he played bongos .

  17. 其它的马耳他音乐有以吉他和小手鼓为主的民族音乐;器乐被叫做。

    Other Maltese music is folk music with emphasis on guitar and tambourine ; instrumental music is called daqqaqa .

  18. 在太空的舞台上,我们是那敲响手鼓,放声大笑的角色。

    Our part is to appear on the stage of the air to sound our tambourines and fling flashes of laughter .

  19. 只是一些钢琴,大提琴,偶尔的手鼓,还有那最美轮美奂的,天使般的歌声。

    Just some pianos , cellos , occasionally some darobokkas and the most beautiful voice that only an angel can sound .

  20. 在1960年代,雅库布创造了一套由五个基本手鼓技法构成的演奏法,形成五种截然不同的音调,然后通过这些音调发展出各种变调。

    In the1960s , Yacub created a system of five basic hand-drumming techniques that produce five very distinctly different tones , and then multiple variations of those tones .

  21. 今天在老妈的生日宴会上,我用左腿当鼓,向大家秀了一把单手鼓技。

    Today , while at my mom 's birthday dinner , I started to pretend to drum with one hand , using my left leg as the drums .

  22. 风靡全国的艾哈迈德·查希尔改进了阿富汗音乐,给传统的手鼓和手风琴配上电吉他、小号和鼓,激怒了那些保守的教徒。

    The immensely popular Ahmad Zahir had revolutionized Afghan music and outraged the purists by adding electric guitars , drums , and horns to the traditional tabla and harmonium ;

  23. 1999年末,演员马修·麦康纳在他西奥斯丁的家中被捕,以他平时的行为准则来看,这个事件很令人费解。被捕时他正在裸舞,还打着小手鼓。

    Actor Matthew McConaughey was arrested late 1999 , dazed and confused by his own standards , while dancing naked and playing bongo drums in his West Austin home .

  24. 他们制造的最大噪声,只不过是一群人围坐成一圈,和着手鼓唱我们带来改变,我们是升起的太阳。

    The noisiest they got was when one group sat in a circle and sang We are the change , we are the rising sun , to a hand drum .

  25. 上百种鼓类批发、零售:各种高中低档军鼓,秧歌大鼓、腰鼓、威风锣鼓书鼓、堂鼓、手鼓、铃鼓、特殊鼓类定做、鼓类维修。

    Sell all kinds of high middle and low snare drum , Yangko drum , drum , awe-inspiring drum book drum , percussions , bongos , tambourine , drums made to order special , drum class maintenance .