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dǎ jiǎo
  • disturb;bother;interrupt;trouble;pester
打搅 [dǎ jiǎo]
  • (1) [disturb;trouble]∶扰乱人心或注意力

  • 小人怎敢教人啼哭,打搅官人吃饭。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [pester]∶用琐碎和一再打扰的事折磨

  • 一再打搅他,因此他不能集中精神看书

  • (3) [bother]∶未经邀请、允许或欢迎而进来或进去

  • 对不起,打搅您了

打搅[dǎ jiǎo]
  1. 我本不愿打搅你。

    I didn 't like to disturb you .

  2. 他正在休息,别去打搅他。

    He 's having a rest . Don 't disturb him .

  3. 我们总算吃了一顿没有电话打搅的安生饭。

    We managed to eat our meal uninterrupted by phone calls .

  4. 很抱歉,打搅您了。

    I am sorry if I disturbed you .

  5. 我希望我没有打搅你。

    I hope I 'm not interrupting you .

  6. 不好意思打搅你,我能不能跟你说几句话?

    Sorry to bother you , but could I speak to you for a moment ?

  7. “能打搅一下吗,”肯尼思说。

    ' If I may interrupt for a moment , ' Kenneth said

  8. 在受到热情款待后,他决定离开以免过多打搅主人。

    After the kindness that had been shown to him , he didn 't want to outstay his welcome .

  9. 他在思考时别去打搅他。

    Don 't interrupt him while he is thinking .

  10. 打搅您一下。

    May I trouble you a minute ?

  11. 对不起,打搅你了。

    Pardon me for interrupting you .

  12. 她仍旧求他不要打搅她。

    She continued to beseech him not to disturb her .

  13. 第二,设计过程进行的同时,作者们通常还处在改稿的最后阶段,痛苦到不想被任何事情打搅。

    Second , while the design process is happening , the author is generally in the last harrowing stage of editing their manuscript and doesn 't want any distraction .

  14. 我当时想的,如果这个螺丝再和我作对,我就一锤子敲掉它。小王子又来打搅我的思绪了:

    At that instant I was saying to myself : " If this bolt still won 't turn , I am going to knock it out with the hammer . " Again the little prince disturbed my thoughts .

  15. 【句子翻译】freeof“免于,没有”;别打搅他,他已不停地写了一上午了。他喜欢有个较长的时间不受其它事情的干扰。

    he 's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations .

  16. Takeahike就是叫谁走开,或者是告诉某人不要来打搅我。对吗?

    M : Take a hike is to tell someone to leave , or to tell someone to leave you alone .

  17. 打搅了,这是warsaw的电话号码吗?

    Excuse me , is this a Warsaw number ?

  18. 我叫LeilaMitzman,我希望没打搅到您。

    My name is Leila Mitzman . I hope I 'm not interrupting ?

  19. 躲开!你打搅我了!

    Keep out of my sight ! You really disturb me !

  20. 他不断的打搅害得我发神经病。

    His constant interruption was driving me into a nervous illness .

  21. 打搅一下,我是中联公司的会计。

    Excuse me . I 'm an accountant from Zhonglian Corporation .

  22. 我劝您不要在这时来打搅我。

    I advise you not to disturb me at this moment .

  23. 打搅了,我可以跟这位漂亮的女士说话吗?

    Excuse me , could I speak to this beautiful lady ?

  24. 会你很粗鲁,打搅了进餐。

    They might think you are rude for disturbing their meal .

  25. 你不必怕我再来打搅。

    And you need not dread a repetition of my intrusion .

  26. 我刚说了我不会再打搅你了。

    I just said I was going to leave you alone .

  27. 想象一下我被打搅却无法大叫!

    Imagine me getting annoyed and not being able to yell !

  28. 打搅了,这附近有维修店吗?

    Excuse me . Is there a repair shop near here ?

  29. 噢!我不想打搅你们的庆祝。

    Ooh ! I don 't want to interrupt your victory .

  30. 高尔夫球手颇感被打搅,说道:“什么东西啊?”

    The golfer , annoyed , says ," What is it ?"