
chénɡ nuò qī xiàn
  • Commitment period;time limit required for acceptance
  1. 随着我国对WTO(世界贸易组织)开放建筑市场承诺期限的日益临近,提高建筑企业竞争力的问题在当前显得尤为突出。

    With the fast approaching of the day for China to open the building industry to WTO ( World Trade Organization ) members , how to enhance the competitiveness of our building enterprises has become more prominent than ever .

  2. 承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;

    The offeree fails to make an acceptance at the time when the time limit for acceptance expires ;

  3. 但很多经济学家预计,可能很快美联储就会将低利率承诺期限延至2015年底。

    But many economists predict the Fed will soon extend its low-interest-rate pledge through the end of 2015 .

  4. (一)要约人确定了承诺期限或者以其他形式明示要约不可撤销;

    ( I ) if it expressly indicates , whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise , that it is irrevocable ;

  5. 而首要承诺期限将在今年年底失效,谈判代表们将在多哈气候变化会议上就续约问题展开讨论。

    The first commitment period expires at the end of this year , and negotiators will work on an extension at the climate conference in Doha .

  6. 要约以电话、传真等快速通讯方式作出的,承诺期限自要约到达受要约人时开始计算。

    Where the offer is made through an instantaneous communication device such as telephone or facsimile , etc. , the period for acceptance commences once the offer reaches the offeree .

  7. 承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;孩子们如何判断一个人作出了无法兑现的承诺?

    ( iii ) The offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance ; How can kids tell when a person makes a promise he can 't keep ?

  8. 要约以信件或者电报作出的,承诺期限自信件载明的日期或者电报交发之日开始计算。

    Where an offer is made by a letter or a telegram , the period for acceptance commences on the date shown on the letter or the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch .

  9. 第21条反补贴税和承诺的期限和复审

    Article 21 Duration and Review of Countervailing Duties and Undertakings

  10. 反倾销税和价格承诺的期限和复审

    Duration and Review of Anti-Dumping Duties and Price Undertakings

  11. 投资者被许以诱人的投资回报率,并被承诺一定期限由开发商原价回购小商铺。

    Investors are promised fascinating investment yielding rate and are committed that the small-size merchant stores shall be bought back by the developer .

  12. 白宫昨日面临美国共和党政治人物以及分析家的批评,因为朝鲜申报的主要内容仅涉及到钚,而且比原先承诺的期限要晚6个月。

    The White House faced criticism from Republican politicians and analysts yesterday as the North Korean declaration deals primarily with plutonium and is six months later than promised .

  13. 此外,承包商可以对工程施工拟定其认为必要的期限,并对在其承诺的期限内完工承担全部责任。

    Besides the entrepreneur can propose a time limit which he will consider necessary for the execution and which he takes completely the responsibility to finish for the times limit for which he undertook .

  14. 收到一个顶层的纲要是很正常的,来自合作计划者的单层项目时间安排略述了行销承诺和时间期限。

    It 's normal to receive a skeleton top-level , single-tier program schedule from corporate planners that outlines marketing commitments and timelines .

  15. 因此,我们在阿富汗的驻军承诺不能没有期限,因为我最关心的还是我们本国的建设。

    That 's why our troop commitment in Afghanistan cannot be open-ended -- because the nation that I 'm most interested in building is our own .

  16. 我还明确表示,我们的承诺不是没有期限的,我们要在今年7月开始减少驻阿部队。

    I also made it clear that our commitment would not be open-ended , and that we would begin to draw down our forces this July .

  17. 日本电气最初承诺的持股期限不短于两年,但联想同意提前六个月解除该公司的股权禁售期。

    NEC had originally promised to hold the shares for at least two years , but Lenovo agreed to release it from this lock-up period six months early .

  18. 债券是对在规定日期偿还所借的钱并付利息的承诺,发行期限在一年以上。

    A bond is a promise to repay borrowed money in addition to paying interest on specified dates and is issued for a period of more than a year .

  19. 投资者承诺的持股期限届满前,因其破产、清算、抵押等特殊原因需转让其股份的,经商务部批准可以转让。

    Should shares held by the investor before the expiration of shareholding commitment need to be transferred for such specific reasons of bankruptcy , liquidation , mortgage , they may be transferred with the approval from the Ministry of commerce .

  20. 可转换债券是同时具有股票性质和债券性质的金融工具,发行可转换债券的公司承诺在规定的期限内,债券持有人有权将债券转换为公司的股票;

    Convertible bond is a financial tool with both stock and bond character .

  21. (二)要约以非对话方式作出的,承诺应当在合理期限内到达。

    ( ii ) Where the offer is made in a non-oral manner , the acceptance shall reach the offeror within a reasonable time .

  22. 许可的货品交易量购买或出售给定数量证券或商品的承诺(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;

    A commitment to buy or sell a given amount of securities or commodities . ( iii ) The offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance ;

  23. 在GMC的困境中,公司领导不知是否应该取消与三家不履行赈灾捐款承诺的商业合作伙伴的合约。(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;

    In the dilemma of GMC , the boss does not know whether to cancel the contracts of three business partners who broke promises to donate funds to flood victims . ( iii ) The offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance ;

  24. (二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。(一)要约人确定了承诺期限或者以其他形式明示要约不可撤销;

    ( ii ) It indicates that upon acceptance by the offeree , the offeror will be bound thereby . ( I ) if it expressly indicates , whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise , that it is irrevocable ;